
Memories of a Returnee

How does one go about changing the future if all they know is how the story ends? Would adding more knowledge allow for a more efficient path? Or would it cause a future driven by emotion? Which one is even the correct choice? Only those who have reached the end have these answers.

Ashen_Rain · 奇幻
12 Chs

Awakening (2)

Two days later

-Michael von Raven Nexum-

Age: 12

Strength: G

Agility: G

Endurance: G

Stamina: G

Intelligence: S-

Charm: B+

-Michael von Raven Nexum-

"Endurance and stamina have decreased by a sub-rank each."

"Not too bad."

After undergoing a month's worth of physical training in just two days, the thin layer of fat I previously possessed was erased. While my muscles only became slightly more toned, there were significant improvements in cardiovascular stamina.

Although my physique still lags behind that of my awakened peers, I trust that my body will not fail me.

The gravity room bears visible signs of my efforts over the past two days: sweat stains cover every surface, and the air carries a musty odor. Surprisingly, Rose doesn't seem to mind being here for so long.

"Young master, it's time to stop. Madam Cecelia and Sir Felix allowed this under the condition that you rest tonight."

While her presence wasn't necessary, training with Rose by my side has been smoother. Her presence allowed me to train without restraint, and the extra time per circuit yielded results despite the time constraint.

"I know, I planned to rest tonight regardless of the condition."

Though physical fatigue has been relieved by using elixirs, 48 hours of non-stop training takes a mental toll on anyone. Rose's puzzled expression contradicts her actions, suggesting she expected me to ignore the need for rest. While I briefly considered it, mental fatigue has slightly impaired the awakening process.

Thankfully, the results achieved in the past two days were sufficient, and further training would not be beneficial for the awakening.

"Rose, tell the chef to prepare my meal. I'll be there within half an hour."

With a slight bow of her head, Rose replies and gathers herself to leave.

"As you wish."

Hurriedly, I inform her, "When you are done, feel free to take the rest of today and tomorrow off."

Turning around with a slight smile, Rose replied, "Okay, I'll be on call if you need anything."

Having spent the past two days in the same room, we've gradually become more casual with each other. I expected Rose to grow more distant, but it seems she desired this for a while.


Leaving the gravity room and walking back to my own, I took the time to observe the mansion.

The bottom floor, where I just was, is extremely plain, containing only training equipment and specialized rooms. The second floor serves as a reception and relaxation area, while the third houses guests and a few important staff members. The fourth floor holds all the family members' offices and personal rooms.

Having reached my room after five minutes, I immediately went to shower. While grime isn't bothersome during exercise, relaxing while filthy is impossible.


After a long shower, 25 minutes had passed. Quickly drying off, I looked in the mirror to observe the changes in my physique.

"Not even close to perfect, but good enough."

Still, I marveled at my genetics. Even this much progress would have taken an average person a year. Despite my sedentary past, my body wasn't completely devoid of fitness. Two days of dedicated exercise I have transformed it into that of a casual athlete.

The lack of body fat made everything look tight and compact, with perfectly aligned abs and naturally large shoulders accentuating my physique. My bodily proportions would make any professional bodybuilder on Earth envious.

"In a decade, there won't be anyone who isn't amazed by this body."


"Young Master, I have brought your meal."

Hearing an unfamiliar voice, I reply, "Just leave it there."

"As you wish."

After quickly dressing myself in loungewear, I opened the door and brought the trolley inside my room. Deciding to shut my brain down while eating, an hour flew by.

"Considering how long it took Father to prepare everything for the awakening, he must have received assistance from the mage association."

"I hope he wasn't too heavy-handed while doing so..."

If support is given to them through the mage association as before, they will amass an annoying amount of support. While I doubted Father's humility in his dealings, as long as he didn't openly threaten them...

"He probably did..."


The next morning


"So this is the one you were kicking up a fuss about? Hope he was worth it."

Stepping through the warp gate, I was greeted by a grey-haired elderly man alongside Father.

