
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- Daily Updates! --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 贼鬼 Original Name: 漫威:蜘蛛侠?不,我是超人! Translator & Editor: RedX43 Cover Pic: By AI --- Read Up to 30+ Chapters Ahead at P@treon.com/RedX43

iRedX43 · 漫画同人
200 Chs

Chapter 193: The Graceful Figure from Before Destruction—Loki

Taking the pocket universe from the Watcher's hand, Peter observed through the dark red cosmic barrier. Inside, Ultron was still struggling, attempting to use the Infinity Power to break through the universe's seal.

Indeed, as the Watcher had said, although the pocket dimension could temporarily contain Ultron, it could only do so for a short time.

As Ultron used his immense power to try to erase the cosmic barrier, he would eventually escape.

However, Peter was not going to give him that chance.

Holding the dark red pocket universe in his hands, Peter summoned a terrifying crimson flame.

The blazing fire burned fiercely around the pocket universe, with the intense heat even penetrating the barrier and filling the entire reality within the pocket universe.

In an instant, the entire pocket universe transformed into a blazing red fireball.

The dazzling light and searing heat made the pocket universe resemble a violently burning star.

"The flames of the Phoenix will ultimately incinerate everything…"

The Watcher watched in astonishment as the fireball in Peter's hands blazed with a destructive energy capable of annihilating a universe.


At this moment, the pocket universe seemed to become a true hellish dimension.

The roaring flames quickly engulfed Ultron, trapped inside.

As a mechanical being, Ultron didn't experience pain like a biological entity, but the searing flames created a sensation of suffocation he had never felt before.

It was as if the life he had been granted was about to be completely extinguished.

The shadow of death enveloped him, driving him into a frenzied state for the first time.

The nearly infinite primal power within him surged outward.

Representing the essence of the Infinity Power, the energy spread outward in brilliant rings.

The entire pocket universe was rapidly being obliterated by the primal force.

The cosmic barrier was shattered by the powerful energy but began to heal as the flames continued to burn.

"No, I am the savior of the universe!"

At this moment, Ultron revealed a frenzied aspect of himself, no longer the emotionless, cold machine he once appeared to be.

The immense primal power surrounding him caused his body to expand rapidly.

Facing the all-consuming flames in the pocket universe, his massive form slowly opened its mouth and inhaled.


The endless flames and collapsing cosmic space were entirely consumed.

Ultron, now as large as the entire universe, clenched his fists and struck the encompassing cosmic barrier with tremendous force.


The powerful impact left only a spiderweb-like crack on the barrier, almost shattering the universe.

Though it was clear that the impact was not without effect, the crimson halo that flowed over the barrier caused the flames to gradually heal the crack.

The anger and frustration Ultron had once felt when humanity faced despair resurfaced in his emotionless eyes.

At this moment, unwilling to die easily, Ultron gathered all his strength and continued to pound the cosmic barrier with relentless fists.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sounds of the impacts resonated throughout the pocket universe.

The powerful shockwaves seemed to turn into tangible sound waves, expanding outward in circles.

Despite the continuous attacks making the barrier appear increasingly fragile, nearing collapse, Ultron's primal power covering his body was gradually diminishing.

Eventually, a red flame began to emerge from within Ultron's body, gradually appearing on its surface.


If Ultron had used the primal Infinity Power to shield himself from the blazing fire released by Peter, he might have withstood the flames a bit longer.

Unfortunately, by consuming the flames with his divine form, Ultron accelerated his own destruction.

As the flames appeared on his surface, they spread rapidly, like a small spark growing into a raging wildfire.

More flames swept over Ultron's body from the inside out.

The primal Infinity Power retreated continuously in response to the inferno, being pushed back until it gathered at his head.

At this moment, Ultron finally ceased his previous frenzy and intense unwillingness.

He seemed to revert to his emotionless, cold mechanical form.

"So, this is the sense of despair that humans experience as they approach death?"

At this point, Ultron understood why humans and many other life forms express such profound despair and unwillingness when faced with death.

He seemed to be experiencing life for the first time, rather than being a cold machine.

"Unfortunately, the glorious mission I bear is about to come to an end."

Gradually, the cold red light in Ultron's eyes began to fade.

In its place appeared eyes that were beautiful and deep, resembling those of a human.

However, within the pupils, there were vibrant, multicolored hues, as if they contained an entire universe.

"But that does not mean failure…"

Ultron's eyes, deep and resplendent like the universe, seemed to gaze through the distant cosmic barrier towards Peter.


The Phoenix flames surged violently, completely enveloping Ultron's entire body.

Ultron, who controlled the Infinity Stones and his own destiny, was finally extinguished.


The pocket universe Peter held in his hands was now covered with countless cracks.

As the burning flames gradually faded, Peter absorbed the energy, causing the once intact pocket universe to shatter explosively.

On the dark red cosmic fragments, images of its brief yet historic existence appeared.

Until they completely dissipated into the void.

Amidst the shattered universe, a rainbow-like shadow rose upwards.

It was like a colorful ribbon falling from the sky.

"Primal Infinity…"

Peter gazed at the rainbow-like energy, sensing a special kind of thought and soul within it.

He slowly raised his hand and gently grasped it…

However, the next moment, the rainbow-like energy, as if containing thought, merged into Peter's body as soon as it touched his arm.

Peter did not resist.

As an external object, he could refuse the Infinity Stones, but this thread of energy represented the essence of the primal Infinity.

It could be considered an embodiment of cosmic rules.


"Finally... is it really over?"

The Observer watched calmly as Peter absorbed the energy representing the primal Infinity Power. Despite this, he did not intervene.

