
Mass Effect: Project Hybrid

What happens when a Cerberus project aiming to create super soldiers is deemed a failure actually produces one success? That is what a galaxy unknowingly standing on the brink of destruction will find out as Commander Shepard entangles him into it all.

Alexander_the_grey · 游戏衍生
26 Chs

Ch.26 - Heart to heart…to heart

"I do believe it would do you all good to open yourselves up." Matriarch Benezia gently advised as we discussed some personal matter I required advice on. My having her experience did not mean it was truly integrated and alternative viewpoints from an elder of the female persuasion was to be sought after in such times. "We can all see young Tali'Zorah holds great feelings for you and that you care for her, even if such is something you do not fully understand yet, my Patriarch."

"This I know, but I have no wish for my friends to 'come to blows' as it were. Both have shown marked increases in jealousy and such emotions are not easily countered." I could not help but sigh as I attempted to navigate the delicate nature of female emotions and mate selection.

I did not consider myself foolish enough to misinterpret what I could sense coming from Tali and Jane, regardless of the former's much less controlled displays due to youth and inexperience over the latter's disciplined self. Pheremones and songs did not lie, not in species who could not control such as things, as such the only logical conclusion was that both desired me in various roles as a mate.

Possibly not as a life mate for Jane who holds more experience in such matters, but the odds were elevated for such a desire with the maidenly Tali.

"They care for each other as well, do not forget that. Although young Tali'Zorah might need some support as she does have some hero worship for the Commander." Benezia still encouraged an honest confrontation on the matter, which I was hesitant about, but could find no alternatives unless tensions were left unchecked until they spilt over in less than positive ways. Meaning a 'cat fight' as it were.

Asari were much more aware when it came to relationships, especially ones of more flexible or ephemeral nature.

"Already I had plans to discuss some matters with Tali. It seems such talks will require additional topics to be broached." My decision made, hesitation would simply make the situation worse and all parties emotionally unsatisfied.

"My recommendation would be to allow each of you to feel one another through the Hive Mind, my Patriarch. It would remove any misunderstanding and certainly allow each party to feel more sympathetic to each other." The Asari Matron almost reverently suggested. Their wills had to be respected and I had no desire to expand my connections to the unwilling nor when unnecessary, as such I believed a more Asari approach to Rachni should be taken.

Thanking her for her advice, I made my way to Engineering to begin with my closest friend. Finding her merrily going through data from Hannibal and comparing it to what we had managed to obtain from a variety of Geth Units before termination on our or their ends.

Geth being set for self-destruction/system wipes upon Unit termination was not a surprising find, but pieces of code could be saved by delaying such protocols if one is skilled enough. Something which Tali, and myself, certainly were, and improving on as well.

Knowing she would not notice my presence and would be startled with physical contact, a message was sent to her Omni-Took of my desire to talk.

"Hm? Oh! Neo! Sorry, I didn't hear you come in!" The Quarian nervously turned around in a flash. Embarrassment flashing with self-consciousness. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Mainly about your… infatuation with me, but also about a successful project of mine which I believe you and your people would greatly appreciate." My words immediately causing her to stiffen and devolve into an internal panic as her emotions crashed upon one another. My hand instinctively reached out to grasp her much smaller one, her head turning to the touch and then my calm expression. "Please do not panic. I simply wish to talk of this matter.

I have been feeling your emotions for some time, but did not wish to press you due to my lack of understanding on the topic until recently. But now, now you have been less happy in recent times and I do not wish such for my friend."

My compassionate words seemed to help with the subsequent calming of my friend, although embrassement was still a dominant emotion at the time.

"S-sorry Neo. I didn't mean to bother you and Keelah, how did I forget you could sense how I felt too?" Head hung low as she helmet-palmed herself at the oversight.

"I have not been bothered by your feelings Tali. In fact, I feel honored that you would care for a being such as myself as you do and simply wish to do right by you." I reassured, making the Quarian squirm in her seat as many warm tones replaced the dourness of shame. "I simply wish to understand what you wish to happen because, as far as I know, you have every intention of returning to your people once our mission is completed to finish your pilgrimage. Somewhere I cannot follow due to many reasons you have shared and would be unconductive towards a true and lasting relationship."

Reasons ranging from the limited and highly regulated ressources of the Migrant Fleet, the unknown pathogens or dangers someone such as I could bring to the Fleet, the lesser known Xenophobia present in many adult Quarians born from the negative experiences of their Pilgramiges, the racism they face out in the wider Galaxy and general envy or passed on views, on top of the bitterness of many against other races for being 'free' and not helping them reclaim their homeworld.

"I haven't reeeally managed to figure it out yet, and there's the problem with my suit, and the fact that you suddenly have a bunch of gorgeous Asari ready to obey anything you say, and you're somehow an Asari aphrodisiac." Tali ranted in a progressively self-depreciating manner. "Then there's Shepard! And I'm just a little Quarian who can't even really touch you without getting her sick."

