
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · 玄幻
116 Chs

Knocking on a goblin door.

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


After three weeks of the competition started, Moesat already destroyed three base of goblins dens.

They took a week for one base, while killing everything that try to attack them in three weeks.

They have killed more than 300 goblins and 200 human, in this three weeks and they are now going toward the last goblin base.


In the fighting world or martial art world, the speed is the essence but it does not mean other thing were not important.

But all the martial artist must know which should take or not at which time and which place.


There were many skills, it could be use at this low level cultivating realm of Metal forming, Metal Core and Metal Essence.

There were too many skills someone could learn but every skill could not be learn like a GAME Skills.

Game skills are just one click and learn but in reality it take too much time to really understand the deep of a skill.

Moreover, user body is needed to follow the movement of the skill. Understanding and practically doing it is very different, even if someone could understand, they could not do it.

The main important thing is, after they tried hard to learn many skills and then they level up into another realm after that many of these skills became useless for them.

And they needed to learn new skills at higher realm.

So that, training too many low level skills at low level cultivating realm is only for wasting people time and energy.


They should only focus on cultivation to level up at low level cultivating realm and they should only train some which could be used for a long time.

But learning many skills is different. Learning would make someone understand the basic of all the skills.

And all of the skills were created by people who used it, the skill is not just appear out of nowhere for the people to use it.

And all of the skill were step by step created by lower level to higher level. It never started to create from high to low.

If someone wanted to create a skill, but they do not know basic but they just created a DIVINE Skill is only find in stupid novel.


Another thing for the attacking…..

The main important of the attacking skill is to hit the target.


Even if a skill is like…..

When the skill is used,

The big phantom hand bigger than the world appeared in the sky covering the suns and the moons and the big phantom hand grabbing to form a fist and charge the energy into the fist.

The world essence are absorbing into the fist, it is like a vortex is pulling all the essence in, even light could not escape from it.

The whole world darken, lighting cloud are form and many lighting are striking down everywhere on earth.

And the big phantom fist strike down from the sky toward the earth, the whole world is shaking just from the fist is moving. It looks like the punch is too slow in the normal eyes but in reality it is very fast like the light speed.

Finally, the punch reach to the ground,


Air and dust are push away from the impact of the devastating punch and the earth surface.

A big crater is formed.

'An ANT.' Is blown away in the air.

And the punch miss it target….



In many novel, many MC learn many skills and equip with many many gears.

But how many they changed their gears or how many they used their skills,

THEY always lost their enemies with who is some cultivation realms higher than them.

Even if they lost, they never try to reach more higher realm than their enemies.

And again they tried to learn more skills and try to equip more gears.

This event is called as the off target brainless attempt.


These MC main point is missing.


Moesat group,

Lu Lu and Nana learned too many skills but they did not tried to train it.

They only make,

'Dancing Angel skills'

It is combination of many skills, lightfoot skill, evading skills, reach to attack position skills.

Moesat got double power punch, kick, strike. This skill could be used by everyone too.

But they all tried one thing…

This is to improve their strength or power.


Areum reach 80,000 kg strength, her short rang speed is 11m/s, and her long range speed is 70m/s.

She could use katana in medium mastery.

She could slash or stab from many body positions. And she also has devil tree ability.


Enna reach combine strength 70,000kg of sun plus moon power, but her cultivation is different from Moesat. Her sun or moon individual energy is around 25,000kg each.

And she is at the peak of Metal forming stage for both energy and metal organism.

Her speed is 15 m/s short range bust. And long run speed is 50m/s. She used her tentacle for short range speed.

She got many roots body cover defence skill, and energy shield with purifying skill.


Nana reach combine strength 90,000kg of sun moon power. 30,000kg of sun or moon power. She also reach to peak of Metal forming stage.

Her speed is 12m/s in short range, and long run is 60m/s.

She got small shield ability, blood shearing technique, Frozen night moonlit melody (very low stage).

They all were given 4 years of time to reach peak of Metal forming stage by the sun moon trial, but they already reach the peak within two years.


Lu Lu reach 100,000kg strength, and she still needs more to reach peak of metal forming stage.

Her speed is 17m/s short range, and 80m/s at long run.

She has many skills,

Three top doctors skills, and many other skills (she did not use)

And one hidden card ability.


Moesat reach 50,000kg combining power, His dragon form speed 15 m/s short range, 110m/s for long run and 190m/s for long fly.

