
Me and God of Wibu

Hai_Thi · 漫画同人
69 Chs

A kingdom named Fontaine

"From now on. I declare that the west side of Alabasta kingdom is no longer under our control" Vivi standing on the high platform said to everyone below.

"To ensure your safety, please do not go over there. That place is occupied by a vicious pirate." Vivi looked at a group of reporters.

"I, as a new king of Alabasta, promise that I will take that land back." She strongly declared.

Reporters below crazily wrote it down to their notes.

Looking at the flow of the situation, Vivi knew the situation went well.

After her father's abdication, Vivi became the new king of Alabasta. At first, she thought she would be opposed since there was no woman became a king before.

Strangely. After Vivi became the new king of Alabasta, there was no one opposing or criticizing her.

In opposite, they accepted her and saw her as a new king.

After reporters were done with writing, they didn't leave immediately. They stayed down there and called their boss to report.

Vivi knew down there. There was a spy from the World Government observing in the shadow.

Vivi may be a weak person but she wasn't a stupid person.

If she said that her father gave the West side of Alabasta to pirates, the World Government would surely judge and declare Alabasta a traitor. 

No matter how she explained, they wouldn't listen.

Vivi didn't need to think about the aftermath since the result was obvious.

Vivi was sandwiched between 2 forces. 

One is the World Government

Two is the new rising pirate.

Although Vivi was standing between them, she knew it would be a loss game if she chose one of the sides.

No matter which side she chose, Alabasta would suffer many losses.

Instead, she chose to stand neutral.

By promising that she will take back the West side, the World Government won't do anything too extreme to her home.

In addition to that, her father had a secret deal with the pirate side.

Doing this, she could ensure that Alabasta will develop stably.

No sooner after that, the newspapers were mass-produced and spread to every corner of the world.

"Father. What I do is right." Vivi looked at the West.

Alabasta was no longer a country famous for deserts. Alabasta thrived with lives and trees. The West side was filled with forest. She could see a field of grass from the castle.

The rivers were formed after Crocodile's defeat.

There was no doubt about that Alabasta was reviving.

From afar, she could see the shadow of a big tree.

That tree became a symbol of life in Alabasta.

When Vivi asked Furina, Furina answered that was a World Tree named Aramaki.

Vivi leaned against the window and looked towards the blue sky.

She wondered what kind of future would be unfolded.

In Holy Land Marygeoise.

5 elders knelt before a person who was sitting on the throne high above.

That woman who sat on the throne only gazed at the newspaper shortly before losing interest.

She tossed it aside and looked at 5 elders below to hear their report.

"That girl has become the new king of Alabasta. Do you want me to do something about her?" A first elder said.

In response, Imu just blinked her eyes shortly.

"I understand." He replied.

Imu changed gaze to another elder. He received Imu's gaze and nodded.

"There is a traitor infiltrated inside the Marine's force. I am currently solving this case as fast as possible" The second elder reported.

Imu heard the report but her reply wasn't too clear. She just looked at the second elder without saying anything.

The third elder reported.

"Im-sama. About the Clown Buggy, he is still alive and become stronger than before. He was last seen in the sea near Alabasta."

Hearing Buggy alive, the rest of them frowned. This was the last thing that they wanted to hear again.

This news slightly raised Imu's interest. She slightly bent forwards.

"So far. He didn't do anything but our spies report that he has too many suspicious actions."

This put their frown deeper.

They didn't like scheming men since it's always an unstable force on their board.

Although they now knew Buggy was alive, they didn't fear him.

"The world's balance is shaking. I try to recruit more pirates into our Warlords system. So far. Four people accepted the invitation."

Imu behaved like before. She didn't say any words. Her back leaned against the throne and looked aimlessly.

Seeing the third elder done, the fourth elder reported.

"There are several strange actions from the Emperor of the sea. Big Mom expanded her territory at a fast rate while Kaido didn't show any sign of his existence. Whitebeard sent some of his children to East Blue."

His report didn't make Imu look at him. She still sat there with her aimless eyes.

