
Master's Secret

After fleeing the Assassin's Guild, Aria and Sebastion find themselves teaming up with A mysterious man. He wishes not to reveal his identity and no one is allowed to question him. Their goal is the same, bring down the guild. But is their something more to this mysterious man? What could he possibly be hiding?

Woodnessa_98 · 奇幻言情
49 Chs

Take Off

Despite the rain that fell from the heavens, the birds still chirped and cawed out in the early morning. The leather reins from my horse where gripped tightly in my hands as I stared at the large castle before me. The tall white stone glittered even in the darkest settings. The dark and gloomy forecast didn't even hinder the glorious and grand look of the Palace. In fact it made it look even brighter, a beacon of good if you will. Looking upon the Palace I felt warm, even despite knowing that this would never truly be my home, I knew that I would always be welcome back here. After all, this is this is where the remaining members of my family where. It's funny, despite knowing that they are my actual family and even growing up with my cousin, I felt like a complete and total stranger.

Would there ever be a time that I could come back comfortably and visit again? What am I even saying, that's if I make it out of this plan alive. I felt a sharp piercing pain in my heart. I clutched my fist and held it to my chest in a vain attempt to sooth the aching burning feeling. Of course I would make it back out alive, I promised Drake as much. Not to mention Sebastion had made promises long ago that we would always look out for each other. But the unease that I felt still was starting to become overwhelming. I was starting to doubt myself, not because of my skills, but because there was still so much I didn't know. Could I really go to Drakos's Kingdom and undermine him like we had planned? If he is magic, how strong could he really be?

"Are you having second thoughts Aria?" Sebastion's voice broke through my deep train of thought. Sebastion had been standing next to me this whole time, adjusting his saddle over and over again in his own nervous ways. I knew that he was thinking about Maya and her role in this crazy plan. If Drakos even suspected them a little, he would have no problems slaying all of them. I placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him with the weakest smile I could.

"Once we get into the Palace, find Captain Bregus and explain to him the situation. If there is one person their I trust more than my team it is him. We have made a lot of allies in those walls, I have no doubts that we have enough to achieve what we need to. And I know that he will keep Maya and everyone else safe as well." Sebastion stopped fidgeting with his saddle, his hands gripping the leather tightly. With a long sigh he closed his eyes and shook his head. For the first time since we where kids, I could see the pain that he was feeling. It wasn't like him to express himself so vividly. Always the backbone and someone to lean on.

"Aria, do you remember when we where kids?" He whispered, barely audible to even my ears. But to reflect on our past, our childhood was so long ago that only the fondest memories still stuck with me. Of course our childhood didn't really last long either. All I could do was sit there, quietly trying to recall everything that we had been together before the attack on our village. He scoffed at my silence and nodded his head. "I don't either. I don't think anyone else does for that matter. All I can remember is all the tragedy that you and I have been through. My fear is messing this up and never having the chance to take another shot." I gently tugged him to face me. I couldn't think of a reply off the top of my head because that was normally what he would do. He was always the one to comfort me when I had doubts or when I felt troubled. But now, it was my turn. I enveloped him in a tight hug. I would do everything in my power to make sure this went well, because we honestly needed too.

"We can do this Sebastion. After all we are blood dragons. Our father could move mountains. We can lay a battlefield in seconds. Do not lose faith in us yet. The others haven't. So let's take this one step at a time and do what me must to ensure the survival of the world." Sebastion just nodded his head, still visibly concerned with the task that we had at hand. "We need to show them that we are confident in this plan, otherwise they will start to doubt to. We can't achieve a plan only ran on doubt." With a nod, he stepped away from me.

I never wanted to see this look upon his face. It brought up the dread that I was trying so hard to push away. It also made me feel so over protective of him. Someone who was trying so hard for so long to be strong, was falling apart in front of me. Sebastion my promise to you is to make sure that you never go through what I had to. I don't want you to face the same pain I did. I will even sacrifice myself to make sure that you stay safe. So don't hurt anymore. Don't show me this side of you. Please be strong. With a small and weak chuckle, Sebastion pulled away from me and ruffled my hair with his hand. Tears filled his eyes, but never spilt over. Even now he was fighting to remain strong.

