
Melania: Tale of a Mannequin

A young orphan girl was dreaming to be beautiful like a mannequin. She always see a dream that she was talking to the queen in Bolanaire kingdom who called the mannequin's land, and there she met Brando, who always warned her to stay away from the queen. She fall in love with him but she knew that he is not really exist. One day, while she was in the mall to go window shopping, she watched an event with a man's body pageant. And there she saw Brando who's been one of the contestant in the said pageant. (The book cover was not mine)

JTMLover · 奇幻言情
129 Chs

Chapter 112 - Jewelry Shop

Days passed…

Brando is still unaware that his safety box is empty.

Misty did nothing but go shopping, using Brando's money that she got from the safety box.

She keeps the things she buys in her own cabinet.

She went to the jewelry shop and bought a lot of jewelries, she also tried to sell the diamond.

And the jeweler was surprised when they saw this kind of big diamond.

Misty sells it, but the jeweler can't afford it because of its very high price. Misty doesn't know where she will sell it. She did not have enough knowledge when it came to such a thing.

She returned to the Bolanaire land again, and she talks to the teachers.

"How can I sell this diamond?" she eagerly asked. But the teacher can't answer her question.

"We do not know anything about the world, we do not know how dear queen,"

The teachers softly said.

"Then they are useless? I thought I could do a lot when I got it!" Said Misty.