
Marvo's Legacy

"Where did my fat go!?" Our protagonist wakes in a room with a body and memories that aren't his own, with only the clothes on his back, a miniscule amount of money and a strange ring. After getting his bearings, he will go on a journey that surpasses his imagining. Meeting different people, encountering danger, making references that no one understands, ect. Let's see where this goes...

NalyDMOC · 奇幻
18 Chs


Following the constipated looking officers directions, I frowned, as I quickly realized that the library is much farther away then I anticipated.

"Makes sense I suppose, this is basically the ghetto. No one would waste resources building a library here when it probably wouldn't be used. Hell, I doubt most people in this part of the city can even read" I say as I peer around, trying to find a carriage.

Luck seems to be with me as I see one about to depart. The beautiful carriage looks quite out of place in this dreary part of the city, looking magical.

Quickly I dash up to it, holding my hand out in the universal sign for 'stop'.

"Oi! What's the big idea, blocking the horses. Looking to get trampled to death?" The driver asks as he puts down the reins. He looked me up and down trying to see whether I was a customer or just some hooligan. He frowned. Dirty clothes, long hair untied, and just a rough appearance in general. Guess I didn't look like someone who uses carriages. However... He raises an eyebrow.

"I need to get to the library, but it's too far from here, can I get a lift please?" I ask, breaking the driver out of his train of thought. Knowing that they won't take unruly people I adopted a polite way of speaking.

The driver seemed surprised at the manner I spoke, contrary to my looks, I spoke as if I were a nobleman. He re-evaluated me, thinking perhaps he was too quick to judge.

"Oh alright, you're quite lucky, I was just about to leave" The man said as he picked the reins up again. Grateful I hopped in the carriage, noticing it was even fancier inside, and how comfortable it was, with cushions and even a small quilt to ward off cold weather. In fact I could feel a heat source from somewhere heating the interior. However, looking around I could see nothing that would give off heat

"Which library are you looking to go to?" the man breaks me out of my thoughts. Confused I look the the gap to see him giving me a questioning look.

There's more then one? Guess that's normal in a city this size.

"Uh which is the biggest? I need to do a lot of research so the bigger the better" I say unsurely.

Without a pause he says "The biggest eh? That would be Saint Harold's then. However.." He gave me an unsure look. "They don't just let anyone in, you have to have a certain level of smarts to get in. It's a safety measure to keep 'undesirables' out" He raised his eyebrows at me, as if asking if I was qualified.

Glancing at the ring on my hand, I felt confident I could pass any tests they had. Hell, if a past librarian failed a library's test, I would cry myself to sleep. I just hope this guess of mine is right "Don't worry about that, I have faith in my abilities" I said, giving a thumbs up in the process.

Looking at the figure before him, oozing with confidence, The carriage driver couldn't help but believe him, even with his scruffy looks.

"Alright, we will be entering the wealthy district, so that'll be 1 silver" he said nonchalantly, starting to move forward.

"A SILVER!?" I exclaim in shock, I only had two silver's, taking one is just like taking half my wealth. "Why is it so expensive? It's only driving from one place to another" I ask with a small voice.

He chuckles. "A silver is nothing in this city, though I suppose for this part of the city is might be hefty, in the wealthy part where we're going, some people will spend thousands of silver a day" He stated with a no nonsense tone.

He glanced at me. "I wasn't lying when I said you were lucky, not just anyone can board this carriage, and even less leave alive. I wouldn't even be here if I wasn't making a delivery" looking back at the road he gives a snort, amused by my behavior I supposed.

Ignoring the last part since it was an obvious joke, I hesitated, thinking in my head. I need money, that's just a solid fact. *sigh* After I visit the library, I'll have to find a job.

"Saint Harold? Is he some important person who died or something?" I ask, trying to make conversation. Debilitated buildings pass by as we start moving.

The driver turns around and gives me a 'you daft or something?' look.

"Died? You been living under a rock or something? He's one of the most important people on the continent. Has been for more then 340 years, and he's not dead. You trying to curse him or something?" he says jokingly, flicking the reins as he speaks.

"Ah, sorry, I'm not really caught up with the times, that's one of the reasons I need to go to the library" I replied, sitting back in my seat.

