
Master of Lust

Rick hardly had any hope to find a girlfriend. There were swarms of beautiful women around him, but no one was actually interested in a dull, boy like him. They didn't even pay attention to his existence. But everything changed when he was handed over a rod. Yes, a metal rod. Carrying that metal rod he had hardly taken a few steps when he was struck by lightening. As he lost consciousness, Rick wanted to beat the shit out of bloody bastard who gave him that rod, but when he woke up, he had a surprise waiting. He got a system which would help him get girls and make him stronger. Read my other story: The Devil's Harem (200+ chapters) [Discord: https://discord.gg/thWfhRdpqy]

The_Lonely_Guy · 都市
243 Chs

Secrecy around Rick's Father

Chapter - 218

"Oh, ho, ho! Seems like we've got a couple of lovebirds fretting over their favorite old grump. You might be quite worried about the well being of that jerk, isn't it!," Rick laughed when he heard Geoffrey's name from the old Matriarch's lips, his tone dripping with mockery.

"Seriously, who cares about that old geezer? Let him rot in that musty old room deep down in the earth for all you care," Rick continued, his laughter bordering on callousness as he dismissed Geoffrey's plight with a wave of his hand.

But as the old woman's gaze turned icy with annoyance and anger, Rick's laughter died in his throat, replaced by an uncomfortable silence.

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Rick decided it was best to hold his tongue, the jovial facade fading from his expression as he met the old matriarch's gaze with newfound seriousness.