"I know you better than anyone else Aria, you so much as try and take this on by yourself I will never forgive you. Even beyond death I will make it my priority to curse you even beyond the heavens. So don't go playing the hero." It's true that you know me better than anyone else, but I have already made my promise, and I have never broken one. With a small smile, he let me go and went back to fastening the straps to his saddle. I scanned the grounds in front of the palace, watching as my soldiers where quietly talking amongst themselves. Their horses ready to go, reins in hand waiting the command. There was an air of unease that settled on seven of us. I could tell that they where nervous about returning to the hell they spent so much time trying to get away from.

Now I was asking them to endure it once more, so that we could put an end to this bastard. I just hoped that Drakos wasn't going to be too quick to catch on. I hoped that I would be his main focus while the others worked in the background. When he realizes that he has been duped, it will be to late, and my sword will go through his chest.

"So, you are trying to escape before everyone wakes up. Are you trying to avoid Drake's pleas for you not to leave?" I sighed long and hard at the sound of Nicklos's voice. I lifted my leg into the stirrup and pulled my self in to the saddle of my horse. Although their was truth to Nicklos's words, but I had my own reasons for avoiding him. Drake was a dragon with a lot of stamina, more stamina than I am use to and I didn't want him wearing me out before I had the chance to take off. I would have bet that was his plan anyway. Make me so tired and sore that I wouldn't have had any other choice but to stay.

"Is this your way of seeing me off for him? Or do you have your own agenda Lord Nicklos?" I asked him, fully knowing why he was here. He was an old love, the flame already dead in my eyes. But his was still passively lit, flickering in hopes that maybe one day I would turn to him. His eyes said as much as he placed his hand gently on my horse, stroking it's neck silently. His blue hair was tied up into a tight ponytail, his loose hair on both sides of his face trailing down his chest.

"I just wanted to wish you a safe passage. I don't like this idea in the slightest. I too have dealt with Drakos first hand and know what kind of monster he is. I also know what he put you through and how painful those memories will be once you cross his threshold. Call upon me if you need help escaping Aria, know the layout of his Kingdom and I will do everything I can to make sure you come home, even if it's not to me." His eyes met mine, full of hurt and sadness as he continued to absently stroke the neck of my brown chestnut horse. I clutched the reins in my hands, fighting back the old emotions I once felt.

"Nicklos, I know you don't want to hear this. If anything were to happen to me, please look after my brother. Just like me, he has lost so much in this life." I said sadly whispering. Nicklos's eyes hardened, almost becoming two black pools as he angrily looked up at me. All I could do was smile sadly at him before kicking my horse into a small walk. By the time he pieces together that I was planning on sacrificing myself, it would already be to late.

"Come on, let's go. We are burning day light. There is one stop I want to make before we head off to Drakos's territory." I called out. The murmuring stopped and the space had started to fill up with the sounds of hooves and saddle bags smacking off the side of the horses. This for sure would wake Drake up considering his window was below the entrance of the Palace. The more reason we needed to hurry up and get out of the Kingdom. With everyone now saddled up and ready to head out, we kicked the horses into a canter. Hooves pounded the stone as we plowed our way through the civilian residences. It was still too early in the morning, so the city streets had very few people walking about.

I will keep you all safe, mark my words it will be the last thing I do. I won't rest until you are all out of harms way. This is my last promise to all of you. So, continue to live your lives in ignorance, I will take this burden from you, live each day like it is your last, and love unconditionally. This is all that I request of you. When the sun goes down, and the moon comes up, I will be imprisoned again like I was once so long ago. It will be for all of you, for every last being who has suffered at the hands of Drakos. I will endure it all again just for you. So please, don't stop living