
Master of none

Everyone has a system they just need to meet hidden conditions to unlock it. A blacksmith system may unlock after a human walks by a forge. A master mage may unlock a system after attempting to control the mana in their body. Even something as simple as kicking a rock at a bucket can unlock the marksman system a unique system allowing for perfect accuracy. But what happens when someone reaches the age of fifteen and hasn’t unlocked their system? Walker is about to find out, time is ticking and he doesn’t want to live out his life as an ordinary human; he has dreams you know! ****** My first ever story please leave plenty of comments so I can adapt and learn as I write The first chapters may be shorter but the length is improving as I write. Editing is in progress To see recent updates remember to clear que regularly

1King_Rep1 · 奇幻
2308 Chs

42. Clean clean clean

The conversation with Clara was quick she noted that three carpenters could easily fix the shutters and roof for 75G, the forge could fix and repair the gate and walls along with the tools for 115G, and hiring temporary cleaning services from the adventurers guild for 40G. The other matters would be in their hands. Walker also invited Clara to dinner to celebrate with them as she was their party manager and would be very involved in their future affairs.

Walker knew that Gil's mother was already hard at work in the garden for he could hear her singing as she worked. He really wanted to focus on the alchemy workshop but the libraries temptation was much stronger. He told himself he would worry about the alchemy equipment tomorrow and take a visit to the forge to submit payment. Since the alchemy building was next door to the forge it would be killing two birds with one stone.