You know the Flash, right? Fastest Man Alive, Speedster Omega. But do you know who he is? Hated by J. Jonah Jameson for the mask he hides under, a speedy vigilante sporting a hidden identity, the Flash is an unknowable existence to both the super and normal world. But I know who he is. After all, I'm him. I'm Flash...Thompson.
Chapter 12 - It Is Power
Written By Dr Armstrong
->Flash POV<-< p>
Flash had a plain expression as he read through the various trending VIGIL posts, particularly those written about him.
Due to some connections he had, mostly with a certain someone, Flash bore the prestigious yet stigmatized role of VIGIL Moderator—though, unlike his more power-blinded comrades, he hadn't yet degenerated into becoming a stinky Warthog, perks of embracing the Jock archetype.
Flash had power over the mainstream opinion, so by using his Moderator privileges, Flash subtly manipulated the downward trajectory of his Superheroic reputation to the best of his abilities.
Unfortunately, the other Moderators didn't seem to have any particularly strong motivations to support Flash's caped career, so they just went with the flow and perpetuated his blunder even further.
In fact, it seems that there was more backlash directed at him rather than the glorified irradiated terrorist furry that was the Rhino.
What the fuck...
Well, it's probably because Flash had made such an obvious mistake in his first rodeo, whereas the Rhino was consistently an asshole, but still!
At least, the world hadn't confused him for a fellow Rogue that had beef with the Rhino, Flash was grateful that he had at least managed to successfully save Wally, that one thing most likely saved his ass from future troubles.
He also managed to gather some more intel regarding the whole situation with the Rhino by using the various eyewitness accounts posted here; Apparently, the Rhino had been actively searching for someone before he had encountered Flash.
By using his Ching Chong Holmes deduction skills and straight-up bullshit that his teenage mind conjured to make sense of it all—the Rhino was most definitely searching for some kind of 'Red-man' and had confused Flash for this hidden third party.
The Rhino had also called Flash by the name of 'Red-eyed man', so maybe the guy he was searching for wasn't necessarily clad in red but just had red-coloured eyes.
'Wow, that sure narrows it down...' Flash scoffed in his mind, there were so many Mutants that had red eyes. Hell, most have vibrant-coloured eyes, they're called Mutants for a reason, after all!
But thinking a bit further, Flash realized that his own red eyes weren't necessarily...eyes. It was just the friction of his movement that coalesced in front of each eye, burning in the colour red.
Whatever protected his body from being violently ripped to shreds most likely took on the form of some kind of bubble-like forcefield around him—except, less...tangible?
The bubble wasn't 'spherical' at all, it was like an extra layer of clothing that covered his body, just hovering an infinitesimal amount of distance away from his physical body.
That bubble...erm, aura? That aura also seemed to cover whatever it was that he was touching, which was why none of the people he carried seemed to be much affected by the speed—except for being slightly nauseous, with Wally almost puking even.
The Speed Aura might also be the originator of all the lightning bolts trailing his every move, perhaps the heat generated from the friction is suppressed into the shape of bolts to not harm him...nah, that didn't sound right.
Whatever it is that the bolts are, they are irrefutably made by the Aura in some kind of indirect way. Flash only saw lightning whenever he was running, there were no mystical bolts of heat whenever he just casually moved.
Although the Aura was probably always there whether he was running or not, in Superspeed, the friction that would generate enough heat for the bolts to manifest could only be found when Flash ran.
The extra heat that didn't become lightning bolts, for some currently unexplainable reason, gathered in front of his eyes and became swirling masses of red-coloured electricity.
Also, why on Lucifer's spotted balls is his lightning even red? What, cause it looks cool? That makes no sense!
"Godspeed, why is this shit so complicated..." He cursed, using the name he had seen occasionally seen in Vigil. If not for already announcing himself as the Flash, he would have switched his identity to that, but alas...
Flash leaned back against his couch as he pocketed his phone and closed his eyes while facing upward, releasing a casual sigh of humid air from his oral cavity.
A day has passed, it has only been a day, but yesterday was single-handedly the most eventful day Flash had experienced this year.
And it won't be the last.
Flash opened his eyes, each of them like serene pools of sapphire blues. Yet the usual gaze that would be found behind them was nowhere to be found, replaced by a new, burning resolution.
The thought had crossed his mind, of leaving this new world of bold and brave, and returning to his mundane and boring life.
Sincerely, fuck that.
Flash had gotten his first glimpse at the alluring wine that was vigilantism back when Spiderman had saved his school from the Sinister Sandman. And now, he had even gotten a tiny sip of his own.
It. Was. Delicious.
Even after having to swallow the bitter pill containing compressed Mongoose shit that was the earlier blunder...
For some deranged reason, Flash felt...happy? No, it was not happiness, not in any way.
It was the same feeling he felt whenever he picked on the Parker boy, it was the same feeling whenever he committed acts of deviancy and mischief when no one was looking.
It was not thrill, no. It was something deeper, and...
Flash wanted more of it, and now? He had the opportunity to do so without being...the way that he is. This was...this was the Flash, not whatever the fuck Eugene is supposed to be.
Flash's mind wandered as he kept staring at the broken and busted-up TV in front of him, the weird hormones invading his pubescent brain as he kept edging in silence.
"Wha...?" He was woken up from his silent stupor as he glanced at the front door, someone was there, knocking rather loudly.
Flash glanced around in worry before his body vanished in a flash, in quite a brief amount of time, the Thompson house experienced a major makeover as all of the rubbish and shit had been tidied up.
Of course, it still took like a solid minute or so, Flash wasn't that fast.
Although he couldn't do anything about the shattered TV and broken glass, he had still not cleaned the house these past few days, he was home alone, after all. Besides the few visits from his male friends, which didn't require a tidied-up environment.
Finally, after he was done, Flash blurred before the door, a hand reaching onto the doorknob.
The door swung open, revealing his new guest.
"Hello there, Son."
It was the police.
--->Author's Note:
Yeah, Flash is an edgelord, but who isn't at age 15? That's why the original had to be drafted to the army to mature, lmao.