


Everything is black and I my body feels numb.

My head has a splitting headache and it's killing me, I can't shout, I can't move, I can't rage out.


Despite the painful and panic inducing situation I am in, the sound of a door opening reverberated throughout my ears.

Step, step, step.

From the door came steps, it sounded metallic.

"So you're still alive eh?"

Still? Am I supposed to be dead or something?

My curiosity towards his words rose and I decided to try and communicate with the man however, my throat betrayed me and what came out were several unknown gibberish.

"Hmph, that's how a bloodsucker should be"

I can hear steps heading out of the room after the ominous words he left me.


He seemed furious, slamming the door like that.

I wonder if I did anything to him? I tried to jog my memories but each one of them were all blocked, as if a crystal stood in between them.

Thump, thump, thump.

The splitting headache that I had has just gotten worse and my eyes are joining in the fray, it feels as if a bunch of needles were poking them and among all the pain I realized that my sight was back and I saw a dungeon like surroundings but immediately after I passed out silently.


Pant, pant, pant.

I woke up, I was sweating and all the pain I felt disappeared.

I remember gaining my sight before I passed out and I was in a dungeon like environment.

"A bed? Did someone place me here?"

I immediately stood up and looked around, I was in a room with blue walls and a single window beside the bed.

On the corner was a closet and I found myself without clothes so I took the opportunity to get some clothes.


"Oh? you're up early today huh"

While I was in the middle of wearing the clothes that apparently all fitted me, a female voice surprised me and I attacked her out of shock.



I misjudged my strength and I didn't expect myself to fly towards the girl and apparently she didn't as well and we ended up in the floor.

I had two of my arms stretched out and her face was very close to mine, I had my knees near her "spot" and it was really awkward.

She looked ecstatic and her pupils, if I weren't imagining it due to the light had heart shaped pupils.

"Z-Zeke~ Not here~"

Step, step, step.

"Stop with the lewdness kick!"

All of the sudden another person came but this time it was a male and he kicked me in the head, I had no time to react so I closed my eyes and took it like a champ.


I wish I didn't though, it made me fly a few meters straight into the stairs and I rolled around before I opened my eyes again and I could hear laughter from several people.

"That's a new way to fall! Gahaha!"

A tall bulky man stood in front of me while laughing, he had a red hair with a buzz cut and a scar running from his left eyes to his chin.

He was about 6'7 or 6'8 and he only had a single arm, he was wearing a black tank top and leather pants with metal laced boots.

"Zeke are you alive?"

A little girl crouched near me and poked me with a stick, she had blue hair styled into the traditional twin tails.

She had long eyelashes and yellow eyes with star pupils, she was around 4'11 or 5'0 and also wore a black tank top that showed her toned muscles, she was wearing a knee length skirt and same metal laced boots.

I tried standing up and to my surprise I was fine and the pain from the kick didn't last long, remembering that, I turned my head towards the direction of stairs and saw a man and a woman walking down the stairs.

The boy had blonde hair styled into a pompadour and he had female features such as long eyelashes and plump lips, his eyes were azure blue and he wore the same outfit as the other bulky guy and stood at around 5'7.

"Next time I sense you movie for princess and the kick isn't gonna be so light!"


The female from before was still blushing but her eyes were actually heat shaped, she had long black hair in a hime cut and she had a particular mole under her left eye in the shape of a reversed star and she wore the same outfit as the loli.

"I'm sorry for the stupidity of this dumbass~"

I inhaled and let out a long and tired sigh, they all turned their attention towards me and I ignored them and went towards a mirror.

A boy with medium length black hair that had bangs which covered my right eye stood in front of me, it took me a while but apparently that was me.

I had black, void like pupil-less eyes while my right eye was covered by an eye patch with 3 claws as It's design and a stud at both my ears, I had no upper outfit as I was interrupted beforehand but my pants were the same as the other 2 boys.

I stood at around 5'10 and my body was extremely muscly.

I turned around and looked at everybody, I was officially confused and I did not know what is happening so the first words I ever spoke ever since I woke up was.

"Who am I?"

They all just laughed and I felt even more awkwardness while naked.


All of the sudden my surroundings changed and I was back in the dungeon like cell.

'What was that?!-'

The previous head splitting headache returned and I started remembering a new set of memories, it was the same as what I just experienced except that it was also fundamentally different.

I stood up and tried walking but I soon found out that I was chained so I gave up on it, I looked around for anything that could reflect my experience and by luck there was a puddle of weird clear liquid beneath me.

'...That's me?'

I was expecting myself to look like the me from my memories but I wasn't, my splitting headache came back and I my voice was slowly coming back.


I shouted from the top of my lungs that I didn't notice the same man from before was already standing in front of me.

"Just how fast do you heal?"

I stared down at the puddle again, it wasn't a black haired guy but a white haired faceless man with a mouth.

"Tell me, how can I see without eyes?"

I asked the man but he only gave me a smirk and walker out of the room once more.

"Who...am I?"