"You are far more than 'a little Quarian'." I firmly responded, almost offended at how she viewed herself. "You are a vibrant and passionate young woman with a brilliant mind and golden heart. As for your immune system, this is related to my second topic for today, but if it helps alleviate your worries then I more than willing to jump conversational orders."

A quick transmition of data saw the ever curious Quarian open the files she had received before she dove into them voraciously. Songs shifting from interest to hopeful to doubts and hesitation before singing of determination.

"Neo, this is really dangerous! If people found out they could use your DNA to fix such issues then you'd be targeted by pretty much everyone!" She hurriedly snapped in my direction, focusing on such aspects and warming my heart to see my friend care so much. "I want to help my people, but not at the cost of doing what Cerberus did to you."

"I have already accounted for such matters." I assured her with a warm smile, causing her body temperature to rise somewhat with an increase of fidgeting, but she met my gaze. "The idea being to introduce this serum into your own DNA, permitting your immune system to develop the required defenses for suit-free living and then using such a state to craft a viable and replicable solution for Quarian at large. Bypassing barbaric practices on both of us.

Although this serum is based on the combination of Quarian synergistic biology and Vorcha Adaptability, as such you are likely to grow much faster and stronger than the average for your species. The compounding effect might result in you becoming much more comfortable in high/low temperature environnements and develop a far more robust immune system."

"Beside possibly being used as a "lab rat", as humans say, by our scientific teams, that doesn't sound like a bad deal." Temptation was strong within Tali. "It would be great to not be the most fragile on the team.

Even Wrex baby's me."

"A somewhat annoying downfall would be a much higher difficulty in becoming intoxicated. Wrex having mentioned that Quarians had been able to drink Ryncol back before your Exodus, as such I am uncertain if you could even become intoxicated." I warned as many individuals tended to drift towards mind-numbing substances in times of emotional distress, something which was out of my own reach already and had not exactly been a major possibility for beings who had to be careful with everything they drink and ate, but still worth mentioning.

"So in exchange for being suit free and helping my people be too after a bit of time, I sacrifice being able to get drunk?" Tali asked in confirmation, almost offended that I believed she would even hesitate to take that deal. She received a nod of confirmation. "Alright, how do we do this?"

"We would go to Doctor Chakwas for proper monitoring and injection, but I would like to return to the topic at hand." I answered before shifting back to earlier topics, being met with confusion for a second due to Tali havinng completletly focused on what would be considered good news. "Do you wish to persue a relationship between us?"

The directness of the question, coupled with new revelations, was enough to truly freeze her in pondering. Internally debating the possibility and logistics against her emotions.

"I want to Neo, I really do, but I'm not even an adult yet and I need to bring your serum to my people." Came the torn, duty-bound answer which caused great sadness in her heart.

"I had a feeling such would be the case." I sighed, a feeling I believe to be disappointment and twinges of my own sadness coming through, but I would not allow such to stop me. "Hence why I prepared a secondary path after consulting with Benezia on the matter.

An offer really."

"And what did that…what did Liara's mother suggest?" The Quarian holding her flare of jealousy back.

"To join minds." I answered honestly. "If you wish, some modifications to the serum could be made for us to be able to share a connection until we could reunite and test to see if a true relationship could be possible. Allowing you to experience my own emotions and songs on the matter.

I believe such a thing could be ideal for anyone truly wishing to create a strong and lasting romantic bond with one another."

"Wouldn't that make me like them? Or a drone?" Questioned Tali not in an accusitory manner, but a healthy degree of weariness.

"This is not me trying to dominate a mind or needing to take a central role to heal one, but time opening myself in a way which would allow us to form a connection somewhat similar to Asari Melding, only using a link born from my own DNA to keep it open on a lower level." I explained, sending a new package of information for greater details as this was a decision which should only be made with full conscious understanding. "Without Giving some of myself, this would be more of an open and trusting sharing, more in line with Shiala than Benezia and her Commandos."

"I'll have to honestly think about this Neo." She responded with obvious doubts on such a matter, regardless of her trust in me as this is uncharted territory and about her very mind.

"Completelly understandable." I understandingly nodded. "Such a connection would only be truly advisable once true and strong love has formed between two individuals and should not be rushed into. I was simply offering a possible alternative in case you wished to 'stake your claim' as it were.

I will however request your presence when confronting Jane about her own emotions on this matter, with a likely melding between the three of us to overcome any jealousy or misinterpretations. You do not need to do so, but I have no wish for my two close friends and two admirable women such as yourselves to not be on good terms simply because of me."

