
I'm not giving up

Thank you for treating us big brother,Ryan said. It's nothing,since is Alicia's favourite spot,Kim said. I feel like Ryan has stolen my big brother from me,Dinah said as she pouted her mouth. Come on babe,you know we said we would share everything,he said as he pecked her.

Alicia,why do you like this place? Kim said. This place? Alice asked has she was distracted. Yeah! Kim answered. Yeah,I have a lot of memories here with my boyfriend,Alice said. You have a boyfriend? Kim asked. Yeah,Alice said. Kim system changed all of a sudden as he took one shot. I told him not to like her,look at what he did to himself,Dinah whispered to her boyfriend. They both laughed secretly...

Hey babe,where are you? Oh,I will wait,just be quick,I've missed you. You will be here in the next five minutes. Alright, bye.Love you too.Alice said to Alex through the phone. Guys,you don't have to wait,I don't want go stop you from enjoying your day,Alice said. No no,I'm good....I want to see your boyfriend,Kim said.

Hey babe,you are the one of white shirt.I can see you,Alice said to Alex. The moment Kim heard that phone conversation,he stood up,picked up a tissue and cleaned an inexistent dirt at the side of Alicia's lips. Alicia,Dinah and Ryan "..." .

Alex already sited his girlfriend.Finally,he said. The moment he saw a guy getting close to her,he became angry and started walking fast.That can't be Ryan,he said. Baby,Alicia screamed as she stood up to hug her boyfriend. Alex kissed her so deep.Alicia was confused. Why are you like this today? Alice whispered. I noticed one guy getting close to you,so I wanted to show him you're mine.

I already told him I have a boyfriend,Alice said. Alright, let's see if the guy is cute,Alex said as they both walked towards the others. Kim was confused,this face looks familiar,he thought. Alex? he said. Kim? Alex said. You guys know each other? Dinah asked. Yeah,we met at the hospital my dad was admitted,he showed me around the hospital and how things work there,so we lost contact after I came back here,Alex said.

So Alice is the girl you used to talk about? Kim asked. Yes,Alex replied as he held Alice's hand tightly.Wow,you talked about me,Alice said. Yes babe,Alex replied. Kim came forward to hug Alex,that doesn't mean I'm giving up,he whispered. That moment was so cold that Ryan and Dinah almost freezed.

Alright,I'll leave you guys alone...I have business to attend to,Kim said. Yeah,you should go,Alex said. Kim face became sore as he got into his car. That was my brother Alex,you should respect him,Dinah said. Your brother likes my girlfriend,Alex said. Don't talk to my babe like that,we will leave you guys alone,Ryan said as he held Dinah. Let's go babe,he said.

Don't be mad guys,Alice said. We are not mad,you guys missed each other a lot that you even kissed publicly,Dinah said. Alex even told me to make sure you are okay,bro I have a girlfriend to take care of too,Ryan said. You have to take care of my bestie too,Dinah said. I almost forgot my babe is a bully,Ryan said.Really! Dinah exclamed.Babe wait! Ryan ran after the angry Dinah. Alex and Alice could only smirk.