
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- Daily Updates! --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 贼鬼 Original Name: 漫威:蜘蛛侠?不,我是超人! Translator & Editor: RedX43 Cover Pic: By AI --- Read Up to 30+ Chapters Ahead at P@treon.com/RedX43

iRedX43 · 漫画同人
200 Chs

Chapter 192: Ultron's Infinite Source Avatar

Peter's words left the Watcher, who had just been blaming him for merely watching and not helping, momentarily speechless.


The Watcher seemed at a loss for how to respond.

"Enough of that. What exactly is going on here?"

Peter didn't dwell on the previous topic, instead, he turned his gaze upward, his red eyes locking onto Ultron.

"Sir, this is the cosmic crisis I mentioned to you before… one of them!" The Watcher looked at Ultron with a serious expression.

Perhaps due to being sealed in a single universe for so long, Ultron had become far more powerful than in the original storyline. His mastery over the Infinity Stones was now nearly perfect.

"He has now completely mastered the supreme artifacts, the Infinity Stones, and possesses the power to destroy infinite universes…"

With this terrifying power fully unleashed, even the entire universe could be utterly annihilated.

Before the Watcher intervened to stop him, Ultron had already destroyed the realities of more than a dozen universes.

"Heh, hasn't your race of Watchers always upheld that so-called oath of yours? Even if an entire universe is destroyed before your eyes, you wouldn't interfere with the natural development of the universe, right?"

Peter's tone suddenly shifted, taking another jab at the Watcher.

"Our oath was originally intended to avoid interfering with the natural development of infinite universes, thereby creating infinite possibilities in the cosmos…" the Watcher began.

"However, Ultron's emergence undoubtedly breaks the natural order of the universe. As a Watcher, it is my duty and obligation to uphold the honorable mission of maintaining cosmic harmony."

It must be said that after observing the development of the universe for endless ages, the Watcher had developed a rather flexible sense of morality. The Watchers themselves are born from cosmic civilizations, and if all universes were to be destroyed, their race would lose its purpose for existing.

Of course, this was just the Watcher's way of justifying his reluctant interference in the natural workings of the universe.

"Alright then, sir, I believe you didn't chase all this way just to see me get slapped in the face," the Watcher continued. "Let's join forces and together eliminate this guy who threatens the development of the universe and disrupts the natural order."

Not wanting to dwell on such matters, the Watcher fixed his gaze on Ultron across from them, and a powerful aura began to emanate from him.

"Never mind, just keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't escape…" Peter responded, declining the Watcher's offer to team up against Ultron.

Even though Ultron was incredibly powerful at this point, Peter still saw a gap between their levels. However, with the combined power of all six Infinity Stones, if Ultron truly wanted to escape, he might still be able to evade Peter's senses.

"Are you serious?"

Even though the Watcher knew of Peter's immense strength, he was still taken aback when he saw him preparing to face Ultron alone.

"Don't be reckless. While our race of Watchers isn't known for combat, we do possess some unique abilities. If we join forces, we'll have a better chance of quickly dealing with him…"

The Watcher couldn't help but try to persuade him.

"Just do as I said…"

But Peter showed no hesitation. He exploded with incredible speed and charged directly at Ultron in the void.

"You insignificant human, how dare you underestimate me!"

Although Ultron was a mechanical being with little emotion, upon hearing Peter's words, a cold glint appeared in his scarlet eyes.

He then unleashed a terrifying aura of his own, meeting Peter head-on.


"Damn it, how reckless..."

The Watcher's expression grew serious as he watched the two about to engage in battle. He had already experienced Ultron's overwhelming power and knew he couldn't confidently confront him. If Peter hadn't shown up today, the Watcher might have had to find an opportunity to flee and seek allies across the multiverse to help defeat Ultron.

Now, all he could do was follow Peter's instructions and remain on standby, ready to prevent Ultron from escaping.


As the Watcher's thoughts raced, the two combatants clashed in the sky. Unlike the previous battle between the Watcher and Ultron, this time, even a mere symbolic exchange of power resulted in an incredibly terrifying impact.

