
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · 漫画同人
135 Chs

Chapter 15: Selling a Favor

The next morning.

Byakuya rose with the first rays of dawn. He packed his belongings with practiced efficiency and joined Nagato, Konan, and even Karen, who, adapting quickly to her role, scouted ahead utilizing her keen senses.

Walking at the rear of the group, Byakuya fell into deep contemplation, his mind a whirlwind of strategic plans for the future of Akatsuki.

The past night's open sharing had significantly bridged the gap between them.

The once awkward silences were replaced by a newfound camaraderie, a testament to the power of shared experiences.

Even Karen, the initially reluctant recruit, seemed to be integrating into the group dynamic.

His thoughts drifted towards the organization's fate.

The original timeline painted a stark picture – Akatsuki's descent from a peaceful entity to a ruthless mercenary group.

Yahiko's ideals, once the organization's very foundation, were cast aside in the pursuit of dominance.

In its place bloomed a thirst for power, fueled by the acquisition of potent rogue ninja like Sasori and Orochimaru.

To finance their ambitions, they delved into the murky waters of the black market, taking on missions that would taint even the most hardened souls – assassinations, political upheavals, and the instigation of wars. That was all in the anime.

Byakuya's current strength positioned him comfortably within the power hierarchy of the Nagato era.

As long as he remained by Konan and Nagato's side, he could prevent the tragic fate that befell in the shape of Pain.

However, a sacrifice on this scale would cripple Akatsuki, leaving them vulnerable and significantly weakened. This demanded a proactive approach.

The key, he realized, lay in preventing Akatsuki's annihilation.

In the original timeline, Hanzo, the leader of the Hidden Rain Village, held the organization in a casual disregard. Akatsuki lacked the perceived threat to warrant his immediate action.

This changed with Danzo's intervention. The shrewd leader of the Root division, through manipulation and deceit, orchestrated a conflict at the border, exposing Nagato's Rinnegan – a power Danzo coveted. Whispers reached Hanzo, fueled by Danzo's machinations, twisting Akatsuki from a peaceful entity into a dangerous threat.

This ultimately led to the fateful confrontation, a meticulously laid trap with Yahiko walking straight into it. Obito, seizing the chaos, manipulated Nagato's grief and anger, sealing his fate as the vessel for Pain.

The true winner in this bloody game of power was Obito, who rose from the shadows to become the unseen puppeteer pulling Akatsuki's strings.

Byakuya's course of action became clear. Reminders of the past would be crucial, nudging Yahiko away from fatal choices.

However, the primary focus had to be strengthening Akatsuki.

A powerful Akatsuki, one that could force the Hidden Rain Village to acknowledge its might, would be an organization Hanzo wouldn't dare to underestimate.

It would deter him from falling prey to Danzo's manipulations and eliminate the need for a devastating trap. Additionally, a strong Akatsuki wouldn't hesitate to retaliate against any act of aggression, making Hanzo think twice before initiating a conflict.

But wielding raw power wasn't the only solution.

Akatsuki needed a new form, a platform that instilled trust and legitimacy. Byakuya envisioned a transformation from a nomadic entity to a recognized ninja village, a beacon within the Land of Rain.

The foundation for this transformation already existed – the stolen scrolls brimming with ninjutsu techniques.

Upon their return, they would embark on this path, gradually building influence until the entirety of the Land of Rain fell under their control.

Akatsuki wouldn't be a rogue organization operating in the shadows; it would be a force for stability, a symbol of strength, and the rightful ruler of the Hidden Rain Village.

Byakuya's ambitious plans for Akatsuki screeched to a halt as Nagato and the others came to a sudden stop. Intrigued, he approached, only to be met with a sight that sent a jolt through him.

There, standing in their path, were two figures he recognized all too well – the young prodigy Kakashi Hatake and the Uchiha trailing behind him, Obito.

The atmosphere crackled with tension.

