
MCU: The Ghosts of Marvel

WARNING: This is a slow phase novel with MCU and some elements of comics combined. This may contain scenes not appropriate for children if you know what I mean, you men of culture and this is a harem. I will try to limit the number of the MC's lovers and lastly, although main world is Marvel, I overlapped some movies in it to make it more interesting. This is my work and some changes are necessary so don't expect it will match what will happen in the comics and movie all the time. I will try my best to make it accurate as possible. I do not own any characters of Marvel and Movies mentioned except the MC. DISCLAIMER: You are not forced to read this novel and this is my first work so if you find that this doesn't suit your taste, feel free to proceed to the next book in your archive... yeah that's right, that's a good boy...hehe Intro: A bored Otaku is playing an mmorpg while watching a movie in his computer when a lightning struck him through his window causing his death. When he thought that this was the end, he was suddenly reborn in the Marvel movie he is watching when he died. As asual with perks of many of his kind, for some reason a system fused with him with the function of an mmorpg containing the movies listed on his computer. With this, the life of a bored Otaku becomes interesting and dangerous all of a sudden. However, he was reborn as a baby and to make the matter much worse, he has been left in an orphanage. Follow Faust Valentine on his adventures, decisions and the path he is going to take in this crazy world full aliens, gods and cosmic entities.

Inkbot · 都市
49 Chs

Chapter 33 - Dr. Faust Valentine

Underground Laboratory, Valentine Mansion, Virginia.

"Alice begin recording and save it in the Ghost file under Adrenaline folder. Day 50, Test 87th of the Body Enhancement Project. Start."

Faust was in full concentration as he operated a lab rat with skillful precision.

"Administering the AC-42 Antigen Cancer type B."

Faust carefully stabbed the needle and squeezed out the antigen to the lab rat. Seconds later, the rat started to twitch.

"Now that the immune system's trying to fight the antigen, I'm gonna need to strengthen it." Faust murmured under his surgical mask.

Faust grabbed another syringe which contained an orange liquid formula that he created with ginseng as the main ingredient.

"60 seconds passed, injecting GS-54 solution by 30%"

He carefully injected his formula solution and barely squeezed the syringe.

"Alice, display the data real time." Faust ordered as he keep watching the rat's reaction. He saw some reaction where the rat weakened its seizure.

"As you wish."

Seeing that the rat is still twitching, he took as deep breath and said, "Increasing dosage by 70%"

"Heart rate and blood pressure stabilizing, methylthioadenosine is rapidly decreasing. Enzymes from T cells increased by 360%, tumor is currently melting. Cancer is beginning to slow down and in the state of dormant."

Faust was dumbfounded from the data results he was seeing in the screen.

"What the hell did just happened? Did I just created a cure for cancer?!" Faust said in disbelief

"Current effectiveness is at 98%, Sir."

"Holy Shit! I might receive Nobel Prize for this, hahahahaha! Alice, copy the files in a separate archive, collect the report and all the data regarding this project and compile it in one folder."

"Right away, sir."

"Oh monitor the condition of the rat as well, see if there's any other reactions or infections found. I'm going to pass this as my thesis. I bet Dad and Mom would proud Hehehehe."


Faust didn't tell his professor right away because he hasn't proven yet that it was effective in human body. He didn't waste time though, he immediately went to the nearest hospital and conduct a potential 'beneficiary' for his project.

Soon enough, he found three cancer patients who are in their last stage and now hopeless to get cured. He approached each of them to conduct an interview. He asked them if there's a 1% chance that they could be treated, will they take it. The old man entertained the thought but eventually said he was already tired. The middle-age man simply laughed at him not believing in the slightest. The third one was kid, the only one who said she will do it even if she only had a tiny chance. The 7 year old kid was named Heather and was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. So Faust offered her a deal of participating in his experiment for a miniscule chance to live. Heather agreed so Faust talked to her Parents. Eventually, he managed to convinced them since they are already losing hope. Heather's mother begged him to save her child but he didn't promise anything and have them signed a waiver.

After three days of officially signing papers, Heather was eventually transferred out of the hospital to his mansion. Heather will temporarily stay with him until the experiment was done whether it will work or not.

While preparing for a large dosage purified ginseng extract and some other ingredients, Faust made a diet plan for Heather to follow.

He is conditioning Heather to a positive outlook in order to prepare her mind.

One day before the scheduled experiment, Faust had a heart to heart talk with Heather who's complexion became little bright.

"Heather, do you know that human mind is so powerful that sometimes it can something impossible. Do you believe it?"

"Is that true, brother Faust?"

"Yeah, it's just that we couldn't distinguish it and we couldn't make it happen because we are too focused on what's happening around us."

"The key is how your mind thinks. Anything that is always on your thoughts spread towards the world and somehow sometime, the universe arrange themselves to make it happen." Faust spouted a bunch of nonesense to cheer up the child.

Heather was looking at him while listening seriously.

"Do you know why the poor gets poorer and the rich gets more fortune?"

"Because bad guys are all greedy and wanted more money?" Heather answered but wasn't sure.

"Sometimes yeah, but all the time?Nah, I will tell you short story. An ordinary office worker was earning that was enough only for his living expenses. Suddenly, a beggar went to him and begged for a dollar. The office worker said he doesn't have any money though he still have 5 bucks in his pocket enough for his dinner. So why do you think the office worker didn't get rich despite working everyday?"

"Because he's selfish?"

"Nope! It's because he was always saying he doesn't have money so it happened because he said it. What's on your mind comes through your mouth and what you speak becomes your reality."

