
Mated To The Dead Prince

"But this feels real," She whispered. Curiosity got the best of her as she went around the coffin, luckily, it wasn't locked. She took a deep breath before pulling it open. "Jesus Christ!" Rose exclaimed, putting her hand over her chest as she breathed hard. She stood frozen beside the coffin, staring at a young man with the most beautiful face she'd ever seen, lying still and comfortably inside the coffin. Was he dead? He looked so pale like he was dead and yet so beautiful to be called dead. Talk about gothic beauty. Rose knew she should be running for her life at that moment, but she felt something drawing her closer to the man in the coffin, she flashed her light closer to his face as she reached her hand down and placed it right under his nose to check if he was still breathing. No air, his nose bridge was cold as ice too. Rose was still busy staring at the man's face when she felt something very icy touch her arm, she felt her heart drop to her stomach as she slowly turned her head to look at her arm, that's when she saw the white, slim, masculine fingers wrapped tightly around her wrist. Her soul left her and her heart completely stopped beating, before starting to beat like a parade band in her chest. "Hail fucking Mary!" Rose whispered in a frightened tone, her lips quivered and her eyes widened unnaturally. She felt her legs become paralyzed from fear and unable to move or run. She dared to fearfully turn around and look at the man's face again, just to find his blood-colored eyes, staring icily at her. She was about to scream when the young man suddenly pulled her into his coffin with incredible speed, and the last thing she remembered was feeling how cold his body was before she felt an unnatural sleep overtake her. *** Rose Thiago was an ordinary human girl who loved reading dark fantasies but never believed in them. She suddenly gets warned by her best friend never to read those kinds of books again if she doesn't want to make herself visible to the dark creatures or evoke their world to herself, but she calls her bluff and reads them over and over again. On a field trip, Rose suddenly finds herself falling into an endless hole, and when she finally meets the solid ground, she discovers that it is no longer familiar ground. She gravely realized that just as her friend said, she'd finally drawn the dark world to herself. She somehow manages to bump herself into a beautiful man lying inside a coffin and dared to touch him just for the dead man to suddenly hold her hands and disappeared with her. In that moment, she came to believe that magical creatures did exist. And she was about to discover that she had the blood of the sun. Two thousand years ago, to survive a dreadful poison, The prince of the dark world, Cassius Levi, sought refuge in his healing grave, only to awaken when the right time for his revenge came. What he didn't expect was to be forcefully awakened by an undeserving mortal.

Rosegold_n · 奇幻言情
18 Chs

Chapter 14

Rose followed Cornelia into the Blood Castle through the back door; she noticed how beautiful every part of the building looked; if only it wasn't always covered in darkness all the time, she wouldn't mind appreciating the gothic architecture of the house.

"Did you hear me?" Cornelia asked as they climbed up a stair that led to a dark passageway.

"Huh? I'm sorry, I was just..." Rose didn't know how to tell the woman that she hadn't been listening to her without seeming disrespectful.

"That's okay, I was just warning you never to talk back at the master, never look him in the eyes, and most importantly, never enter his room, it's forbidden," Cornelia warned as they emerged in the familiar long passage that had the carpeted stairs which led up to Cassius's study.