For the Observer, stopping Ultron and interfering with the natural development of the universe had already gone against the vow his kind had sworn, effectively defying ancestral decisions.

Now, regarding the ownership of this thread of primal Infinity, he was not particularly concerned. Moreover, Peter was more suited than others to wield this universe-destroying power.

"Alright, I should be going now. The remaining matters are for you to handle."

Peter put away the primal Infinity essence and felt a special change in his body.

He did not immediately check but looked at the Observer. After bidding farewell, he waved his hand, and a blue spatial portal slowly opened.

Peter stepped through without hesitation.

"Infinite universes, infinite possibilities, so fascinating, yet they also mean the emergence of infinite crises."

"However, with his protection, I believe the universe will not be completely destroyed under my watch..."

Watching Peter leave, the Observer seemed to remain in place for a while before slowly waving his hand. He transformed into a brilliant star and rejoined the vast, deep starry sky.

Like an eternal star, ever watching over the natural development of the universe.



As Peter stepped into the portal and returned to his own universe, he found a figure standing before him, seemingly having awaited his return.

This intrigued Peter greatly.

Especially since the person waiting for him, although Peter had never met him in person, was very familiar.

"Hello, esteemed Mr. Superman, I am Loki, the brother of Thor, the God of Thunder..."

The visitor introduced himself to Peter with elegance, though his demeanor was respectful.

"Loki? Why are you here instead of looking for your brother?"

Peter regarded Loki with interest. Since Peter had defeated the invading Thanos, Loki had disappeared.

Peter had not invested much effort in searching for him. After all, Loki posed no threat to him, and Odin had previously instructed him to spare Loki's life.

Peter had assumed that Loki had taken the opportunity to leave Earth after Thanos' attack and continued his deceitful ways across the vast universe.

He was surprised to see Loki appear before him now.

Moreover, Loki seemed to have undergone some special changes.

"Because, as I know, the destruction crisis our universe just experienced has not been completely resolved..."

Loki maintained his elegance, but his expression gradually turned serious.

"Hmm? What else do you know?"

Peter was puzzled. How did Loki know about the cosmic crisis triggered by Ultron?

"Moreover, its death signifies that the true multiverse destruction crisis is imminent..."

As Loki spoke, his previously smiling face turned entirely grave.

"A greater crisis?"

Peter did not readily believe Loki's words, but he also did not completely dismiss them.

He simply grabbed Loki and soared into the sky.


Cough, cough… Mr. Superman, it might be better if we use the space gate next time…

In the blink of an eye, the two figures appeared in a distant space station.

Even with his immensely powerful physical abilities, Loki still struggled to keep up with Peter's speed.

"Mr. Superman, you're back? What exactly happened just now…?"

In the lab, Reed saw Peter's return and hurriedly approached, confused about what could have caused Peter to leave so abruptly.

But before he could ask more, he noticed the unfamiliar figure standing next to Peter and couldn't help but ask, "Who is this?"

"I am Loki, from Asgard. It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Reed… Richards!"

Loki smiled and extended his right hand to Reed, introducing himself.

"Wait, Mr. Loki… have we met before?"

Reed felt something odd, as if he had seen Loki before, despite not recalling when.

"Well, let's say we know each other. You'll understand more in the future…"

Loki's lips curled into a mysterious smile.

"Alright, was there any special situation with the universe just now?"

Peter gave the enigmatic Loki a scrutinizing look, his mind already forming a theory.

But he didn't rush to confirm it and instead turned to Reed with his inquiry.

"Sir, I was just about to report. Shortly after you left, a peculiar energy fluctuation reappeared in the universe. However, it suddenly disappeared again…"

"It's very strange. It seems to have been abruptly interrupted by someone."

Reed looked serious in response to Peter's question. The sudden energy fluctuations in the universe had left them puzzled.

Why it appeared and then disappeared so suddenly was different from the situations before other cosmic destructions.

"And more importantly, the interval time this time was the shortest yet—less than fifteen minutes apart."

Reed's face was grave. If the interval between cosmic annihilations had shrunk to such a short span, nearly a hundred universes might be destroyed every day.

"Alright, don't worry about this energy anomaly. Continue to monitor the multiverse as much as possible and see if any other anomalies occur…"

Peter deduced from Reed's description that the energy fluctuation might have been triggered during the battle with Ultron and didn't pay it much mind.

After instructing Reed to continue monitoring cosmic anomalies, Peter turned his attention to the silent Loki, ready to inquire about his own suspicions.

But Loki met his gaze with a mysterious smile and slowly raised his right hand.

"Three, two, one… Snap!"

As Loki snapped his fingers suddenly in front of them, the alarm in the lab blared.

"Damn it, sir, the energy fluctuation is back!"

Reed's face turned grim in an instant, and he dashed into the multiverse monitoring room.

"It seems you anticipated this all along…"

Peter looked deeply at Loki, who seemed to have been aware of the current situation, and finally confirmed his suspicions.

"That's right, Mr. Superman, I indeed know what's about to happen…"

"Because I am from the Time Variance Authority, or TVA…"

Loki's smile faded, replaced by a serious expression.

"Indeed, it's the TVA!"

Peter showed no surprise at this revelation.

"So, you're here because I disrupted the so-called timeline just now?"

Recalling how he had reviewed the timeline before pursuing Ultron, Peter seemed to understand why the TVA was after him.

"No, your repeated alterations to the timeline, while indeed causing us some unnecessary trouble, are not the real reason I'm here."

"In fact, I am not only from the TVA but also from the entire multiverse, including the sacred timeline, before it is completely destroyed…"

(End of chapter)


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