


Versatile: Alternate World

"In the unforgiving corridors of time, I was brought to the brink, my life teetering on the precipice of destruction. But fate has granted me a remarkable opportunity – a return to the past, a chance to rewrite my destiny. Brace yourself, for when our paths cross once more, the world will bear witness to an unrecognizable future!" Enter the realm of Alternate World, a virtual playground where mere mortals are elevated to the status of gods. The moment this game touched the lives of players, our world, our very existence, was irrevocably altered. People discovered newfound abilities, and playing the game became a way of life, a livelihood. Among those players was Manato Tsukasa, an unwitting protagonist whose life was thrust into turmoil on the eve of his wedding. In the shadowy depths of night, enemies emerged, determined to snuff out his existence. He stood on the precipice of death, only to be granted an unexpected lifeline, a return ticket to the past. With the past before him like an unwritten book, Manato seized this extraordinary chance with relentless determination. Armed with the knowledge of his past mistakes, he embarked on a journey to exact revenge upon the architect of his misery. The game that had once been his escape from reality now served as his crucible, transforming not only the gaming industry but also the very fabric of our world. Yet, little did Manato suspect that Alternate World held secrets far more profound than any player had ever imagined. The game's mysteries ran deep, and the truth, obscured beneath layers of illusion, remained tantalizingly elusive. As he delved deeper into the game's enigmatic depths, Manato would soon discover that the lines between reality and virtuality were destined to blur, forever changing the course of his life and the world itself.

Kyosei · 游戏
1042 Chs

Alantina Online: The Greatest Sword Mage Reborn As A Weak NPC

Vance is a young man who worked hard to bring his Sword Mage to the top to become one of the best players in all of Alantina Online. While trying to solo the final boss, Vance dies and wakes up not at a spawn point but in an old rustic room? "Hmmm? Where is the logout button? No, wait! What happened to my level!?" With no idea how things turned out the way they did. Vance must start out from the beginning as the weakest NPC to find out why he was suddenly sucked into the game. All while surviving in a game that has become more real than the real world itself. **Higher Daily Chapter Goals*** For 2 chapters a day the novel needs to stay in the top 150 in Power stones. For 3 chapters a day, the novel needs to stay in the top 20 in Power stones. For 4 chapters a day, the novel needs to stay in the top 5 in power stones. For 1 extra chapter a day on top of current daily chapters, the novel needs to reach the top 10 of golden tickets. ***Voting Goals!**** Power Stones: Every 1000 votes = 1 extra chapter a week. Golden ticket: For each month we stay in the top 15, I will do 1 bonus chapter per month. For each month we stay in the top 10, I will do 3 bonus chapters per month. For each month we stay in the top 5, I will do 6 bonus chapters per month. Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee or join pat-reon! https://ko-fi.com/invayne https://www.pat-reon.com/invayne (take out the ‘-’ in the address. Webnovel censors the word pat-reon) Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

invayne · 奇幻
125 Chs

MMORPG : L'ascension du Forgeron Primordial

"Si seulement nous avions réalisé ce qui se passait plus tôt…" "Si seulement nous étions plus forts…" "Cela ne se serait pas produit." Regret. Valyr ressentait un regret immense en regardant le monde devant lui s'effondrer dans le néant… Simplement parce qu'ils avaient perdu la bataille finale. Bien qu'il avait déjà accepté le résultat devant lui, il sentait toujours que c'était injuste. S'accrochant à son dernier brin d'espoir, il décida de souhaiter aux cieux à son dernier souffle qu'il aurait une seconde chance. Une seconde chance, où, si tout se passait de la même manière, il ferait en sorte que leur camp gagne. Heureusement pour lui… Les cieux écoutèrent. Réincarné dans le jeu où tout avait commencé et tout avait fini, Valyr réalisa rapidement qu'il n'était pas réincarné en tant que joueur. Au lieu de cela, il était maintenant un PNJ. Un PNJ du jeu nommé Greater Beyond. D'abord désorienté, Valyr commença peu à peu à s'adapter à ses nouvelles circonstances, décidant de poursuivre la voie de la forge qu'il avait choisie dans sa vie antérieure et de l'utiliser pour atteindre des sommets encore plus élevés. Tout en faisant cela, il s'assurerait qu'ils seraient tous préparés pour la bataille finale. Avec cela, soyez témoins du voyage de Valyr vers le sommet alors qu'il devient finalement… Le Dieu-Forgeron Primordial de la Grande Beyond. ---------- Objectifs de chapitre supplémentaire : Atteindre le Top 100 dans le classement hebdomadaire des PS - 1 chapitre bonus Atteindre le Top 80 dans le classement hebdomadaire des PS - 2 chapitres bonus Atteindre le Top 50 dans le classement hebdomadaire des PS - 3 chapitres bonus Atteindre le Top 100 dans le classement mensuel des GT - 1 chapitre bonus Atteindre le Top 80 dans le classement mensuel des GT - 2 chapitres bonus Atteindre le Top 50 dans le classement mensuel des GT - 3 chapitres bonus Offrir un château au roman - 2 chapitres bonus ---------- Rythme habituel de publication des chapitres : 2/jour (sans les chapitres bonus) N'hésitez pas à rejoindre le Discord : https://discord.gg/FU7fdYwaau

