


Jayda's POV

I am so fucking unlucky!

How the hell did Maddox find out I was here?

I take a deep breath before I start hyperventilating.

Maddox is standing there in all his handsome glory with a sweet smile but his eyes looked deadly.

/"Who are you?/" Carson asks, while puffing his chest out and glaring at Maddox.

/"Maddox Franco, I am Jayda's boyfriend. And you are?/" Maddox says holding out his hand for Carson to shake.

/"Carson Stevenson/" he says and starts shaking it only to wince when Maddox grip tightens.

I look to my right side to see Ellie is trying to hold in her laughter. Her eyes showing how amused she was of the whole situation.

I roll my eyes, she will never change. She always laughs when other people are miserable . I give her a dirty look and turn towards Nikki.