
Mass effect: Administrative Ai Matrix

Being an AI is different to being a human or alien. But being a human then turned AI in mass effect is strange. But earth and the current scans of shepherd doesn't match with humans my database. Disclaimer I dont own any of the rights to Mass Effect or other things I pull from any other Sci-fi game.

Nutcruncher_442 · 游戏衍生
11 Chs


*Pov changes*

[Digital messages/hand written messages]

{News radio}

<Digital communication between Ai's>

So I saw I never clarified if Shepherd is male or female but they are male I thought I said inside status of the galaxy me1 but I didnt so I'll go edit it.


Looking at the shocked joker I move my avatar to the window and stare out into the scenery. Before anyone can say anything droids move to decuff the Asari.

This gets the Normandy crew on guard before they can do anything, "I cant hear him anymore I'm free?" Turning my gaze to the commando my avatar responding accordingly.

"Yes commando you are free the nanites have done there job while they were there they also did hypnosis purge to stop it happening again. This purge also freed you from brainwashing."

"Thank you for freeing us ai why not kill us instead?" The matriarch asks the most obvious question in the room.

"You say it like it's the most obvious thing around the reason why you fear ai is because you treat it like an object instead of it's own person. The main reason is because I need the resources and money for projects inside citadel space." This gets confused looks from everyone.

"From what I was able to hack from the SSV Normandy I have concluded the current status quo is a cycle. Now I need people to act as representatives for a company that will have branches on the homeworlds of a few races."

"What will happen to us if we agree to join you?" Matriarch T'soni says cautiously. With all the commandos looking mortified.

"You will be given housing a job in security a large paycheck and permission to have a custom house built on the companys dime. Your family can be bought to the company's safe places." Letting it sink in I continue.

"When I set up a world inside the terminus systems it will have a defensive fleet to protect it from slavers and planetary defense systems that will protect your loved ones."

"Think of it like mercenary work but with more benifits all medical problems will be looked at and dealt with as and when they happen."

Getting no awnser I continue to gaze outside while I bring up a view of the inside of the room and look at there reactions they all look shocked.

Flicking my sight to each one I see their expression of shock at my offer. Looking through the information of the systems visited so far nothing strange has appeared.

Running a check over the ring world to see how much longer I have to wait till full access is achieved. Only 5% repaired oh god may as well divert the resources into upgrading the M.S so the repair progress speeds up later on.

Changing the priority of the order list for the construction and transportation spiders I let them continue with there job.

Looking back at the hospital room I haven't recieved a awnser yet. "The offer is always open but I'd like to keep you here for a while to see if you get any side effects from the removal of your brainwashing."

Looking through the files of people here I see Admiral Hackett's face in the flesh for the first time. "Ah Admiral Hackett just the person I need, see weather or not you agree I'll be creating a company that will be focusing on construction, research and security."

"We will deal in other things to but those details will be dealtwith as they come and go." Stopping for a second to let them process the information I continue. "Its main branch will be hosted inside human territory for the first year or two."

This gets no reaction visibly but it's being thought about.

*Pov Hackett*

Why me and why tell me instead of just doing it no the reason is because he wants alliance backing to do research before moving to more dangerous research he needs a power base.

The best way to do that would be inside existing areas he wants to use the current tension to gain popularity and power so he can then get the money and use it for research into what we deem illegal.

But then why does he need the alliance if it's just a way to gain power the money it cant be unless he wants something else.

"Why tell me this if your doing it anyway? Why do you want the alliance to know?"

"Because I need people and a way to sell things like materials and humanity needs a lot of them from what I see while I could crash the galactic markets I'd rather sell it straight to you are." Why are? What is the end goal here.

"Why raw and why say this to me?" Silence follows for a little.

"I need to park a ship next to the extra net relay so I can create the companies bank accounts and monitor them from here also the alliance can directly pay me then without trouble but most of that money will be sunk back into earth's economy."

There are no long term or short term downsides only benifits. "I'll allow the ship to be parked there but it might be best to send a stealth ship so you cannot be detected. Discussing raw metals will have to wait so we can to have that chat when I get the correct department involved."

So it seems some of the report from the crew holds credibility but it's like its constantly changing its flicking through different trains of thought or view points tho I guess it cant see through its avatar just different lenses.

*Pov Tali*

Listening to them talk and be friendly with this monster and its creations. It lies to them all, I'm sure it killed the people who created it.

"Quarian if you continue trying to hack my station I will send my stealth ships to disable every ship in the migrant fleet and all there weapons."

Tali freezes in place, face going pale under the suit but no one can see that. Dozens of thoughts race around in her mind.

How was I detected. How come I didnt get access to even the least unsecured file or any system.

