
Night Paradise (1)

In a flash, the four of them vanished from Xu Mei's mountain's peak and appeared at a secluded location, Lady Moon's private land. As soon as her hold over them loosened, Quinlan quickly pushed them away and ran a few steps back, turning around, and taking one deep breath.

"God, what an awful smell!" He roared while panting hard.

After catching his breath, Quinlan finally raised his head and stared at the place they were brought into.


A quiet gasp escaped his lips at the natural beauty of the place. The surroundings were dark, lit by nothing but starlight, the faint yellow moon, and the glowing lights floating in the sky.

To add, fireflies glowing a greenish hue were flying around a crystal-clear, pristine lake. Everything worked in tandem, making the scene look as if it was sparkling.

Quinlan, who only finds machines beautiful by default, couldn't deny that the scene before him was quite a sight.