Kakashi, renowned for his genius throughout the ninja world, stood tall, his posture radiating a tense readiness. Beside him, Obito's Sharingan blazed with two crimson tomoe, the sight drawing unwanted attention in the open sunlight.

The pair, despite their formidable reputations, were clearly under significant pressure.

Kakashi's eyepatch, a stark reminder of a recent loss, and their overall exhaustion spoke volumes of a grueling battle they had just emerged from.

The tension wasn't one-sided.

Nagato and Konan, facing an elite duo with a legendary reputation, couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation. It was a standoff between two sides, both weary yet unwilling to back down.

Byakuya, his sharp eyes missing nothing, honed in on Kakashi's missing eye and Obito's two-tomoe Sharingan.

A frown etched itself onto his face. The timeline was collapsing in on itself. Based on his knowledge, it wasn't long after Obito awakened his Sharingan that the "accident" that would supposedly claim his life would occur.

Soon after, fueled by grief and rage over Rin's death, he would relinquish his Sharingan to Kakashi, setting in motion a chain of events that would see him manipulated by Madara and eventually become a pawn in a larger game.

This was not part of the plan. Obito's descent into darkness was a key factor in the future Akatsuki's trajectory.

Byakuya needed him alive, at least for now.

Stepping forward, Byakuya adopted a mask of mild confusion. "Kakashi Hatake, we meet again. It seems you've matured considerably since our last encounter. But tell me, where is your kunoichi companion?"

Kakashi's heart hammered against his ribs.

Facing Konan and Nagato alone might have offered a sliver of hope for a peaceful resolution, but with Byakuya in the picture, things were far more precarious.

Just that day, his teacher, Minato Namikaze, had revealed Byakuya's uncanny ability to sense his presence during a previous mission, forcing them to retreat. This time, Minato wasn't here to back them up, leaving them dangerously exposed.

Forcing down his rising panic, Kakashi opted for honesty. "Rin has been captured by Iwa ninja. Obito and I are on a mission to rescue her."

"I see…" Byakuya stroked his chin thoughtfully, his expression unreadable.

Obito bristled next to Kakashi. He was ready to shove past Byakuya and his group, hot on the trail of the Iwa ninja holding Rin captive. But a raised hand from Byakuya halted his impulsive charge.

"Why are you stopping us?! Are you somehow friends with those Iwa-nin?!" Obito's anger flared, his two-tomoe Sharingan shimmering menacingly. He seemed on the verge of unleashing a genjutsu on Byakuya right then and there.

Sensing the escalation, Byakuya shook his head dismissively. "Relax, I have no intention of hindering your rescue mission. In fact, I was wondering if you might be in need of some assistance."

Obito and Kakashi exchanged stunned glances. Even Nagato and Konan couldn't help but stare at Byakuya, bewildered. Was he seriously attempting to recruit members from Konohagakure, and not just any members – the future prodigies?!

"You...you want to help us?" Obito stammered, a flicker of hope battling with suspicion in his eyes. Right now, any sliver of help in rescuing Rin was a welcome sight.

Kakashi, ever the cautious one, wasn't as easily swayed. "What's the catch? The Hidden Rain Village doesn't offer assistance for free."

His mind raced with possibilities. Was Hanzō, the leader of the Hidden Rain, seeking an alliance with Konoha? Perhaps he desired leverage through Minato and Fugaku Uchiha, or maybe he aimed to establish connections with high-ranking officials in the Hidden Leaf.

Byakuya's eyes held a hint of amusement. "Compensation is customary for taking on a mission, but let's be honest, you're not exactly in a bargaining position, are you?" He gestured towards the distant tree line. "Based on the residual traces, those Iwa ninja have been gone for over an hour. Time isn't exactly on your side. So, what do you say?"

"We need to know what you expect in return," Kakashi pressed, his voice firm.

Byakuya sighed, a theatrical display of exasperation. "Look, all I ask is a gesture of goodwill from Konoha. Nothing extravagant. And perhaps most importantly, consider this a favor for Minato Namikaze."

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