
Master of Lust

Rick hardly had any hope to find a girlfriend. There were swarms of beautiful women around him, but no one was actually interested in a dull, boy like him. They didn't even pay attention to his existence. But everything changed when he was handed over a rod. Yes, a metal rod. Carrying that metal rod he had hardly taken a few steps when he was struck by lightening. As he lost consciousness, Rick wanted to beat the shit out of bloody bastard who gave him that rod, but when he woke up, he had a surprise waiting. He got a system which would help him get girls and make him stronger. Read my other story: The Devil's Harem (200+ chapters) [Discord: https://discord.gg/thWfhRdpqy]

The_Lonely_Guy · 都市
243 Chs

Rick vs Geoffrey [2]

Chapter - 220

Rick bounded up the stairs with an air of casual confidence, a smirk playing on his lips as he addressed the old Matriarch lounging on the balcony, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

"Well, well, well, look who it is," he greeted her with a grin. "Didn't expect to see me so soon, did you?"

The old Matriarch turned her head lazily towards Rick, her expression unreadable as she regarded him with a hint of curiosity. "What brings you back here in such a hurry?" she inquired, her voice tinged with mild interest.

Rick's grin faltered slightly, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features. "I thought maybe you'd be happy to see me," he admitted, his tone tinged with mock hurt. "But if you'd rather I leave..."