
Chapter 74

Life in the temple proved surreal at times. Onaria still had a hard time grasping the change of pace in her life.

Overnight, she'd become a person of importance. The prophet's wife. It meant all kinds of bowing and scraping as people curried her favor.

As they should. The lesser gears recognize those of us who came first. The ones with the strongest spirit.

But she didn't want to be worshipped. There were many times when she wished they were back on her aunt's farm, just the two of them, snuggling in bed, making love.

Not that Jool didn't love her or spend time with her. He did. He was, after all, her husband, the father of her burgeoning child. Yet he was different. All that responsibility - or was it the gears? - turned him into a man she barely recognized.

The scholar she'd fallen in love with became. . .a powerful stranger. One that she feared as much as she lusted after.