
Chapter 920


Sofi wrapped her arms around Gong Mochen. "President Gong, I want to play too. Can you play for me? "

She said coquettishly. Although the man had agreed to marry her, he still ignored her.

For some reason, she felt uneasy. She was afraid that the marriage would end one day.

So now, as long as she seized the opportunity, she would act coquettishly to get close to the man!

"Sure. If you want it, of course I'll give it to you. " Gong Mochen gave the lighter to Sofi. "Be careful not to burn your hand. "

His eyes glanced at Nie Feng who was standing beside him. Nie Feng immediately understood and nodded as he walked towards the chef.

It was the first time Sofi heard a man's caring words. She was so touched that she almost cried. "CEO Gong, you're so good to me. Don't worry, I won't burn my hand. "

Qin Sheng picked up a piece of he niu and ate it. Her teeth and cheeks were fragrant. It was indeed a delicious thing. Her mouth was eating very well, but she had no appetite at all!

Her gaze lingered on Gong Mochen. If this man dared to touch her again, she would definitely castrate him!

The chef brought another plate of He Niu, indicating that Sofi could start the fire.

Sofi held the lighter curiously. She was the queen's biological niece, a noble of this country. Having never been in the kitchen before, this was the first time she saw how to cook.

She held the lighter and lowered her hand to light the he Niu. As the HE NIU touched the fire, it was instantly ignited. The fire was different from the previous fire. The fire shot up and was two feet tall, igniting Sofi's wide sleeves.

Sofi screamed and threw away the lighter in her hand. She cried and swung her sleeves.

Everyone was shocked. They did not expect Sofi to be burned. Qin Sheng picked up her soup and threw it at SOFI. The only thing she had was water, which could put out the fire.

It was just that the little soup was not enough to put out SOFI's fire.

"PUT IT OUT QUICKLY! " She called the maids.

The maids looked at each other. How dare they step on their master's clothes?

The hierarchy here was very strict. If it was not a personal maid, they could not touch their master's clothes.

Men were even less allowed to touch girls. Even IF SUMMERS WAS SOFI's cousin, he was not allowed to Touch Sofi.

Qin Sheng looked at the people around her who did not move. A few maids ran to fetch water. The problem was that the water had come. Sofi's arm was probably burned. She got up and rushed over. She threw Sofi to the ground and stepped on SOFI's burning sleeve.

After a series of random steps, SOFI's sleeve was finally put out.

"okay, the fire is out. Get up! Find a royal doctor to show you the burn on your arm. " She reached out to help Sofi Up.

Sofi's gaze was merciless as she stabbed Qin Sheng in the face. She was only one step away from stabbing Qin Sheng to death!

She grabbed Qin Sheng's hand and used Qin Sheng's strength to get up. Her other hand took advantage of the moment when Qin Sheng was caught off guard to slap Qin Sheng's face.

"How dare you step on me! Aren't you the Princess Consort? ! " She roared angrily.

Qin Sheng slapped SOFI's face. "I saved you, how dare you hit me! You don't know what's good for you, you deserve to be burned! "

Sofi was simply drunk. She saved SOFI, but not only was she not thanked, she was even beaten!

"Aunt! Look at Qin Sheng beating me. What right does she have to beat me? " Sofi asked her aunt for help.

"mother, although it's not right for Qin Sheng to step on Sofi, Qin Sheng is doing it to save Sofi. Besides, Qin Sheng is my future wife. It's not a big deal for her to STEP ON SOFI! " summors said.

The queen raised her eyebrows. "If you two are married, of course there won't be any problems, but you're not married yet! Qin Sheng SHOULD APOLOGIZE TO SOFI! "

Qin Sheng almost knelt down to the country's system. Only now did she understand why no one cared about Sofi just now.

The corner of her lips curved. She was standing at the chef's counter. She reached out and took the seasoning used for soaking and beef and threw it at Sofi.

"Ah! What are you doing? Qin Sheng, are you crazy? " Sofi screamed. She was splashed with unknown seasoning. The originally white gauze cage was turned into a seasoning plate by Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng looked at sofi with a cold smile. She reached out and picked up the lighter that SOFI had thrown away. She lit the lighter and threw it at Sofi.

Without a doubt, everyone screamed and Sofi screamed hysterically.

These condiments contained a very heavy alcohol component, so the fire would burn at the slightest touch. Qin Sheng poured these condiments directly on Sofi, and Sofi was ignited by the lighter and burned like a torch.

Sofi screamed and rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the fire on her body.

"This is my apology to you. It was my fault for stepping on the fire to extinguish it for you just now! Take your time and play with the fire! " Qin Sheng said and walked out of the restaurant.

She saved Sofi, so it was fine if Sofi didn't thank her, but she still dared to ask Sofi to apologize. It was just a fire, so she would return it to Sofi. She wouldn't say sorry if she apologized!

"Prince, I want you and Qin Sheng to cancel the engagement! " The Queen Screamed.

"sorry, mother. I don't want to cancel the summors. " Summers stood up and was about to leave.

"She is hurting SOFI! She is the one WHO BURNED SOFI! " The Queen shouted.

"really? Why do I feel like she is returning the fire to Sofi? Isn't it wrong for Qin Sheng to put out the fire? She is back. Is this right? " Summers said sarcastically. He strode out of the restaurant to chase after Qin Sheng.

"King, YOU HAVE TO PUNISH QIN SHENG! Otherwise, if she becomes the princess consort in the future, who will care about her? " The queen said provocatively.

"Then punish her and reflect on yourself in the room for one day. Pass down the order, lock Qin Sheng in her room for one day, and don't let anyone go in to see her, " the king ordered.

The Queen almost vomited blood. Her niece was almost burned to death, but Qin Sheng was only locked up for one day. One day was no loss to Qin Sheng at all.

At this time, the maid had already put out the fire on Sofi's body with water. Sofi's body was burned to a thousand holes and there were many burns.

Gong Mochen stood up. "someone, Send Sofi back to her room. Ask The imperial physician to look at her injuries. "

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the room. After watching a big show, he wanted to find Qin Sheng to settle the score.

SOFI's entire body was in pain from the fire, and there were many blisters on her body. She cried out in pain. Gong Mochen did not even look at her after she was burned to such a state.

When Qin Sheng returned to the crown prince's palace, she was told to stay in her room for a day. She could not help but laugh. What kind of punishment was this? However, she had to give face to the king's order. She could not let the king be too embarrassed.

She obediently walked into her room and treated it as a day of rest. The only thing that made her anxious was that she could not look for Gong Mochen to ask Zhuo Nan.

Just as she was so depressed that she threw herself onto the bed, the figure of a man turned over on the balcony.

Gong Mochen walked into the room. "HOW DARE YOU BURN SOFI! "

Qin Sheng got up from the bed. "YOU'RE HERE TO AVENGE SOFI? Gong Mochen, I'm already very merciful for not burning her to death! "

Gong Mochen approached the little woman. "You want to burn her to death? Are You Jealous? "