Right before shooting up in astonishment. "Wait what?! 340 years?! And still alive?!" I shout in shock. I calm down for a second then chuckle "Oh I see, your yanking my chain aren't you, heh, you almost got me there"

The driver gives me a disgusted look "I'm not into 'little boys'" he says, enunciating the two words "So no offence, I would rather not yank on any part of you"

I dead pan. 'No one understands my lingo.. So maybe I should choose my words more carefully from now on' I think to myself, sitting back down.

The driver continues "What are you so shocked about pal, although you normal folk don't have long lifespans, roughly only 70-90 years, you should know the wealthy and those who study certain... Arts, can double, if not quadruple their life span. There are even those that.." He stops himself, chuckling, he turns back and watches the road as he continues to speak.

"Lets not talk about certain wicked things. Saint Harold is someone even more special then those with increased life spans" He paused, a strange look in his eyes

"He possesses an item that prolongs his life, without it his body would have turned to dust and his soul displaced to.. Wherever a soul goes when a body dies"

Strangely enough it almost seemed like he was gonna make a guess as to where they went. However, I was more curious about something else.

"What kind of item could do something like that? Wouldn't anyone who had such an item be chassed relentlessly for it?" I asked like a schoolboy, such interesting topics were just my cup of tea.

The driver didn't say anything for a few minutes, entering a district that had more road space, the buildings less run down.

After a while he spoke, staring at the cloudy sky with a solemn expression "Do you believe in destiny? That every mortal has a destined path, an unescapable.. Fate?" He turned to me, his eyes looking darker then before. Was it the lighting?

I had a feeling this was an important question to him, one he ruminated on for a long time. So I thought about it seriously.

On earth this type of question was asked a lot with no known answer. Of course there were those who pretended to know, or blindly guessed. But lets be real, they have no real idea what they're talking about.

After thinking for a bit I looked up, staring at the drivers dark eyes, giving him the best answer I could think of.

"Hmm. I would be acting pretentious if I said I knew for certain when I really don't, I mean who can answer that unless they met this 'fate'" As I spoke, the drivers eyes seemed to get even darker, however I didn't notice as I was too engrossed in my thoughts.

I continued "I can only speculate, if there's such a thing as destiny or fate, it would be unshakable, impossible to escape."

Unknown to me the carriage had stopped, however, there was still a feeling of motion. The ring grew slightly warm.

The carriage driver opened his mouth to say something, but I finished my thought.

"For a normal human that is" I finish, giving a small smirk. The driver blinked in confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asked baffled, carriage still unmoving.

I readjust my sitting position. "Well aren't those people who expand their life span defying fate? If all people were meant to live short life spans, then its their destiny to die, yet they still live"

I look up at him "Isn't that the opposite of 'following your destiny'? Of course you could say that IS part of their destiny, finding a way to fight against it, however that seems counter productive.

I chuckle "This is one of those questions that can have no answer, or many answers" I look out the window and frown "Did we stop for a reason?" I ask him with a confused face.

He snaps back into reality and shakes his head. "Sorry, I was lost in thought" He flicked the reins and started moving again. A sense a pressure that I didn't realize existed disappeared.

The driver had a look of contemplation on his face as we rode in silence for the rest of the trip.

After an hour passes, the buildings look less debilitated, looking more fancy and well made. Women with dresses and expensive purses could be seen walking with men in suits and holding their women's bags. Whipped. Feels bad man.

It seems we have reached the wealthy district. Few minutes later, the carriage comes to a halt.

"Right, here's your stop, Saint Harold's Library" He turns to me with a crooked grin. "That's one silver pal" I unwillingly toss a silver through the gap and exit the carriage, thoughts still filled with how I'll earn more.

"Normally I would charge more for the info I gave you, however you gave me a few thoughts of your own. Besides, the info I gave you was pretty well known" he said with a wry expression.

As I walk towards the library, a voice belonging to the carriage driver stops me. "The name's Etaf by the way, the oldest of three siblings" I turn as Etaf reaches into his pocket, pulling out a token.

"Your quite amusing you know, you gave such an intriguing answer so I won't gobble you up" he said with a wide grin.

"If you ever need my services, activate this token and I'll be alerted of your need" he says, handing me the token.

Weirded out at his speech I took the token, unsure what he was even talking about.

Frowning, I look down at the token. Activate? Glancing up, I'm about to ask him what he means, when with shock I realize the space he was occupying seconds before, now stood empty. A chill goes down my spine as I realize what just happened.

"Was that a.. Ghost carriage or something? I mutter as I take a step back. Suddenly his words from earlier come back to me.

"Not just anyone can board this carriage, and even less leave alive" It seems that wasn't as much of a joke as I thought.

