
Memories of a Returnee

How does one go about changing the future if all they know is how the story ends? Would adding more knowledge allow for a more efficient path? Or would it cause a future driven by emotion? Which one is even the correct choice? Only those who have reached the end have these answers.

Ashen_Rain · 奇幻
12 Chs

The First Crossroad (1)

The crater stretched deep and ragged, with jagged rocks protruding like broken teeth along its edges. At its center lay the fallen body of 'The Greatest Evil', surrounded by blood and scorched earth.

Why was he given this label? His legacy was one of murder, torture, and mass destruction, leaving entire cities in ruins and countless lives lost. Opposing him meant facing a cruel fate, as he took pleasure in tormenting not only his enemies but also their innocent families.

Against this greatest evil stood four heroes.

What earned them this title? They were the ones responsible for bringing down the villain, their actions deemed necessary for the greater good, in the name of justice.

Ultimately, they represent two sides of the same coin. The same actions can be perceived very differently; one person may be seen as evil while the other as justified. Even if the supposed "evil" seeks revenge for their loved ones' death, society condemns them. Even if the "heroic" individuals caused the deaths and pushed the villain to seek revenge, their actions would likely not be condemned.

A tall blonde-haired man, missing an arm, exuded strength and determination. Behind him, his companions bore exhaustion and battle scars. Two women looked worn and disheveled, while the third had a bandage covering her missing eye.

The one-eyed woman took a step closer, realizing this was her only opportunity to ask the question that had haunted her for years. Leaning over, she gazed down at the soon-to-be corpse with her remaining blood-red eye.

"Michael, why did you become a monster?"


The words pierced through the thin veil of composure that held the woman's emotions at bay. In the tense silence that followed, harsh breaths and the grinding of teeth filled the air.

"You destroyed everything for one girl's death? What made her so damn special?" Her voice cracked with raw emotion as she struggled to hold back tears. Anger and grief boiled inside her, threatening to consume her completely.

"Pft-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Claire, you know nothing about me after all…"

Michael sneered and continued his final sermon.

"She was everything to me. The only thing in this world that did not appear grey. The only person who kept my madness at bay. Without her, there was nothing of worth in the world. So, I destroyed it."

Claire, shocked by the emotion in the man known as 'The Greatest Evil' did not respond immediately. Seeming enraged by Michael's reasoning, the other three heroes spewed venom onto the dying man.

"YOU'RE INSANE! You caused so much death and chaos just because of that deformed bitch," roared the white-haired mage.

"Claire, don't bother yourself with this trash anymore. Nobody thinks of you and him as related by now," remarked the red-haired mage.

The one-armed spearman chimed in at the end, "That's right, Claire, it's all over. You would regret it for life if you got a wrinkle over him."


Michael seemed like he would die then and there. Appearing to defy reality, his will alone allowed his broken body to hold on a minute longer.


Spitting up the blood he had hacked up, Michael sneered at the heroes. "Till the end, you lot are hypocrites. No, maybe you are idiots unaware of a single truth."

Angered by the comment, one of the uninjured female heroes went to kill Michael. Before she could, the one-armed spearman said, "Don't get his filthy blood on your hands."

Ignoring their interaction, Michael looked up to the sky and closed his eyes.

The expression of pure serenity and regret that marred his face during those final moments would have shocked all but the one he could direct smiles to.

"Do I need to give him another chance?"

'No, that alone isn't enough…'

"Regardless of whether he achieves his vengeance, he could never save that girl a single time. And without that happening, a different future cannot unfold."

The unknown entity, cloaked in a shroud of shadows, paced restlessly in a circle. With each step, the darkness around her seemed to cling and swirl, creating an otherworldly aura.

Feeling the urgency of time running out, she released a deep breath and decided this would be her final try.

"Nothing will change regardless of how many times I reset this planet; I need to add in another variable."

The unknown entity stretched out her arms, and from her hands, two massive magic circles materialized. One glittered silver, while the other shimmered in a deep green. The circles grew in size, overtaking her hands and expanding outwards, the silver one pulsating faintly while the green one crackled with energy.


"Whatever the ratio between the two, someone new will be waiting for me when I wake up."

Despite holding unimaginable power, she was unable to escape from the chains that restricted her kind of action.


The golden chains glinted in the dim light of the room, wrapping around the woman's limbs, neck, and waist like serpents. Slowly, her eyes closed, filled with reluctance and defeat

Story is soon to be avalable on Royal Road as well

Ashen_Raincreators' thoughts