Bradly Conti, an SS+ rank mage and the vice master of the Mage Association, had a rather gruff demeanor but a straightforward personality. His criteria were simple: Put forth effort? Good. Study magic? Better. Are you talented? Fantastic.

Unfortunately, neither the previous Michael nor I had ever shown any of these qualities.

"I bet you'll be amazed, Bradly; another monster will be born." Father's cheerful banter irritated Bradly.

With a deep breath and a twitching eye, Bradly retorts, "I guess I need to give it my everything so you cannot blame his failure on us."

"That would be appreciated."

As the elevator stopped and we reached one of the higher floors, the conversation turned serious.

"Kid, you will feel an intangible pressure inside… try not to faint."

My lack of memories on this topic pressured me to absorb everything Bradly said.

"Noted. Anything else I should be aware of?"

As we entered the awakening room, instead of the pressure Bradly mentioned, I felt a sense of comfort.

'Could this be? But how is this possible?'

Old man Bradly clearly didn't believe I had the smallest amount of talent. And while Father had faith, it didn't seem like he thought it was to that degree.

Having caught their unconscious reactions, I couldn't help but smirk.

"Thinking it might be worth your time now, gramps?"

Seeing Bradly snort, it was obvious that his interest was piqued.

The pressure I should have felt was due to the ambient mana inside the room. Although the density was only slightly higher than normal, it should have been enough to elicit a reaction from the vast majority of non-awakened individuals.

Only those with an incredibly high natural affinity and tolerance for mana wouldn't be affected by the ambient mana. Such people are nearly guaranteed to become an SSS rank, regardless of the path they take.

Considering there are only 13 people of that rank alive… I certainly am a monster.

'If those two knew I felt comfort instead of nothing… they might have died of shock.'

While Bradly was unaware of the true extent of my talents, his treatment of me softened.

"As you probably guessed, I will be guiding you in the formation of your mana core. Felix, the Mana gem?"

Seeing that Bradly wanted to start shortly, he brought out an ornate black box. Upon being handed the box, Bradly opened it and exclaimed, "S rank? Why are you using something this good?"

Although I didn't voice my opinion, the same question arose in my mind.

"The S rank Mana Gem is something Father could have used to help break through to the SS rank. Regardless of how much he dotes on his son, this is too much."

"…Cecilia would have beaten me to a pulp had I kept it for myself."

The solemn tone in Father's voice made all three of us turn quiet in awkwardness.

Trying to redirect the conversation, Father quickly said, "Regardless of Cecilia, as long as marginally better results are yielded, I will have no regrets."

Although neither Bradley nor I doubted his words, they seemed far less convincing after his previous statement.

Redirecting his focus toward me, Bradley said, "If you are ready, go sit in the center of the room."

The process of awakening is divided into two steps, with mana core formation being the first and easiest.

As declared by the world government, civilians should awaken at the age of twelve. Awakening centers are provided for them free of charge. This act of charity is simply a means to keep people in check and recruit those who are talented.

A talented person will have naturally completed the formation of their core by the age of 18, even without the assistance of a mana gem. Simply by absorbing ambient mana over time, a core can be completed, with faster completion indicating greater talent.

This is the route talented commoners tend to go down. Those of blessed birth, like myself and others from elite families, can skip the process of building a mana core over time. By using a mana gem and having an experienced awakened guide, a core can be completed immediately.

Considering mana gems are only rarely found in C rank monsters and above, the cost of a single C rank mana gem is enough for an average family to get by for over a year. Not to mention the higher rank ones that cost millions of UC (Universal Currency).

The S rank gem Father prepared for my awakening costs more than an average person can even imagine.

Seeing that I had sat down in the center of the room, Bradly handed me the S-rank Mana Gem before placing his hands on my back.

"I will guide the mana from the gem into you and show you the path needed to form your core. I will relinquish control when I feel you have the hang of it."

With a small nod from myself, the awakening began.