TrueDawn · 游戏
260 Chs

MMORPG: El Ascenso del Herrero Primordial

``` —Si tan solo nos hubiéramos dado cuenta de lo que estaba pasando antes... —Si tan solo fuéramos más fuertes... —Esto no habría sucedido. Arrepentimiento. Valyr sintió un inmenso arrepentimiento mientras veía el mundo ante él desmoronarse en la nada... Simplemente porque habían perdido la batalla final. A pesar de que ya había aceptado el resultado ante él, todavía sentía que estaba mal. Aferrándose a su último hilo de esperanza, decidió desear a los cielos en su momento de morir que le dieran una segunda oportunidad. Una segunda oportunidad, donde, si todo resultaba de la misma manera, se aseguraría de que su lado ganara. Afortunadamente para él... Los cielos escucharon. Renacido en el juego donde todo comenzó y todo terminó, Valyr se dio cuenta rápidamente de que no había renacido como un jugador. En cambio, ahora era un NPC. Un NPC del juego llamado Greater Beyond. Desconcertado al principio, Valyr gradualmente comenzó a adaptarse a sus nuevas circunstancias, decidiendo seguir el camino de la herrería que eligió en su vida anterior y usarlo para alcanzar mayores alturas. Mientras hacía eso, se aseguraría de que todos estuvieran preparados para la batalla final. Con eso, sean testigos del viaje de Valyr hacia la cima mientras eventualmente se convierte en... El Dios Herrero Primordial del Greater Beyond. ---------- Objetivos de capítulos extra: Alcanzar el Top 100 en las clasificaciones semanales de PS - 1 capítulo extra Alcanzar el Top 80 en las clasificaciones semanales de PS - 2 capítulos extra Alcanzar el Top 50 en las clasificaciones semanales de PS - 3 capítulos extra Alcanzar el Top 100 en las clasificaciones mensuales de GT - 1 capítulo extra Alcanzar el Top 80 en las clasificaciones mensuales de GT - 2 capítulos extra Alcanzar el Top 50 en las clasificaciones mensuales de GT - 3 capítulos extra Regalar un castillo a la novela - 2 capítulos extra ---------- Ratio de lanzamiento habitual de capítulos: 2/día (sin capítulos extra) Siéntanse libres de unirse al Discord: https://discord.gg/FU7fdYwaau ```

TrueDawn · 游戏
528 Chs

Realm of Beasts: My Husband Wants More Babies

After transmigrating to a world of beasts, Ye Zhizhi turned out to be the only woman in a population brimming with handsome men. Forget competing for territory or food—why were they competing for her too? Tiger took the initiative. “Don’t run off. Give me a child and I’ll protect you.” His ears might be fluffy and adorable, but she’s a human, and reproductive isolation meant she couldn’t bear his child even if she broke her hips! Although it was bizarre enough to meet a perverted tiger, it turned out everyone was perverted: foxes, wolves, snakes, and peacocks! This world was so indecent! While the tiger went out to hunt, the fox flashed her a droopy look. “Tiger is lying to you. He just wants to possess you, but I’m different—I’ll pamper you.” Ye Zhizhi shook her head—there’s no way she would trust a fox. The big black wolf licked his long fingers and spoke alluringly, “Us wolves are always monogamous. You’ll be happiest with me.” The white peacock flashed its golden tail feathers and shoved the wolf aside, twerking its butt at Ye Zhizhi, “Loyalty is useless, you oaf—it’s only natural to pick the prettiest partner. Ye Zhizhi: “I’ll never be charmed by beauty!” before she finished, something icy coiled around her legs—unbeknownst to her, the emerald snake had slipped behind her, and things were heating up as his tail slithered over her body… “Stop, stop, stop!” Unable to fight back, Ye Zhizhi had to set ground rules. “Calm down, let’s go one-by-one!” Tiger said, “Why didn’t you call me if you’re doing it in a group?!”

