A product of my own fantasies and imagination. Greatly inspired by numerous works in all media. I am aware of the limits of my abilities. Therefore, I am posting the things I came up with so others may be inspired and create a life out of all this. Hope you like it!
"Que Seraphis Seraphiel"
aka Ezekiel Har-kin
●Title: The Unfathomable Lord that Balances All in the Form of an Angel
●Personal Quote: "Amongst the Planes exist an equilibrium"
●Motto: "Universum in Aequilibrio"
(The Universe in Equilibrium)
●Language: Enochian, Latin, Old English, Modern English, Greek
●Guild: "Angelarium"
●Base: "Ein Sof Tree Tower"
●Base Location:
Yggdrasil: Vanaheim
New World: The Wastelands
●Alignment: 0 True Neutral
●Role: DPS, Support, Healer
●Race: (Heteromorphic Race) 40 lv
Angel of Hope 15 lv
Archangel of Stars 10 lv
Seraph of Balance 5 lv
Evangelion of Aspects 5 lv
High Cosmic Entity 5 lv
● Job Class: 60 lv
Divine Mage 10 lv
Void Mage 10 lv
Mystic Arts 10 lv
Ancient One 5 lv
Celestial 5 lv
Cosmic Summoner 5 lv
Lord of the Heavens 10 lv
World Reality Warper 5 lv