

Some weeks had passed Alastor was broadcasting like usual. Alastor was especially excited today as he would teach the boy how to use a hunter shotgun. He had seen often his eyes which sparkled with curiosity to his hunter shotgun so he promised him that he would teach him how to use it.

Alastor almost chuckled while broadcasting but he held it in him, and he continued to broadcast. After work Alastor walked home directly, he did not want to waste but teach him fast how to use a hunter shotgun because if he teaches him that he can watch seeing how he hunts deer.

Two hours later Alastor was in the woods and the boy was holding a hunter shotgun. He kneeled to the ground and pointed with his finger to a deer.

"You see the deer, right?" Alastor asked and the boy nod to Alastor question.

"Good take a breath and aim right you need to be patient never do the hunt too fast otherwise you will fail more often"

Alastor wanted to make sure that the boy would become a good hunter if not the best he should at least know the basic.

"And don't show any fear or hostility against your prey often they can sense it"

He gave the advice that would be important for the start, and he should train in the following years. If the boy also trains when Alastor is not with him, he was sure he could watch over himself good while staying in the woods mostly only problem would be ammunition Alastor had not an idea how the boy could get that for himself.

Alastor pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated to teaching the boy how to use the hunter shotgun. The lessons were going well while the boy had not hit the deer at first try it was because he could hold the weapon rightfully the hunter shotgun was just bigger than the boy was.

Still, it was good for a newbie using a weapon for the first time Alastor had to begin with not high expectations about the boy, but he did at least good enough. Alastor had continued the lesson for three hours he had enough ammunition with him for it.

The boy was really tired the two were sitting on the snow.

While they had the lesson Alastor did see someone, he was targeting so he made the boy kill him and he managed to do it with only one shoot without hesitation that was something Alastor was impressed with he had even clapped for the boy.

"Good job you were not even afraid doing it"

The praise from Alastor made the boy happy and so the boy smiled at Alastor. Alastor was carrying the corpse as if the corpse was not dead but rather injured only that way no one would suspect it being dead but rather that Alastor is bringing him somewhere only. It is important to have people have a good first impression and not see the bad things of someone else.

He had told the boy to wait for him and not move from the spot as it would be bad if the two were seen together. Alastor did not want that the boy gets in trouble just because he helped him multiple times. It went he had seen no other hunter Alastor had thoughts it would that nothing will happen as he did often already.

He was pulling the corpse to the usual place where he would have often brought the corpses as there was enough ground to bury multiple corpses. He came there in just some minutes he had a shovel in a bush.

Pulling the shovel, he was digging a hole he was doing it fast as something in Alastor was saying that he should hurry.

He started digging faster and faster digging more dirt up when Alastor finished digging, he threw the corpse in the hole. He let a relief sigh out he was about to bury the corpse when a dog suddenly came attacking him and biting in his arm Alastor was trying to shake the dog off but instead was being pulled down. He fought back even punching the dog. Alastor was shot down dying in an instant.