Officer Jack was a thirty-five-year-old married man who had worked in the New York Police Department for the last three years.
Officer Jack sighed.
Officer Jack was bored.
Officer Jack was on his night shift, sitting in the driver seat of his police Dodge Charger, having some doughnuts in the twentieth mile of the CT-15.
Officer Jack wanted to be back home soon, but his night shift finished at 5 in the morning, with three hours left to go.
Office Jack saw from his seat how a gorgeous custom black corvette drove across, a bit over the top speed limit, swaying back and forth between lanes, the sign of a drunk driver, all while followed by two big school buses in an almost empty road.
Officer Jack thought it was suspicious, and even if it wasn't... that should take away a bit of his boredom, some action. So he started the engine and sped up with the sirens on, hoping to get to the bottom of it.
Officer Jack didn't expect the vehicle to stop, but it did. The black Corvette parked on the side of the road and much to his surprise, the two buses parked behind it. He came out of the car and greeted both of the bus drivers, noticing that they were a bit too young for comfort.
Officer Jack reached the designated vehicle, resisted the urge to whistle at the beauty of the car and knocked up on the window, eager to give the owner of the car, surely one of those spoiled kids, an expensive fare that his rich parents would have to pay.
When the tinted windows refused to lower, Officer Jack started to get a bit impatient, knocking harder on the window until finally, it lowered, only for him to gasp in amazement.
Officer Jack noticed first the pungent smell that came off that car, like a cluster of female pheromones that crashed his nose harder than a drunk driver on midnight Friday after the World Cup.
Sitting on the copilot seat was perhaps the most beautiful girl Officer Jack had ever seen, something he'd never allow his wife to know. A blonde beauty with a haggard complexion, her make-up a bit messed up, she wore a white dress that clutched tightly against her body as if she had been sweating a lot, and it was obvious she wasn't wearing any underwear.
Sitting on the pilot seat and clutching the steering wheel was a young man who gave Officer Jack an ominous feeling, especially... he didn't seem to like the way he had been staring at the blonde.
Officer Jack looked at the back of the vehicle, it was one of those corvettes with back seats that one needed to bend down the front seat to get access to, it was quite dark, but he could tell two other ladies were sitting there, also hazardously dressed and sweating.
Officer Jack was not stupid.
"Good evening Officer, what I do for you?" The young man asked Office Jack, like he hadn't driven past the speed limit swaying on the highway like a young kid who pulled out his license out of a McDonald's Happy Meal.
Officer Jack wanted to say something, something along the lines of 'You're so fucked', but his eyes settled on the blonde's clear blue eyes. She tilted her head a bit... and he suddenly felt a bit dizzy.
Without a word of notice, Officer Jack walked back to his vehicle, started the engine and drove off, not before putting a big pink doughnut in his mouth, the night was still young.
I sighed in relief when the officer left and signalled both the buses to keep going as planned, it was good that I brought Jean and Emma with me. Otherwise, I'd have to do some questionable things to not get asked questions, it would all have ended a lot worse.
Although arguably, if I had been able to focus a bit more on the road instead of... this, we wouldn't have gotten stopped in the first place.
I started the car and drove off.
"Your power scares me off sometimes, it is a jack of all trades. Which one of you was it?" I asked. It is what I love the most about these girls. Their mutations are so useful in a lot of scenarios.
"Of course it was Jean, she's still inexperienced. What took you so long? He was leering at my chest!" Emma complained, she was right. That officer had been staring at her quite insistently, it almost compelled me to bust his jaw, although looking at Emma, I don't blame him.
"I didn't know what approach to take" Jean fidgeted, "But more importantly..."
As soon as I got back onto the highway I felt a hand clutch my crotch and start pulling my pants down, she didn't even need to tell me.
"It doesn't matter. Hurry up and pull your pants back down, I'm not done jacking you off~"
I gulped a mouthful, yes... our last round of truth and dare finished with me finally asking Emma what I wanted her to do. She pulled her dress back down to show me her swollen breasts. I put my eyes off the road for only one second to stretch my hand and massage them.
Just the feeling alone of those soft globes that didn't fit in my hand and her pink nipples poking out, I couldn't help myself, grabbed her by the neck and pulled her down to my crotch so that she could continue what she was doing.
"Hey, hurry up, I'm still waiting for my turn!" Raven complained, I turned my head and saw her lift up her shirt too, and her blue breasts bounced out too.
Jean exhaled a heated breath and pulled down her dress, "I also..."
"Then you two will have to wait because I'll take my dear time~"
I raised my crotch, mistakenly putting my foot on the brake and making the car shake while the uncaring Emma pulled down my trousers. My cock was already hard and wet, she had already been doing me for a few minutes.
I wasn't kind to her, during this junction she didn't want me to treat her kindly, so when she took my cock and put it in her mouth I pushed her head down and grunted.
"Forceful aren't we?~ I hope you won't chicken out when it is my turn" Raven winked at me through the visor, I saw her start fondling and pinching her own chest in an attempt to arouse me and hasten my climax.
While struggling to focus on the driveway, Emma worked me out well. As she said, she took her dear time, whether it be because she was enjoying it or because she wanted to piss off Jean and Raven, she was sloppy and romantic in her work.
Took my cock out, kissed the tip, put it back in and bobbed, all while looking at me with her side eye.
"I knew you'd be tasty... but I should punish you, Ray. You should have let me suck your dick sooner~".
This vixen and her lousy mouth were so good that I switched lanes without noticing. My right hand slithered back and I sank my fingers inside her from behind. Her reaction was instantaneous, but she accepted me.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Jean who was in the process of discovering her own sexuality much to my amusement. She was not exactly pure, she knew what we were doing, but she was also not overly lewd, I doubt she has touched herself down there.
"Jean, have you masturbated before" I asked out loud.
"W-What are you asking all of a sudden?!" The way she answered and how flustered she was over the whole situation told me everything I needed to know.
She wasn't against it, just a bit embarrassed.
"Have you?"
"I-I haven't..."
"Do it, I want to see you".
"Why should I?!"
"Jean, masturbate for me..."
"A-Asking a second time won't–"
I asked the third time and that did it, with a lot of reluctance she started touching herself, it was a bit boring because I couldn't see her properly in the visor, she didn't open herself wantonly to me... only put her eyes on Emma and squeezed her hand into her crotch.
I think she's... enjoying the show?
"Uhm..." I listened to her moan and it fueled me to press Emma's mouth against my crotch further.
I was on cloud nine... that until Emma's hand clenched my balls so hard that I was dropped from heaven and into hell.
"Ohh, I love that noise. What a moan!~" Raven rejoiced.
"That wasn't a moan dammit!" I cursed and held my painful crotch while trying to regain control of the car.
Emma looked at me like she wanted to eat me alive, she fixed her dress to cover her breasts, harrumphed and leaned on her seat.
"I will give you until we finish this journey to reflect, Ray..." She said and from that moment on didn't speak to me again. Raven, pissed off, wanted her turn but to get her turn she'd have to switch with Emma and the blonde just wasn't talking to anyone.
I guess I kinda fucked up.
While Ray regretted his miserable existence, in the first school bus tailing behind...
"I think Mr Ray doesn't know how to drive".
"We even got stopped by police".
"It must be his first time".
Visit my pa-tre-on for up to 20 advanced chapters in this fanfic and many other fanfics I have published.
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