It was a lot to suddenly ask of her, but the situation could not be allowed to develop into true negative feelings between squad members and friends. The serum was simply a means to eliminate certain factors impeding proper decision making. But Tali was naturally compassionate and genuinely found conflict amongst crew members to be near taboo due to her upbringing, as such she quickly resigned herself to the request before growing more determined to see the endeavor through.

"I'll do it. Both the Serum and facing Shepard." The young woman grew fiercer as she talked, grasping my Alliance shirt collar in the heat of the moment. "And no matter what, before I leave I'm going to at least try you out."

"I look forward to it." I responded as she began dragging me towards the lift under the amused gaze of Chief Engineer Adam's.

- Jane Shepard POV -

Good old Council Face Punching Bag, you are truly invaluable.


So was my belief as I slammed my fist hard against the thing. Really questioning this whole Spectre thing considering I've barely had the time to actually use the benefits beyond getting my hand of some better weapons. Not even getting any time to try out those Spectre Courses and Training was a damn shame, plus the investigation is making it really hard to go incongnito, meaning pretty much anyone who's anyone knows I'm a freaking Spectre.

*Thump Thump Bam!*

Weren't those supposed to be highly secretive too? So why was I made one in a public setting?

*Bam Bam!*

Then they start looking over my shoulder at every turn when THEY had been proven wrong. When THEIR 'Greatest Agent' went rogue, brainwashing people left and right while trying to bring about a race of Genocidal machines that the Council doesn't believe in nor is doing anything to prepare for! Instead wasting their time questioning everything I do and how I'm somehow bias when helping people who just so happen to usually be humans because the Alliance is the only group actually providing me solid intel!

*Woosh Bang! Creeeeak.*

Ah shit, biotics. My punchingbag came close to getting loose there.

Deep breath Jane.

Still not happy about how the Rachni thing went down though.

Thrilled that Liara's mother and subordinates are getting better, no one should lose their mom through brainwashing by trying to do the right thing. Problem is that the Council won't hear any argument on freeing the Rachni to earn actual good will and cooperation vs. trying to be like the Reapers or Protheans. Another topic they simply won't hear about, especially the Asari with how touchy they can be about Prothean stuff.

Something Liara has told me about at length considering her own views on the Imperialistic buggers had been shattered by what we managed to get from the Beacon and the Thorian/Shiala. Not to mention how Neo reported that they used Rachni as Beasts of war, explaining a lot about how and why they were so damned feared.

Although making sure the Council didn't hear about the fact that Neo was basically King of the Rachni and an Asari Incubus/Patriarch was tough. News about it could still spread and that'll be trouble.

*Knock knock*

"Who is it?" I asked, not really wanting standard crew members to see me in my workout bra and cargo pants.

"Neo. I bring your meal and some matters to discuss with Tali." The steady voice of said Space Spider and Hottie King answered, although it was odd he brought someone along this time. A bit disappointing too since I really liked our alone time and doubted I could get away with being pampered in front of Tali.

Things have been getting a bit tense there since she really wanted the big guy and so did I, but this was probably her first crush as a woman and wasn't nearly as capable of holding those issues back on the day to day. They probably have some stuff to talk about the Luna VI, possibly a culprit which would be good.

"Come in." I said, allowing my crew's blue haired hunk, still making those reg cloths look like they're way too tight, to enter and place my food on my desk with a surprisingly upright Tali. Usually the only time you see her that confident is when she's blasting something/someone apart with her shotgun or when she's fixing/making something. "So can I do for the two of you today?"

"I'm here to clear some things up!" Tali announced as she marched up to me and pointed at Neo. "I'm going to get into a relationship with him!"

"Aren't you going back to the Fleet after we take care of Saren and his ship of infinite horrors?" I raised an eyebrow at the declaration, feeling a bit defensive here. "Plus, how would that even work with you needing your suit?"

"Neo figured out a cure for me!" Tali puffed out her modest chest with smugness oozing off of her, like she was challenging me.

"Neo's just nice like that." I scoffed, but that was a major thing.

Another major thing that could make a lot of people very interested in the big guy.

"Before this matter devolves into an unwanted emotional argument which could ruin your own friendship, I would like to intervene." Neo calmly stepped in, earning both our looks. "You need to be reminded that we all care for each other. It is not an exclusive privilege which can be taken away by another so easily.

We are comrades and friends, but the two of you have shown signs of interest beyond such. Due to this, I offer a chance to understand one another on a more direct level as I do."

Not a bad plan. Could take care of a lot of that rejection sting for either side considering I'm not so insecure to be afraid to admit that I want to ride that bull real hard and then have him cuddle me.

Tali's probably got a lot more romantic and virgin-like dreams for this considering she's barely an adult and what she's told me about Quarian's. In-Vitro births being pretty common.

Wonder how tight she is?

A few generations without a good fucking and birthing probably has some effects down there right?

Alright, not the time for that line of thought.

Looks like she's open to this though.