Seeing the fourth elder done, the fifth elder stepped forward.

"Im-sama. There is a strange tree that appeared on the West side of Alabasta. I send some people to investigate. I believe we should take that land for ourselves."

Imu's eyes seemed to move slightly. She looked at the fifth elder before nodding.

Seeing her nod in agreement, the fifth elder replied.

"I will try my best to take the land."

Closing her eyes, Imu fell into sleep.

Five elders still knelt there without leaving the room. They were waiting for Imu-sama's leave.

Only after Imu-sama leaves, they are allowed to leave the room.

The West side of Alabasta.

This place was filled with people and people. Although Vivi prohibited people from coming to this place in her words, her actions didn't say so.

The street was filled with merchants from around the world coming to this place to trade and sell goods.

The air was lively with people's words, stories, and laughter.

There was a big building built around the big tree reaching to the sky. From the building, there were many canals of water flowing to every corner of the city.

What made people around the world come to this place because of the World Tree. They saw this as an opportunity.

Not only people from around coming to this place to start a business but even some mermaids and fishmen took the risk and came to this place filled with humans.

Pappag who was a fishman looked at the street filled with humans from his shop.

Currently, he was having a tea party with one of the important candidates in this place called Fontaine.

"The street is lively. I hope this will last forever." Pappag said.

"Of course, it will last forever. As long as I'm still alive." Furina took a sip of tea.

She also looked at the street.

Those people didn't do anything to this shop even though this shop belonged to a fish-man.

"As long as my idea is still alive, this peace will be there." Furina inspected the cup of tea.

"Wibu is for everyone. Cheer."

"Cheer," Pappag said.

A mermaid came to pour more tea into Furina's cup.

"With this. Our business is formed. Those who breach the contract will face the wrath of Focalors. Although I say so, she won't punish you." Furina smiled at the fishman.

"I appreciate her kindness"

An explosion rang out on the street.

A tattered ship approached the port from afar.

"Pirates. Standard." Furina took another sip.

The way she behaved as if this was normal.

Not only her, but everyone on the street showed the same reaction. They didn't run immediately but looked at the pirate ship curiously.

"I demand a doctor and money. Who dares to resist? Will taste my blade." A vicious pirate shouted out loud. Following behind him were his crew. They were heavily wounded.

Suddenly, from the sky, a spike of ice went through the ship.

The ship which was heavily destroyed shrank to the sea in the blink of an eyes.

"It is a miracle that they make it through the black sea." Furina gave those pirates a praise.

Looking at the sky, she could detect a small black dot.

A Seraphim who looked alive Aokiji stared down at the sea.

Only after the ship completely shrunk, that Seraphim leave.

"They are lucky that this is Fontaine," Furina said.

"Because the water in this place is special. Humans won't be drowned by the water. That is what makes Fontaine attracted."

A strange smile appeared on Furina's face.

"So tell me. Will you invite the mermaid to come to this place and start a business called Idol Industry? I will protect them in my name, the god of justice."

"Sure. I will go to my country and tell people what I have seen."

Pappag looked at the street. 

Although he could detect some unfriendly gaze, he didn't feel fear or threatened since this country was equal and peaceful.

Long ago, troublemakers were coming to his shop to destroy. They saw him as an animal not as a being standing equal to them. They were racist so no matter how he pleaded them, they won't stop.

And they were kicked out of this place by the person who stood before them. That was why he was grateful to Furina.

"By the" Furina placed a Devil Fruit on the table.

"Take this as a gift."

"This" Pappga didn't dare to accept. "Isn't this thing precious?"

"This Devil Fruit exchanges for friendship. I find it fair." Furina's smug smile appeared.

"I don't want to spoil but I can't endure if I won't spoil." 

Furina reached near Pappga's ears and said.

"In the future, Devil Fruit will be sold at this place."

A money symbol appeared in Pappga's eyes. He could smell the business.

"I know you could smell it. Smell it more clearly. That is the smell of money." Furina said.