His metal forming is only reach around 1/3 of the peak metal forming stage.

And he only got double power attacking skill but he could use all part of dragon body to attack the enemy.

Dragon claws, dragon punches, dragon kick, dragon tail, dragon bite, and dragon headbutt.


Moesat always worry for other, so he let other stronger first because his dragon body is too strong to get damage by other.

He was so busy in these days, by flying to travel a place to place, fighting and killing, refining energy and metal organism.

He needed to rest after every one thing he did, or to refill back his energy to make always ready for the fight.

So, he barely got sometime to absorb energy into his body, absorbing the energy is another kind of refining, so he needed to rest again.

For this many reason, they slowly travelling a place to next.

Right at this moment, Lu Lu is the strongest and Moesat is the weakest in their group.


Now they are walking toward the last base of goblin den.

When they could see the first defence line of goblin, they stop and Moesat shout at the goblin guards.

"I am here to talk with your goblins leaders. I do not come here to fight but if you started and I will fight back."

Moesat shouted at goblin guards but his voice could reach more than two miles.

Many goblins are rush out, they are shouting to each other and they try to surround the Moesat group.

"Don't try to surround us, if you do it and we will think as you are trying to attack us and we will going to attack back."

Moesat gives out warning again while they draw back a few meter away from their standing.

They did not come here to fight, for that reason Moesat is withdraw.


But goblins were not listening to their warning, they are continuing advance toward Moesat and trying to surround the Moesat group.

They were stopped by a very loud voice in the goblin language, it must be their goblin leader voice.

They all now stand and form a defence line and they wait, soon they open up a way in the middle to give a way for their leaders.

Three of goblins leaders come out, the middle one is bigger than normal human size.


Three of them are looking at a woman and children and they face frown. And they look at the surrounding area.

And they tell something to their subordinates in their language,

Some of them rush out in different directions.

Moesat know that they were checking for ambush, so he did not prevent it.


"Are you all alone?"

Left side goblin leader from Moesat ask them, that goblin is shorter than the middle one but stronger body build than middle one.

"Yes, we are. We came here to negotiated, we do not come here to fight. But if it is needed and I will fight. And if I fight I would not stop until the fight is done."

Moesat clearly stated that what and why he came.

There were always some people who started the fight and at the time they were losing and they wanted to stop without surrender.

They try to say this "Sorry, wrong target." and they ran away without paying the price of their attack.


"You will fight with us? Just with your group?"

The thin goblin that stand right side from Moesat sneer at Moesat group.

Moesat do not fight back in words, he just looks at the middle one and he wait.

The leader is wise.

"Tell us what do you want to negotiated with us?"


"We came here to destroy goblin base in this area."

Moesat stops and wait.

Many goblins are starting to make noise, but the leader rise his hand and stops that noise.

And he is looking at Moesat without saying a word.

So, Moesat continue..

"But I gave a promise to some goblins that I will not kill their children and defenceless females."

Moesat did not only say female, some of them were female warriors and he killed some of them.

And there were some human women in the goblin group too.


Moesat continue without waiting too much.

"And I promised them, I will take these females and children to another goblins group for their safety."

"In this area, there were four goblins base and I already destroyed three base, if I destroy this base and it would be harder for me to find an another place for these females and children."

Now Moesat stops and wait. He knew that his words would make all the goblin angry.


Many of the goblins voice come out, even the clam goblin leader face become angry.

They all were firing up and wanted to attack, and step forward.

Goblin leader shout with angry voice without looking back and he is continue looking at Moesat with anger.

"Don't you think you words are too much overbearing? With just your group?"


Moesat looks at the leader calmly and…

"Do you think! a woman and children came to your door step and knocking on your front door to look for their grave?"

"Do you really think that we came here to tell you nonsense about destroying three goblins base and safety for goblin children?"

Moesat stops again and looks straight into the leader eyes.

The goblin leader is not stupid, he got his calmness back and look at the Moesat group.

He see non of Moesat group is afraid of his 300 group of goblins.


So, he is thinking for a clue or looking for a loop hole.

Two other leader were telling him something and the leader is listing everything of their idea.

But soon he found a clue and his face light up.

"You told me to keep women and children, where are they now?"

He asks Moesat.

This is the main prove of all word that Moesat said and he thought Moesat would say these women and children were somewhere far behind or something.

And he was thinking of many trick that Moesat group could do….

'Like luring the tiger out of the den or cutting the snake head or cutting all the branches and roots.'