A surge of energy suddenly erupted from the center of their confrontation. The sheer force of it nearly instantly swept across the entire Earth within this universe, its power akin to a massive meteor capable of destroying the planet striking its surface.

The energy spread across the Earth's surface, and from space, it looked as though a huge chunk had been bitten out of the planet, leaving a gaping hole in what was once a perfectly round sphere.

"Hmm? This human's strength is actually this formidable…"

The two figures, after the initial clash, didn't continue their skirmish but instead quickly separated. Ultron finally cast aside his underestimation of Peter, his expression now filled with gravity.

Aside from the Watcher and the mysterious being who had once sealed him, this human was the most powerful entity Ultron had encountered across countless universes.

"The universe is so… wondrous…"

At that moment, Ultron realized that pure strength alone wouldn't be enough to defeat his opponent. Without hesitation, he began to harness the power of the six Infinity Stones, which had become one with him.


"I am the natural order. All the infinite suffering and pain in the universe will end with me!"

As Ultron's cold, emotionless words rang out, the already radiant Infinity Stones on his body began to shine even brighter, like the six most brilliant stars in the universe.

Instantly, Ultron's aura surged, and it seemed as though the entire universe trembled under the weight of his terrifying power.

"I will bring true peace to the universe!"

A terrifying burst of energy exploded forth, as if it were about to annihilate the entire universe.


"Damn it, that abnormal energy fluctuation is happening again, and this time the interval is so short!"

Meanwhile, in another universe, Reed and his team were still awaiting the results of Peter's sudden departure when they were abruptly alerted by the multiverse detector's warning.

It had been less than half an hour since the last universe's destruction, and now a second universe was on the brink of annihilation. The shocking situation left Reed and his team feeling both disbelieving and powerless.

"Wait, that energy fluctuation… it seems to have suddenly stopped…"

"No, it must have been interrupted by someone!"


"Not good, he's going to destroy the entire universe! Stop him, quickly!"

Ultron's sudden release of such immense power left the Watcher utterly shocked. He wanted to intervene, but it was already too late. All he could do was shout in fury.

In fact, even before the Watcher could warn him, Peter had already sensed the destructive force Ultron had unleashed, powerful enough to obliterate an entire universe.

"So this is Ultron after mastering all six Infinity Stones? Truly worthy of being the ultimate villain—destroying an entire universe at the slightest provocation."

Even Peter couldn't help but marvel at Ultron's audacity. This guy completely broke the conventional rules for villains, refusing to follow the usual script.

Typically, a villain would battle the protagonist fiercely for a while, only unleashing a world-ending move when they were on the verge of exhaustion. But Ultron was different. It was like playing cards—while Peter had just played a simple four, Ultron immediately threw down the unbeatable trump card.

"Is it because I don't have the protagonist's plot armor?"

Peter wondered to himself, but his actions were swift. In an instant, he vanished, moving at an incredible speed, and reappeared right in front of Ultron, who was preparing to destroy the universe.

In a moment that left Ultron stunned, Peter grabbed him by the neck with his left hand. Then, with his right hand, he firmly grasped Ultron's head and effortlessly plucked the yellow Mind Stone from his forehead, just like Thanos had done in another universe.

"Heh, I was going to have some fun with you, but you just had to flip the table at the slightest disagreement!"

Even though Ultron's body was encased in a special armor powered by the Stones, at its core, it was still just a vibranium-constructed mechanical body. And in some universes, this body had even become Vision's, only to have the Mind Stone taken by another powerful Thanos.

At this moment, Peter had restored this body to its destined fate.

Casually discarding Ultron's now lifeless body, Peter held the yellow Mind Stone in his palm and, without hesitation, crushed it with one hand.


A sound echoed through the universe as the Stone shattered.


A burst of yellow energy surged outward, sweeping across dozens of kilometers.

The Mind Stone in Peter's hand disintegrated into fragments, scattering into the void.

"The crisis that threatened the entire universe… was resolved so easily?"

On the ground, the Watcher still hadn't recovered from the astonishing reversal. The multiverse crisis that had seemed so overwhelming to him was resolved by Peter with such ease that it seemed almost unbelievable, even to him.

"Don't just stand there—let's go!"

