
7. You?

True love begins when nothing is looked for in return.


Antoine De Saint-Exupery...


Lillie looked at the unfamiliar woman sitting next to her and holding her hand with a million and one questions in her head. But the one question that she wanted an answer to the most was the one question that she already had the answer to. She felt her heart stabbed with a knife and then twisted it. The pain was so strong that she teared up again. She couldn't believe that those nasty, and vile creatures had taken everything from her.

She looked at the woman and was disappointed, waking up and not seeing her aunt again crushed as soon as she woke up and didn't see her aunt. The reality dawned on her as she faced the bitter and painful truth.

Seeing the look of disappointment in her eyes, Cecile felt useless. She could understand her pain and wanted to cheer her up, even if it was just a little if not completely.

"It's okay, little one. Don't cry over spilt tea instead, look towards the future, there is always a bright side there. I know you are strong and you can do it. So don't let the past weigh you down." Cecile said, trying to comfort her.

Lillie looked into the eyes of the woman and could see she truly cared for her and was touched. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply to calm her messed-up thoughts and emotions. When she opens her eyes again, there was no longer pain in them, there were clear and determined. Her demeanour changed completely and looked like a different person.

Cecile was both surprised and impressed. She looked at the girl in front of her with administration in her eyes. She couldn't be more proud of her. As the future queen of the lycanthrope, she will need such attributes in her personality, strong, fierce, confident and domineering so she can easily tame and control those haughty creatures and common their respect.

"Did you have me?" Lillie asked. Her voice was loud and clear like she did not just wake up from a coma and had been awake the whole night.

Cecile looked at her and once again was impressed by her. 'It looks like she has accepted the truth already. Cecile thought to herself. "No, I did not save you," she answered truthfully.

When Lillie heard that she looked at the woman suspiciously and raised a brow askance which made her continue talking. "The man who saved you is currently in the bathroom he has been with you the whole night I just came to look after you in his absence."

Hearing that, Lillie remembered the white beast who came in in her dying moment and save her and the man after he shifted back to a human form. She remembered his naked body which was on display before her eyes and blushed hard. She quickly pushed the thought of him saving her out of her mind. He might have his own because he was mad at them or because they were rivals of some sort. He wasn't there to save her, absolutely no way.

'What's your name? " Lillie asked, changing the topic. She didn't want to think about that shifter again.

"My name is Cecile," she answered with a smile. "If you ever news anything just let me know and I will help you get it, okay?"

"I will keep that in mind, thank you." Lillie said gracefully." Is this your house?" she asked after looking around the unfamiliar surrounding.

"No. This is not my house." Cecile replied.

"His house then," Lillie said and nodded her head in understanding.

"No, this is a hospital, not his house," Cecile said taking her by surprise.

If this was a room in the hospital it had to be one of those VIP wards she had heard so much about but was never able to afford because there were impossibly expensive. But then again, why would a stranger keep her here, when she was as much a stranger to him as he was to her?

She turned to Cecile and said," Madam Cecile, sorry for all the trouble that I caused you and your friend but I can't afford a ward like this, all this was not necessarily a regular ward would have been fine. But I promise to find a way to pay off my debt to you and your friend." Lillie said with a hopeful and apologetic look in her eyes.

Cecile smiled at her when she said that she would pay back the money spent on her." You don't have to pay back anything, the man who brought you here is more than capable to do more than that for you." Cecile said, still smiling sweetly.

Lillie"a face twitched in confusion. ' Why would he be willing to do more for me? Why will he do something like this for someone whom he does not know?' It's not she mattered to him or something like that. From the way Cecile spoke of him with respect, it helps her that he was not someone simple or ordinary.

"Madam Cecile, I am...." She tries to speak but was cut mid-sentence by Cecile

"Just call me Cecile, without the MADAM," Cecile said stressing the word, madam. "I prefer to that way," she explained.

"Oh. Okay." Lillie said and nodded her head and then rephrased the way she addressed her. "Cecile, I am sorry but I don't understand you. Why would he do something like this for me? I don't even know him."

Cecile wanted to tell her everything but she didn't, she thought it will be best if Lillie gets to hear it from Alex himself. That way, the king won't get mad at her for taking away an opportunity to talk to his mate from him and that will also be a good way to start a conversation with each other and the mates can get to know each other.

"I can't answer that for you, why don't you wait and ask him yourself?" Cecile said looking at Lillie and hoping she agrees. Lillie looked at her with suspicion. She felt like Cecile knew but was refusing to tell her. On the other hand, her idea was not bad, it would be better to hear it from the horse's mouth itself.

Lillie nodded at her suggestion and changed the question which Cecile appreciated and sighed in relief. "What is his name? I mean, the man who saved me."

"Alexander Ragnar," Cecile said.

"Alexander Ragnar," Lillie repeated the name. Cecile nodded. "Alright, thank you for everything," Lillie said.

Alex came out of the bathroom and heard her call her name, his name has never sounded better than when it came out of her mouth. He loved the sound of it. Coupled with the fact she was asking about him, he felt blissfully inside him. He walked over to them and clears his throat to get their attention.

Cecile didn't have to look to know who was behind her as she led one last time at Lillie and rose to leave the two of them alone.

Lillie tilted her head a little upward to see the face of the man who saved her because the was practically towering over her. Her breath hitched as she saw him. Coming out of the shower all fresh with a few strands of hair falling over his face and beads of water running down his jawline, he looked breathtaking, just like a man who came right out of a woman's dream. He was perfection.

'This man is handsome' she thought to herself and a blush appeared on her face. She had to admit that there was no flaw in his looks.

Then she took a closer look at his eyes and her eyes widened in shock. She instantly recognized him.

"You?!" She exclaimed in recognition.