

Masked Queen is a novel that takes you on a journey with music, and romance. Lana is a big time celebrity famous for hiding her identity as a model, which is pretty uncommon in the modelling world. She runs away from her past to build a new beginning and start afresh, she just didn't expect for her past to catch up with her in so many ways. Forced into the very limelight she has tried to avoid all her life, she tackles on two different careers, two different lives, two different relationships with the freaking same person. What's a girl to do when her web of lies are wound up so tight around her, she's practically choking? Reveal the truth... or get eaten alive?

Blessing_Ewetumo · 现代言情
20 Chs

Chapter Six

Well, that's interesting. I hesitate, and upon seeing this she leans in to whisper. "I'm not obligated to tell you the amount but from what I heard it's a hell of a lot for you students."

I weigh my options in my head and decide to just f**k it. What, money is a completely different issue! "Where did you say I have to sign up again?"

A dazzling smile lights up her face and she picks up a form on her desk, I frowned in confusion when she insisted on filling it out for me while I tell her my details.

After filling the form, she slides it over to me but still keeps a hand over the front page and points towards a straight line where she instructed me to sigh nervously, slowly I crawled over my signature with a suspicious frown.

I was about to ask if I could look over the form just in case when the doors to the vice principles office draw open and masculine laughter pierces through my thoughts as 3 men step out.

One seems older, with a balding circular patch in the middle of his head and the other two appear to be in their early 30's. I narrow my eyes in thought and wonder why the only male in a denim jacket seems so familiar to me.

Shrugging, I'm about to turn back around in disinterest when someone else walks out through the doors and I can't help but do a double-take. Stiffening, I stare at him in astonishment. My eyes widen, my jaw drops, and it feels like my breath has just been sucker-punched right out of me.

It isn't because of how hot the guy looks in his leather jacket or the tight white t-shirt that could barely contain his muscles or the black skinny jeans that fit his thick muscular thighs. Nope, Nah-uh, not even close.

It's because am staring at the guy who I'd kind of met at the Hilton hotel back in New York… the very one who talked to me with just a towel around his waist, the guy who I ran away from.

"This here is all the list of books you'll need for class; you can get the books after school okay."

Turning back to Miss Kim with a strained smile and a nod of thanks, I slowly slip the list into my bag. As I stood, I kept my head down so I won't be seen and Jay thankfully picks that moment to walk in. He jogs closer and smiles. "Hey, sorry am late, are you done?"

"Yeah." I nod. Bowing to the woman goodbye, I turn and moved closer to Jayden, using his body as a shield when we walked past the men still standing and chatting in front of the Vice Principal's office. We were just walking down the now empty hallway in silence when Jay turns to me in curiosity.

"You okay?"

Turning to him with a fake smile, I nod again. "Yup, just fine, perfectly fine. By the way, do you know where my class is, Miss Kim said I was in her class but I never got around to asking which one?"

"Don't worry, if it's Miss Kim's class then it has to be class 2-2. Unluckily for you, you're in the most notorious class ever."

"Notorious for what?"

"Being troublemakers, having crazy performances, not always following the equilibrium of things… etcetera, etcetera. I would have been extremely sorry for you dear sister if I don't believe this class fits you properly." He teases playfully, and I punch his shoulder with an eye roll.

I know he's only trying to distract me to which I'm grateful for, being twins it might be cliché to say but, we've always had a sense for knowing when the other is upset.

Jayden is younger in terms of birthing hierarchy, but he likes to act like the older brother and I sometimes treat him like one.

He's constantly there for me and always has a way of putting things into perspective when the world seems hazy in my head. "And what class are you in, oh mighty one?"

"Class 2-1 of course, the Elite class. You might not know this sister dear, but your brother is one of the most popular guys in K-STAR HIGH."

"Of course he is," I mutter sarcastically as we stop in front of what I suppose is my class, two brunettes walk past with arms linked and as soon as they spotted Jay, they blushed and hurried their steps. Giggling in excitement when he sent them winks.

Rolling my eyes exaggeratedly, I dry heave. "I think am going to be sick."

"You're just jealous." He grins.

"Sure I am." I roll my eyes, pulling him in for a quick hug. "See you later."

I turn to draw open the sliding door of my class, startled when the bustling noise of my classmates fills the silent hallway.

I stare in surprise at how rowdy they all are, throwing things at each other and goofing about without a care.

"Good luck," Jayden whispers in my ear with a teasing chuckle and I resist the urge to flip him the bird.