
Marvel X DC: The Vongola Family

Heard that the Avengers has six founders? I, Vongola Primo and the six guardians apply for the battle! It is said that the Assassin Alliance, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is very strong. Independent Assassination Force Valia understand? S.H.I.E.L.D. controls all kinds of dissatisfaction? Outside advisors will tell you what it means to die! what! You say Tony Stark is going to build the world’s first time machine? Go and take out the ten-year-old bazooka in the warehouse! … (Not mine. Credit to original author : creek and Fish.)

ZaHacker · 漫画同人
108 Chs

mysterious boy


The three people in the room looked at each other in dismay. Vongola just arrived in Gotham a few days ago. Where will the guests come?

It can't be Bruce Wayne and Alfred.

Raphael murmured in his heart and asked, "Did the other party say who he is?"

"She calls herself Leslie Tompkins, an Eastside doctor who runs a private practice in Crime Lane."

The subordinate replied from outside the door.

Isn't this Batman's exclusive physician?

There was a flash of clarity in Raphael's eyes. He knew of this person's existence, but he had never seen it before.

When he went to Wayne Manor that day, Leslie just left, so the two did not meet.

"Let her in."

Raphael gave the order to the door, the visitor is a guest, and there is no malicious intent, how can you reject the door?

"Then let's leave first."

Wanda and Pietro were about to get up, and Raphael signaled them to stay calm, there was no need to avoid them deliberately.

His Hyper Intuition told him that the turning point might lie in Leslie.

It didn't take long for Leslie to walk into the room.

Behind her was a ragged boy, about the age of Wanda and Pietro, about thirteen years old.

The boy's body was wrapped in several loops of gauze, the gauze was still very new, it should have been changed not long ago.

However, his face was expressionless, as if he didn't care about his injuries at all.

The moment he saw the boy, Raphael's pupils shrank quickly, and he intuitively told him that this boy...killed people.

more than one!

He knew that Leslie's visit was probably for this boy.

"Dr. Tompkins, welcome to the Vongola Orphanage . Construction has just started, and the formal decoration has not yet begun, so the room is very simple, with only a few chairs. Please forgive me."

With an approachable smile on his face, Raphael apologized to Leslie.

"Oh, you're too kind, Mr. Vongola. It's a great thing to open an orphanage in the East District. How could I dislike it? Besides, it's already very clean."

Seeing Raphael's first face, Leslie looked a little surprised.

She didn't know that the head of the Vongola family could be so young and so polite.

"Mr. Vongola, I came here today to ask you for something."

"For this child, right?"

Raphael looked at the boy behind Leslie and asked knowingly.

Leslie nodded and explained, "One night two months ago, I met this child on the way to buy medicine..."

"At that time, he was covered in blood and fell down in the alley, with dozens of stab wounds all over his body. I immediately brought him back for treatment, but when he woke up, he did not cooperate with his injuries at all. He tried to escape from the clinic several times, and he even I don't even want to change my clothes."

Leslie looked at the boy who never said a word with a headache. She didn't understand why the boy didn't love himself so much.

"The child hasn't said a word for two months since he woke up, and he doesn't have anything on his body that can prove his identity."

"Even his file could not be found in the GCPD database. Maybe his information can be found in other cities, so we contacted the police stations in several cities around Gotham and asked them to help find the child's family."

(GCPD: Abbreviation for Gotham City Police Department)

"Finally found his records in an orphanage in New York's Hell's Kitchen."

Leslie sighed and sighed, "He's an abandoned baby. He didn't even have a name since he was a child. The orphanage that took him in was very inhumane to him. This child escaped from there years ago."

What Leslie said was very vague, but Raphael knew what was going on as soon as he heard the orphanage in Hell's Kitchen.

This child may have suffered a lot of inhuman torture.

"Then he has been missing until now, maybe because of his experience back then, he is now suffering from some kind of language barrier, and he can't even speak."

Having said that, Leslie stroked the boy's head distressedly, and it could be seen that the boy's expression was not very natural.

But Raphael could feel it, he didn't dislike Leslie's behavior, maybe he wasn't used to such intimate behavior.

And the boy's silent state also supports Leslie's speculation that he may really have lost his language ability.

After listening to the boy's experience, Wanda and Pietro immediately cast sympathetic glances at him.

The two of them were actually quite unfortunate, but they were nothing compared to this boy.

At least they felt the warmth of the family, and even if their parents died, they were accompanied by everyone from the Vongola family.

The two turned their attention to Raphael. Although they were very willing to take in this poor child by the Vongola family, only Raphael had the right to decide.

"I understand what you mean, Dr. Tompkins, this child, we are willing to take in this child at the Vongola Orphanage. This is the original intention of my coming to Gotham."

Raphael said calmly.

"But there is a question that makes me curious, we have been in Gotham for less than a week, but you found out that this child is two months old, why don't you send him to another orphanage? I believe Gotham will not only have My family, at least the Wayne Foundation's welfare homes are located in various urban areas of Gotham."

Faced with this question, Leslie hesitated, paused for a while, and then said: "For some reasons that are not very convenient to explain, I can't send this child to the Orphanage in Wayne Enterprise. I am worried that it will eventually will hurt him."

"He has suffered a lot in New York, and I don't want him to experience those things again."

As for Orphanages other than Wayne, of course, there is no need to consider them at all.

Raphael's eyes narrowed slightly, and Leslie obviously had something to say.

He could sense that Leslie didn't lie, so this sentence is very interesting.

She was worried that sending the boy to the orphanage run by the Wayne family would harm him, but there is Batman behind Wayne Enterprises to take care of him, and child abuse is absolutely impossible.

And Leslie is someone who knows Batman's identity, so it's even more unreasonable to doubt Wayne Enterprises.

So, Leslie really doesn't want to put the boy in the care of any Wayne Orphanage , and it is impossible for her to adopt it herself, because she has to take care of more poor patients, and she has no time and energy to raise the child at all.

The real reason was mostly the boy himself.

Raphael's judgment is correct.

The reason why Leslie didn't want to send the boy to Wayne's orphanage was because he didn't want Bruce to know of his existence.

Because she can see a lot of things from the boy's body, she is a professional doctor, so she can easily see the boy's physical talent.

In view of Bruce's previous record, Leslie is very worried that this boy will be seen by Batman and trained as the next Robin.

This is the future Leslie doesn't want to see.

"What's your name? If you can't speak, write it with a pen."

At this moment, Raphael took out a pen and paper, got up from his seat, and walked over to the boy.

I saw that the boy wrote down a string of English letters.

"S... Snee... Sna... Snake Eyes!"