"Etaf huh? Strange name" I mutter, pocketing the token that had a slight chill to it. I stand there for a minute before finally turning around and heading toward the library. I need strength, I need to be able to protect myself. Just one day and I've run into the supernatural many times.

I didn't notice the other token I had gave a reaction when it came in contact with the other.

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I approach the entrance in anticipation of the test, hoping the ring lets me understand the contents. Entering the brightly lit building, my eyes widen in awe at the splendor or the library. Beautiful paintings on the walls, rows upon rows of tall bookshelves, and a huge lounge to relax in. The carpeted floor was plush, your feet sinking in.

Looking around, I spot the the receptionist, walking over I clear my throat to announce my presence. The receptionist, an older woman with graying hair, looked up. Raising her brow's at me, she says "Here to deliver something? Well let me see it then" she states, mistaking me for a delivery boy.

I cough, wondering if I should get a change of clothes to prevent anymore misunderstandings from people. "Actually I'm here to read, but I was told I needed to pass a test of sorts first" Going straight to the point, I state my business.

Surprised, the woman studies me with uncertainty. "Well first off, you have to be able to read, are you able to do that? She says doubtfully, fully expecting a negative answer.

To answer her question, I glance at an unopened book on her desk. "May I?" I ask her pointing at it. She looks down at it, then back up at me. "Go ahead" she states.

I pick it up with anticipation, opening to a random page. Holding my breath I gaze at the words inside.

I can understand the words!

The realization gave me such relief. I would be saddened if I had to waste time teaching myself how to read again. I looked at the ring in my hand in thankfulness. I basically gave the ring credit for this, even if I didn't have proof.

"Well? Read it out loud if you will" the woman said after I didn't say anything for a few seconds, probably thinking I was wasting her time.

Clearing my throat I read aloud

"After years of growing up in a city that reeked of the unholy stench of bodily fluids and excrement , year 873 of the new calendar, Duke Agrigor VII decided to rid the city of that filth permanently, by creating underground tunnels that led out of the city, creating a path for the disgusting things that come out of the human body.

Following the tunnels he made sure every citizen poor or rich, had the contraption that led the fluids and excrement down those tunnels. No more would the city have that abominable scent! The cries of "Thank you Duke Agrigor!" Could be heard all over the city. In fact, to show how much the creation meant to the citizens, when he disappeared all those years ago, the city pooled resources together, creating a golden statue of the duke sitting on the golden throne of his creation. All hail Duke Agrigor VII!"

Trying not to laugh at that last line, I closed the book and set it down.

"Is that proof enough that I can read?" I ask her politely, giving her a satisfied smile.

Impressed she gives me a kind smile of her own and says "Yes, that will do, In fact you read that without making one mistake, that's impressive for someone of your standing and age, most people your age prefer more exciting things then reading" she says sadly.

Looking at her, I saw myself, or what I used to be. "Well I think reading is mighty exciting, people can go on adventures through books, cross different lands or even visit the past.

I mean where else are you gonna learn how Duke Agrigor made the toilet" I stated with a mischievous grin. She laughs at my antics "Right you are young man, right you are"

She gives me an admiring look. "Your free to read here, five silver a month and the books are all yours" she says as she goes back to her book.

Heh. Easy as that, I never doubted my skills for a second. Now all I gotta do is... My thoughts trail off as what she said hits me.

"F-five silvers" I say weakly, hoping I misheard.

Looking back up at me in pity, she gives a weak smile of her own "I'm sorry, but those are the rules. Books are quite expensive, so we need a high price on the off chance they get damaged. Besides most common folk can't even read, and to the people who live in the wealthy district, five silvers is nothing"

The world seemed to crumple around me as I what she said hit me. Give me a break for gods sake. I realized I was too poor to even read the books.

As I was falling into despair, memories of my past bland life came back to me. Sitting day by day in a crappy place, no motivation to change myself for the better. NO! I won't live like that again! I've been given a second chance, and I won't waste it!

Determination rushed into my very core as multiple thoughts flashed into my head at once, finally settling on one thought. I descended onto the woman, hovering over her and said:

"Rei Marvo, nice to meet you. You don't happen to have a job free here do you? I'll accept a low pay, and won't cause any problems, I swear. I'll do anything you say, all I want is to read books on my off time" I said, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

Chapter is a bit longer, I just couldn't stop once I started ^>^

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

NalyDMOCcreators' thoughts