

#Chapter41 One

Madeline POV:

Last night Brandon called me and asked me what I had planned for us?

I told him that I'll let him know what we will be doing tomorrow so here I was helping Bryan to get dress.

Bryan had been watching me for last ten minutes rampaging through his closet.

Why I'm so picky about his dress today?

I've decided to take him with me to meet Brandon. I understand that now that sooner or later I've to tell Brandon about Bryan so why not let them get know each other and then I'll drop the bomb on Brandon.

Inside I have been dreading this day when Brandon will find about Bryan.

I have no idea how he will react.

Will he shout at me?

Will he hate me for this and leave me?

Thousands of questions have been bothering me but i have to take a step in the right direction to make everything work.

My son deserves his father's love just like Brandon deserves to acknowledge our son.