"You want another example? A rich guy went to the bar with his friends and said to them to order what they want because he is rich."

"So the rich guy is still rich because he was always saying the state of his mind."

"Correct, you are one clever girl, huh. So do you think you have confidence to grab that tiny chance to live? Do you want to live, Heather?"

"Yes, brother Faust."

"Say it, come on say it."

"I want to live.. "

"Say it with conviction."

"I'm gonna live and my sickness will go away tomorrow!!"

"Shoooooout itttt!!" Faust urged her like a Maniac.

"I'm gonna live!!!!!"

"That's my girl. You better, little toothless or else I'll snatch you away from heaven." Faust scoffed playfully.

Heather squealed happily with tears in her eyes.

"Ahem! Okay, I admit I got carried away a little but you know the drill alright?"

Heather nodded with smile on her face. He can literally see that the gloom surrounding her was gone.

"Rest up early, you need to save up some of your energy for tomorrow."


Next day, Culver University Laboratoy

Faust's professor in his Major and Dean was watching together with his classmates as Faust set up the venue of his demonstrations for his thesis.

Heather's parents was also there watching through the glass window outside the laboratory. Heather's mother was crying non-stop, praying for a miracle to happen. They were just holding to the last straw of hope as they watch Heather lay on the table with strap on her wrist.

Her face were peaceful with no sign of worry. Bunch of wires were connected to her body to monitor her vital signs.

Meanwhile, Faust was inside as well holding his new concentrated GS-90 formula syringe that was much more potent than the one he injected to rat before.

He whispered to Alice through the smartglass to monitor the vitals signs and display the data to him real time. With this, only him could hear the voice of Alice while the audience outside will only be able to see the data on the monitor.

"Are you ready, toothless?"

"My name is Heather, why do you keep calling me toothless?"

"Because you don't have teeth upfront." Faust said as he injected a sedative to make her sleep.

In no time, Heather became unconscious.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain silent as we conduct the expirement. Once we succeed, it will not only a groundbreaking miracle and achievement to Heather and her family but to all the entire humanity. May God bless us all." Faust said as he made a speech addressed to those who were witnessing the experiment.

"Culver University, August 27th, 8:50 in the morning. The Cure for Cancer Project created and presented by student Faust Valentine. Let's start."

"Patient Heather Fortman, diagnosed with a stage 4 brain cancer. Height 124 cm, Weight 29 pounds. Blood type O+."

"Check the vital sign." Faust said to the classmate he paid as his assistant.

"All clear, vitals signs are normal."

"Good, let's proceed to the main part then." Faust said as grabbed the syringe prepared on the table.

"Administering GS-90 solution by 20%. Check the vital signs. Any signs of anomaly in her blood pressure, tell me immediately."

"There's a reaction. Blood pressure is rising and slight seizure beginning to show."

"Increasing the dosage by 50%" Faust pushed more liquid solution through the syringe while beads of sweat trickled down his face despite the room's coldness.

The image displayed by his smartglass was much more clearer and advance compared to the monitor in the lab so he was really seeing the reaction of the tumor trying to fight back but was melting rapidly.

"Come on Heather, you can do it. Just bear it for a little bit more."

But then he saw the tumor began to break apart and spread.

"Fuck, going for your last struggle, huh? I'm gonna melt you down you fucking tumor."

"Increasing dosage to 70%. Come on Heather, you can do it."

Faust saw Heather convulsing hard on the bed as he gritted his teeth.

Not long after, he heard Alice speak through his smartglass.

"Sir, the tumor melted completely and cancer cells is beginning to enter a dormant state."

Then Faust saw Heather stopped her seizure. He heard his temporary assistant say in jubilant tone.

"Her heart rate and blood pressure stabilizing returning to normal. Breathing and vital signs are good, we did it!!!"

Faust face was still in state of disbelief. Although he knew that the chance of success was high, he couldn't believe that they succeeded just like that. He made a mark in history by creating the very first cure for cancer.

He regain his composure while his assistant was jumping up and down in joy. He then went towards the window with a grim face trying to prank the witnesses. When Heather's parents saw his face with grim expression, they he couldn't help but cry specially her mother. He couldn't take it anymore and smiled widely at them while giving a thumbs up.

When his professor, dean and classmates saw this, they burst in joy and celebrated.

After a few minutes, Faust and his assistant went outside and they were greeted by a sudden hug and Pat on their shoulders.

His Professor and Dean couldn't wait to leave to deliver the news to the board and announce the amazing achievement.

Faust went to Heather's parents which approached him for hug.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist pulling a prank on you guys. Hahaha."

"Thank you Dr. Faust for bringing another chance of life to my child." Heather's mother said while wiping her tears.

"We owe you something we couldn't possibly repay. Thank you, young man."

"Don't worry about it. Agreeing to this experiment was already considered payment. Besides, please don't call me a doctor. I don't have a license yet."

"For us you are already a doctor, it won't be long before you become one."

"You are making me blush, my head's gonna blow for all the praises you've given me. Come on, let's get out of here. We should let Heather take her rest. We still need to monitor her for a couple of days though just to make sure there's no side effects. You guys are hungry? Let's go to Stan's, it's on me. I heard their pizzas are good."


I didn't take long for the news to spread as reports and news columns announced the very first cure for cancer. Countless institutions around the world was shocked and rejoiced upon the discovery.

Faust's name began to be known crowning him a genius prodigy. Newspapers even had the audacity to call him Dr. Faust Valentine in their headlines for creating such miracle drug.

When Faust was asked by his professor the name of the drug he created, he playfully replied the name should be called 'HOPE'.