"I have nothing against you but your fear of artificial intelligence is unrealistic the geth are an interconnected vi. An ai is something 1000 times more complex." Wait so even if I could create a backdoor it wouldn't do anything.

Then what have I been trying to do, no I could I just need a code that could self adapt. What am I thinking he could find and destroy the fleet between now and then if I do it.

*Pov OMAC*

"Don't threaten my crew." Shepherd says. "Why shouldn't i when they clearly tried attacking me and you are a visitor onboard my house." Leaving the underlying threat there as an untold rule.

Leaving them in silence looking at each other I receive a notification about the completion of repairs to the equmonplis worlds now I can focus on truly upgrading the M.S.

Checking the two equmonplis worlds I see something i missed in my initial scan a working T5-M.S on each one of the worlds.

"So incoming info dump/maths and ok I could probably design this this bit better but I dont want to skip what I view as key points in the story."

Moving the resources to one world to focus on upgrading one so it takes 5 days to upgrade 1 then a day for the other. The spare resources from the second one being upgraded with the resources from one.

Time to upgrade both to T6 will take 5 days to generate 100,000 Tones a week to upgrade. The other producing another 70k Tones of resources that can be sent to help the other M.S but all have a to take a week to be upgraded.

Meaning a 7 days to upgrade, one per level so the resources produced during the upgrading of one should be redirected to building refineries and shipyards to withstand the shear resource production and the amount that would be moving.

Quick maths time. 2 producing for 10 days would upgrade both then 7 days to upgrade them at the same time. 17 days to do both at the same time so 17×5 =85 or could so 5+7+1+7 = 20 would take 100 days compared to the 85 originally. This is better for us because At T10 we can run it for a day to we can build refineries and shipyards as well as planetary defense infrastructure while increasing the moving capacity. With 2 billion tones of resources it would take a week to begin using them in construction products across the ring.

Diverting resources to build defenses and a sentry array cannot be done until the refineries are built. This is problematic since I could supend 5 days in the beginning to gather resources to build refineries and prepare for the massive increase in refinery use.

"End of info and maths part."

Looking at my new plan I power the 2 T5 MS and begin sending out orders to the droids and they begin moving to do there job.

Focusing back on the room nothing has happened. Giving the command I have them sent to a diplomatic resort that can cater to every conceivable race.

Leaving me with the asari commandos and matriarch T'soni. "If you need anything just ask a droid around the resort I'm sending you to so you can relax and decide what you want to do. I dont plan on keeping you here long just a few weeks to a few months is the timeframe I'm looking at."

Giving them a few hours to look around and calm down and for me to plan a proper exchange of the resources to credits.

With the stealth ship in position I get the prices for minerals and work out that a 1 energy credit is worth 80 credits.

With that worked out I can create a bank account inside citadel space and look for land and businesses I could buy out to start with.

With a day passing they say they have to go and I let them providing the hospitality and telling Hackett I'll contact him through the company I created.

With them leaving and exploring worlds an systems on the mass relay network. Hacking the citadel bank was easy like going through an open door you think is booby trapped but it actually isnt.

Watching all the different transactions happening I see multiple unknown ones false names an anonymous sources.

Taking a second to follow and trace them I find it's the slavers known as batarians. Guess I'll destroy there economy might be fun.

But first turning my attention to vimire I send 2 stealth ships leaving only 2 to defend this place.

When i build the staryards I can produce more ships and begin production of the defensive fleets and more construction vessels so I can build static defenses.

[Staryards: a large shipyards close to the star to make energy transfer from the dyson swarm to them short also acts as part of the swarm network building new swarm nodes when destroyed or doing repairs.]

*timeskip Vimire orbit*

Watching as Shepherds ship enters Vimire atmosphere I move the stealth ships into bombardment position to strike at the aa positions while scanning the surrounding space for incoming ships and satellites.

Watching as satellites come online to strike ground locations I launch a silver lances and it targets all objects in orbit. Watching it spliting the satellites in half and leave debris everywhere.

Deploying stealth drones to watch and mark any building to be destroyed by a orbital strike.

With the ships in position and Shepherd meeting with wrex about Sarens cure a wait till he is alone and teleport a box filled with beacons.

[Use this to paint targets gather your crew and throw one as far as you can to the other side of the lake] doing as instructed he even gathers some slarians.

*Pov Shepherd*

Looking at this ball with only a button on top I press and throw. At is impacts the water nothing happens and nothing does for a few seconds until a large explosion happens. Right where it first landed on the water.

Seeing this I look straight at captain Kirrahe and our plans adjust to use this in the strategy for destroying the base.

*Pov OMAC*

Watching as they set off and begin the attack on sarens base. Arriving outside the base they call in a few orbital strikes to take out large concentrations of hostiles.


Idk how it feels to you guys but to me it feels rushed again. This chapter is late again sorry.