"I'm game." I simply said as Neo placed his large hands on our heads.

"Good." His eyes glowed with power. "Then Embrace Eternity."

Whoa, that feels a lot different than with Liara and Shiala. Although Neo was involved in one of those.

Instead of a mess of information I could make heads or tails of, I found myself riding a flow of colorful currents with varying temperatures, followed by images and sounds, but I wasn't recognizing any of those until Quarians started to really feature in them. Feeling on three fingered hands discovering the world. Living and working on ships of all kinds, old too.

Glimpses of dozens of Quarians, but with a loneliness only kept at bay by understanding and a cultivated pride. Brilliance intimidating others. A desire to do more. To be more. To live up to something.

I could really understand that.

Then there was a burning drive and nervousness. A new journey. Discoveries, most bad.

Danger, rescue, awe.

Is that me? That figure of strength, confidence and charisma.

That's how Tali saw me?

Then there was nervous hope, striving for acceptance, firmly grasping a greater purpose. Something to be proud of. Curiosity about people and The Normandy.

Every time I saw myself, there was a feeling of awe. Of gratitude. Something weird to feel about myself when I was just trying to be nice and do my best to make her feel safe and included. Touching to know I made that much of an impact when I noticed the effort put in to improve in combat, learn new things about the ship, train with Wrex and hours of tinkering and coding to be even a bit more useful in the field.

Then came Neo. A giant who was gentle the first day they met. A prodigy that could stimulate and challenge!

A friend.

Then more.

Feelings of safety, competition, warmth and care. Little gifts and advice shared. Moments together alone.

It made me a bit jealous that all I've really done with Neo was take what he offered. Because he's more than repaid the new identity stuff with his performance in the field and unwavering dedication to the mission, and I don't really know what I offer beyond that at this point.

Was it so wrong to want to rely on someone? To enjoy someone being on my side and to bounce ideas off of? To get pampered and helped relax from time to time?

Did that make me selfish for taking advantage of Neo whose basically learning about life as he goes?

Then suddenly it all stopped and I was back in my cabin.

Then I got hugged. By Tali.

"Tali?" I hesitantly asked cause a few moments(?) ago we were about to get into it.

"I am so sorry I hadn't realized how much pressure you were under!" She said innear horror at herself. "I'm a terrible friend for having been so selfish. I just felt like I would lose my friends and be left alone, the two of you are just so strong and I'm just a techie Quarian."

"Tali." I firmly interrupted the now babbling Quarian whom I suddenly felt a whole lot closer to after being blasted with what I'm pretty sure was her whole life. One that was way too similar to my own, but worst considering her people aren't exactly well off or durable enough to become anything near as badass as I am. Not mentioning the outright racism when humans are just generally thought of as too ambitious/reckless/greedy. The two of us looking into each other's eyes as she snapped out of it. "I think we should have a good talk if you got the same treatment as me, and mister Patriarch over there should let us ladies have some time alone to work everything out."

She enthusiastically agreed.

"I hope i have not made an erroneous decision in this matter." Neo hopefully stated with hints of worry actually leaking through.

"You haven't. There's just a lot to go through." I assured him. "Give us gals a bit of time and we'll come back to you on the verdict."

"Understood." He nodded, making his way to the door. "I shall ensure privacy until you are finished."

The big guy taking his leave and leaving me with the petite Quarian with admittedly killer hips, even for her kind apparently.

"Well…now that we've literally been in each other's heads, let's talk this out." I carefully started what would be an emotionally exhausting and gratifying evening, earning the best female friend I would ever have.



First off, whatever Webnovel did to the app's writing settings to have the damn author thoughts bubble always there is really annoying me for some reason.

Just had to throw that out there.

Now for real, This chapter was me basically avoiding Neo getting his version of the Ashley and Liara argument when pretty much everyone picks alien ass over granny hairstyle space racist and then there's awkwardness. Also preemptively working to overcome the Mass Effect 3 catty comments, which are admittedly great, by having the two girls get closer to each other and work out the issue themselves instead of Neo jumping between them and pushing for territorialism to rear its head again.

I honestly think that essentially allowing Tali and Jane experience each other's lives, how they feel about each other and Neo would fix any issues between each other because they are genuinely good people who care. At least in this since I have Paragon Femshep and no Renegade stuff.

Especially considering the fact that both girls are from highly ranked naval officers, grew up on ships or around space with pressure to excel, strive to be the best they can be and do their people proud, with Tali just being behind because Quarian's have many more disadvantages and she's younger.

There's really a lot of similarities between a Spacer Shepard and Tali.

So yeah, they get to Embrace Eternity on a more superficial level, no one getting pregnant right there or anything, and now girls get to beasties.

Hope this wasn't too boring or anti-climactic. Also, pretty sure people can see where this is generally heading, but I hope you enjoyed.