Big Wheat Sprout · 综合
40 Chs

MMORPG: Ascensão do Ferreiro Primordial

"Se ao menos tivéssemos percebido o que estava acontecendo mais cedo..." "Se ao menos fôssemos mais fortes..." "Isso não teria acontecido." Arrependimento. Valyr sentiu um imenso arrependimento enquanto assistia o mundo diante dele desmoronar em nada... Apenas porque eles haviam perdido a batalha final. Embora já tivesse aceitado o resultado diante de si, ainda sentia que estava errado. Segurando-se em seu último fio de esperança, ele decidiu pedir aos céus em seu momento de morte que lhe desse uma segunda chance. Uma segunda chance, onde, se tudo acontecesse da mesma forma, ele garantiria que o seu lado vencesse. Felizmente para ele... Os céus ouviram. Renascido no jogo onde tudo começou e tudo terminou, Valyr rapidamente percebeu que não havia renascido como um jogador. Em vez disso, agora ele era um NPC. Um NPC do jogo chamado Grande Além. Desconcertado no início, Valyr gradualmente começou a se adaptar às suas novas circunstâncias, decidindo seguir o caminho da forja que escolheu em sua vida anterior e usá-lo para atingir novos patamares. Enquanto fazia isso, ele garantiria que todos estivessem preparados para a batalha final. Com isso, testemunhe a jornada de Valyr ao ápice enquanto ele eventualmente se torna... O Deus Ferreiro Primordial do Grande Além. ---------- Metas do capítulo extra: Alcançar o Top 100 no ranking semanal PS - 1 capítulo bônus Alcançar o Top 80 no ranking semanal PS - 2 capítulos bônus Alcançar o Top 50 no ranking semanal PS - 3 capítulos bônus Alcançar o Top 100 no ranking mensal GT - 1 capítulo bônus Alcançar o Top 80 no ranking mensal GT - 2 capítulos bônus Alcançar o Top 50 no ranking mensal GT - 3 capítulos bônus Presentear um castelo para o romance - 2 capítulos bônus ---------- Velocidade usual de lançamento de capítulos: 2/dia (sem capítulos bônus) Sinta-se à vontade para entrar no Discord: https://discord.gg/FU7fdYwaau

TrueDawn · 游戏
360 Chs

NPC Gamer: Dominating the VRMMORPG With my AI

In the virtual realm of 'Aetheria Online,' death unveils an unsettling truth to Cian: he was merely an NPC in a game. Facing a cruel demise and losing his only friend at the hands of the formidable players, he vows to do to them what they had done to him. In a surprising twist of fate, Cian is transmigrated from the virtual world of 'Aetheria Online' into the body of a human player, Levi Bronte. He returns to Aetheria Fueled by a fervent desire for strength and revenge, he embarks on a quest to ascend to unprecedented levels. Guided by his AI companion, 'Blue,' Cian is resolute in his pursuit of vengeance against the players who once ended his life, all while adapting to his new life. He encounters a mix of characters ranging from players, to NPCs and Anti-players. Forcing him to make decisions that might affect the fate of both worlds ----------- A novel I enjoy writing, really hope you enjoy reading it just as much. More power stones = More motivation ----------- Not just wish fulfillment, an actual story that leaves you with stuff to think about. *Disclaimer:* This work is purely a product of imagination. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are creations of the author’s mind, designed for the sole purpose of storytelling. Dive in with the understanding that this is a journey through fiction.

SIRE_ · 游戏
68 Chs