
25. Get it done

"I want you to help kill a human." A woman said to a man who was seated opposite her Her red hair stopped at her shoulder perfectly matching her temper at the moment. "I want her gone."

"This is the first time seeing you so worked up because of a human to the extent that you had to invite me to a bar just to tell me to kill her," The man said with a chuckle. "What is so special about this human, if I may ask, Lydia?"

"There is nothing special about her." Lydia spat out in annoyance. "She is just a human with no one carter for her."

"If she could get you this worked up then I think she is very special. So tell me, what is it?" The man asked.

"Why do you care, Jim? I have provided all you need to know to get the job done, get rid of her." Lydia said and throw a closed file in front of Jim, "It's all in there."