
Master Of Flow

From the hood to the world of glory, homegrown LA boy Jace chooses to chase stardom after meeting his sole from another world. Now inhabiting the same body they must navigate the Rap scene and try their best not to fall from grace. Having left a life of crime his past still entangles his fate nipping at his heels at every step. Haunted by the deaths of his friends he hides a dangerous presence in him ready to erupt at any moment if pushed too far. Rex the amalgamation of another life with his only purpose to protect Jace his other self. Two sides of the same coin running along the same path, whether they make it or create their own destruction are yet to be seen. 

TrikoRex223 · 都市
44 Chs

Chapter 20 Crew

{This Story will be ready to read on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to interact with the story more or simply support me the link is p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/TrikoRex. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there enjoying this novel. 

Currently, there are 10 advanced chapters for you to read, I hope you enjoy them. 

I demand your power stones as I was deemed worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.} 


"What so now that you are Mr. Suspersta you wanna give me handouts?" He asked me with anger easily discernible in his tone as he got up from his seat. Looking into his angry dark eyes I remained calm as I noticed the tiredness in his demeanour. Looks like he has been pushing himself to the brink to provide for his sister.

"Sit Down! When have you known me to give out handouts?" I told him with a serious tone channelling a little bit of Rex. This instantly created a thick atmosphere as his pressure choked up whatever Tommy was about to say next. 


Heading my words he sat back down quietly eyeing me down as he tried to figure out what I was thinking. "So what is it then you got a job for me?" he impatiently asked not willing to waste another second in silence.

"Now that you mention it I do, but first would you take a bullet for me?" I asked him as I carefully observed his reaction. Upon hearing my answer his whole body stiffened up not expecting me to ask such a question. I mean how would you feel if someone you were close with a year ago asked you if you'd take a bullet for them?

"Would you take care of Bianca if I died?" he asked instead of giving me a definite answer as he regained his composure. I didn't mind his question since it's a pretty fair question to ask if I'm asking him to put his life on the line.

"I'd take care of her regardless, she's family after all," I responded with a slight smile not even entertaining the thought of letting anything happen to her.

Don't get me wrong I have no romantic interest in her for multiple reasons one of them being her young age. The other is that she is the closest thing I've ever gotten to having a little sister. All the guys that used to follow me were more like annoying little brothers who I would have fought the world for.

"Then yes the 3 of us are blood brothers," He stated with a firmness I hadn't been expecting despite expecting his answer. Although he asked the question earlier I know that he wouldn't hesitate in the slightest in a life-and-death situation. 

"Me and you both know that Blood Brother ting Alex made us do was BS," I responded with a light chuckle remembering how he made the three of us do some samurai blood ceremony. Somehow he got us to go through it enticing us with Naruto powers only for us to end up bleeding for nothing. 

"He wasn't lying about us becoming brothers though," Tommy responded with a slight smile as he started recalling times we got into trouble over stupid things. From that day on we were the 3 amigos on the block who looked a lot like a botched effort at gentrification. 

"Anyways this music shit is finna pop off and a lot of people are gonna be in my ears so I need someone I can trust bro," I told him with a light smile finally getting to the point that brought us here today. This is the reason I got in touch with him handmade him take a trip down to Callie.

"So you gon pay me to be your friend?" he asked me with an apprehensive look on his face seemingly not liking the Idea. I understood his dislike for the Idea since he has never been one to take handouts from anyone. 


"Naw fam I'm paying you to have my back, you my brother so if I'm levelling up so gon you," I told him being a hundred per cent serious as I'm not one to pay someone just to because we were friends. "Officially you will be my Personal assistant making sure that the people around me ain't plotting, I'll pay you 40k a year to start with and increase the higher we rise," I continued laying it all on the table of what I have to offer for him as I directly pulled out a contract that I had Ella draw up for me.

The contract was pretty basic, stating that I hired him to be my guy behind the scenes. He will essentially be the head of my entourage wherever I end up going on tour or studio I'm gonna need people to look out for me. Especially, since I have no plans on checking in with anyone if I pass through their city. 

I've sacrificed a lot to get to this so what am I gonna look like paying some random who can't guarantee my safety? Leon also helped me get in touch with some of his ex-military buddies who work in security which will be enough muscle for me. Rex had told me that rappers who blow up will eventually end up in beef's and the good ones end up dying young. 

Anyways Tommy's contract pretty much read as such: Position personal assistant for Empire inc's artist Rakim 'aka' Drako.

Contract Duration: 3 years 

First-Year Salary: $40,000

30% increase upon year-end evaluation.

Bonuses when on business: Travel expenses, lodging & Meals, Accidental Medical insurance, up to $10,000 of spending money per year (not transferable).

Regular Bonuses: Private health insurance: extended to one of the employee's family members,

Two weeks of paid holiday: Not transferable to the next year,

Company Phone: To facilitate easier communication,

In-House Legal Coverage: This is extended to all legal matters after the signing,

Financial advisor: advice on the investment of employee's wealth.

Obligations: Manage the artist's well-being (including): Ensuring a healthy lifestyle, Managing Chaotic elements around the artist (Drako) including people in his entourage, limiting the artist's interaction with any form of narcotics, Should the artist Drako fall unconscious due to narcotics, illness, or injury you are given responsibility until the arrival or upon communication with his guardian. 

Facilitate communication between agent and artist: Throughout the year 24/7. 

Manage artist entourage: Ensuring they don't negatively impact his public image, Right to fire them upon having clear evidence,

Sign Here: Comes into effect on 7/11/20017

There are more things detailed in the contract but those are the major points of obligations and bonuses. However from what I could tell T only cared about the healthcare bonuses that would cover his sister's treatment. I had to literally force Ella to add that point in the contract so Bianca could get her treatment without me feeling like I was forcing Tommy to sign. He would have signed anything as long as his sister is taken care of but that's not how you treat someone you called brother. 

"You sure you are not giving me a handout?" He asked me after spending a couple of moments reading through the contract. I nodded as his eyes began to water slightly after he realised what he was reading was real. Smiling at the genuine feelings he was showing I simply pulled out a blue pen that I had ready. 

Before he could sign I called a waiter over here to act as our witness to which Tommy just rolled his eyes. He didn't mind though as he simply signed on the dotted line next to my signature only for me to slide it to the side revealing another copy. Although annoyed at my antics he simply signed again only for me to repeat my actions revealing another one. 

"Now you're just Jacking it," he complained with a more visibly annoyed expression which caused the waitress standing at our table to chuckle slightly. Speaking of which, women have literally been giving me more attention after my whole makeover. I guess what they say about good-looking people having advantages is true. 

"Wasn't my Idea, apparently one is for is for the company, one is for you and the last is for my lawyer," I quickly explained to him how Ella insisted that he had to sign all three for it to take effect. I am not a lawyer so I didn't bother arguing with her and simply followed her instruction.


Please let me know if you liked the chapter It has been a while since I've heard from you guys. 

Comments and Powerstones will help me know how much you liked the chapter and motivate me to write more so be generous.

Check out my other 2 novels if you want more of my writing Master of Flow will take you on a rollercoaster ride of the glam and shadows of the Rap world. Basketball King follows the rise of a you prospect in trying to achieve his dreams and so much more. 






To Be Continued...