Peter suddenly appeared next to the Watcher, and in the next moment, the two of them shattered the barriers of the universe and vanished from this reality.


The yellow Mind Stone fragments had not yet fully settled to the ground when a sudden breeze seemed to arise out of nowhere.

On the dimly lit fragments of the Mind Stone, a faint yellow glow began to shimmer.

The breeze swept through, gathering the scattered yellow particles into a single stream of yellow energy.

This energy then swiftly moved through the void, merging into Ultron's seemingly "dead" body.

"The true essence of the Infinity Stones, I have already completely mastered. The stones themselves hold no significance for me anymore!"

Ultron's form reappeared, floating in the void. The five differently colored stones embedded in his chest suddenly shattered.

Combined with the yellow energy from the Mind Stone that Peter had crushed, this energy swirled and twisted in front of him, ultimately forming a beautiful rainbow.

This rainbow-like energy then merged into Ultron's body.

A terrifying aura once again surrounded Ultron, as if the rainbow energy was tearing apart the surrounding space. The void shattered, and an endless emptiness surrounded Ultron's form, making it nearly impossible to approach.

It was as if Ultron, at his core, could tear apart the entire universe.

At this moment, the Infinity Stones had lost their original meaning.

Ultron had become the true embodiment and master of the Infinity Stone energy, the very essence of limitless power.

"Heh, I knew things wouldn't end so easily!"

Suddenly, Peter and the Watcher, who had just departed, reappeared before the embodiment of infinite power that was Ultron.

It seemed as though they had never left.

"He has truly mastered the essence of infinite power—how could this happen?"

"In all the universes I have observed, nothing so incredible has ever occurred!"

The reappeared Watcher stared in shock at Ultron, now embodying infinite power.

Even as a cosmic observer, he had never witnessed such a horrifying scene.

"I had sensed something was off with him. Normally, even with all six Infinity Stones, it would be impossible to wield their power so recklessly."

Peter's expression turned serious. While others had collected all six Infinity Stones before, even Thanos on the sacred timeline could only use their power in a limited way.

Yet Ultron was able to use the Infinity Stones from a single universe to wield power greater than that of a multiverse.

"Unfortunately, even if you understand this, you cannot change the predetermined reality. The infinite universe will ultimately be extinguished by my hand, restoring absolute silence!"

"I am... the destiny of the universe!"

Facing Peter once again, Ultron's cold gaze showed no hint of emotion.

With a roar, terrifying rainbow energy erupted from Ultron's body.

The primal force, no longer restrained by the Infinity Stones, gathered within Ultron.

Six different colored energies formed colorful rings outside Ultron's body, rapidly spinning like an astrolabe and expanding outward.

As the green time essence spread, it seemed to completely strip away the time of the entire universe.

The blue spatial essence spread, causing infinite space to vanish into nothingness.

Next, the yellow Mind essence, the orange Soul essence...

The red Reality essence caused the universe's reality to collapse completely.

Finally, as the purple Power essence spread, the entire universe was utterly annihilated in that moment!


As the endless primal force spread, Ultron's form seemed to lose any intention to battle Peter, slowly dissolving into the void of the extinguished universe.

"Too bad, you can't escape the true prison!"

However, despite Ultron's nearly dissipated form, Peter's gaze remained unchanged, showing no sign of concern.


Ultron's nearly intangible form suddenly vibrated and solidified again.

The universe, which had been collapsing due to the infinite primal power, began to rapidly contract.

Gradually, the entire universe seemed to be enclosed within a massive glass sphere.

The solid red sphere continued to shrink.

In the end, Ultron could see ahead of him a hexagonal prism glowing with a dark red light...


Ultron roared, his body suddenly growing to immense proportions, like a devourer of star systems, attempting to break free from the slowly forming prison.


Yet his resistance was utterly futile.

His gigantic form continued to compress as the prison shrank.

Ultimately, it became a red pocket universe no larger than a soccer ball.

"Leave the rest to you. My pocket universe can only seal it for a short time!"

The Watcher casually summoned the pocket universe into his hand and handed it over to Peter, saying with some urgency.

"Don't worry. The embodiment of infinite primal power is not indestructible…"


(End of Chapter)


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