
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- Daily Updates! --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 贼鬼 Original Name: 漫威:蜘蛛侠?不,我是超人! Translator & Editor: RedX43 Cover Pic: By AI --- Read Up to 30+ Chapters Ahead at P@treon.com/RedX43

iRedX43 · 漫画同人
200 Chs

Chapter 180: The World Collapses, A New Reality!

The Flash looked at the alien army invading the city and the humans fleeing in panic. There was a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

However, he knew he could not stop here.

If he stopped, he wouldn't be able to completely rewrite the future that was invaded by aliens, nor could he truly save this world.

Filled with determination, the Flash continued running backward.

As he did, time around him flowed backward.

Countless images and familiar figures gradually appeared before his eyes.

Meanwhile, as the Flash ran through the Speed Force tunnel, making time flow backward, the outside world did not directly collapse.

Superman, still exerting all his strength, was trying to stop the massive wall of flames from enveloping Earth.

Despite his efforts, he was still being suppressed by Darkseid's power.

As the wall of fire that nearly covered the entire Earth was about to descend and incinerate everything, a figure suddenly appeared above it.

With a simple gesture, this figure summoned a crimson phoenix.

The fiery phoenix grew rapidly in the wind, expanding countless times in an instant.

With a resonant cry, the phoenix's blazing wings flapped.

The clear, piercing cry seemed to echo throughout the world.

As the phoenix appeared, Darkseid realized that his flames were no longer under his control.

Pulled by a powerful force, the flames began to rush toward the phoenix.

In an instant, the endless wall of fire disintegrated.

"No, this is impossible!"

Even Darkseid was shocked to see the phoenix absorbing all the flames into its body.

With a powerful flap of its burning wings, the ethereal phoenix soared into the sky.

Leaving behind specks of red starlight, it finally re-entered Peter's body and disappeared completely.

"What... what have you done?"

Darkseid's plan to incinerate Earth had been thwarted by this sudden appearance.

This was the same person who had previously humiliated him by rubbing his face into the ground.

Old grudges and new hatred combined, filling Darkseid with rage against Peter.

His face was icy cold, and his eyes glowed with angry red light. If he hadn't witnessed Peter's power firsthand, the red light in his eyes would have turned into Omega Beams aimed at Peter.

"This world is about to perish. Your existence no longer has any meaning..."

Facing Darkseid's fury, Peter remained calm, almost indifferent.

He didn't even glance at Darkseid, his eyes fixed on the still-active Speed Force tunnel below.

"Finally, a chance to collect more Speed Force!"

Peter's face was calm, but he felt a thrill inside.

The Speed Force tunnel constructed by the Flash contained immense Speed Force energy, more than enough for Peter to gather.

"Damn it, how dare you ignore me!"

Peter's indifference was a severe insult to the proud Darkseid.

Even though he knew how powerful Peter was, Darkseid would not tolerate such humiliation.

At that moment, his fury exploded.

Darkseid once again unleashed his full power.

The Omega symbol, like a fiery brand on his chest, burst with brilliant light.

Mighty Omega energy gathered in Darkseid's eyes.

Then, it formed incredibly bright Omega Beams that shot out from his eyes.


The powerful Omega Beams seemed to pierce through space itself.

They refracted multiple times in the air, ultimately converging and shooting toward Peter from behind.

This time, because Darkseid released them with all his strength, the Omega Beams had unparalleled destructive power.

Even Superman with his steel-like body would not emerge unscathed if hit by these beams.


However, just as the Omega Beam was about to hit Peter from behind, he suddenly raised his right hand.


With a crisp snap of his fingers, the entire world seemed to come to a halt, plunging into a deathly silence. Even the Omega Beam, which had been swiftly piercing through the void, was frozen in midair, unable to advance any further.

"No! This is absolutely impossible! I am the god of this world!"

While the space and time of the entire world froze, Darkseid's thoughts continued unabated. He could perceive everything happening at that moment and screamed internally in disbelief at the unprecedented situation.

Yet, regardless of his disbelief, the reality was as it was. With just a snap of his fingers, Peter had paused the time and space of the entire world.

"I've already said, this world has lost its meaning..."

"And you, you're far from being a true god!"

Ignoring Darkseid's intense resentment and incredulity, Peter snapped his fingers again.


The sound reverberated like thunder across the universe. Instantly, the Omega Beam, suspended behind Peter, seemed to disintegrate under an overwhelming force. It broke into small flames, which were then extinguished in the void.


Simultaneously, as the Omega Beam dissipated, Darkseid felt an immense force crushing his body. It was as if the weight of the entire universe pressed down upon him. Amidst the tremendous pressure, another unique force tore at his body.

Unable to withstand such terror, Darkseid's form was obliterated in an instant. His body was ripped apart by the spatial and temporal forces, and with a flicker of weak flames, he turned to ashes and vanished from the world.

In the void where he once stood, only a burning Omega symbol remained, which slowly faded away.

Far across the universe, a figure identical to Darkseid sat on a massive throne. The aura emanating from him was infinitely more terrifying than the previous Darkseid.

His overwhelming presence seemed capable of annihilating the void even when not deliberately released. His power was so immense that the universe could no longer contain his existence, forcing him to reside on a star of fire larger than the universe itself.

Suddenly, his tightly shut eyes snapped open. His scarlet eyes seemed to pierce through the endless void, ignoring the barriers of the universe, gazing in a particular direction.

"Another avatar has perished? It seems the plan to conquer the multiverse is not going smoothly..."

He murmured to himself, his voice causing the entire world to tremble.

"Nevertheless, I am manifested in countless forms. One day, I will truly rule the endless multiverse!"

The loss of an avatar was insignificant to him. With just a brief glance, he closed his eyes again, sinking into endless contemplation.


At the same time, Darkseid's dispersal in this world seemed to signal something. Immediately following, the entire world began to completely disintegrate.

From the sky down, it was as if a giant curtain was being torn from the center by an immense force. A pitch-black void line ran through the entire world.

Then, the void started to slowly spread, engulfing everything and turning it into nothingness. At that moment, time, space, matter, and rules lost all meaning. The void enveloped everything, erasing all matter that once belonged to this world.

"The collapse of the world does not signify extinction but rather rebirth..."

Peter watched the entire world disappear without a trace of emotion on his face. Soon, everything in the world vanished before his eyes.

Only Peter, who never belonged to this world, remained in the endless void. Alongside him, a source of light radiated the brightest glow within the void.

That light, like the dawn of the universe, was the time-space corridor constructed by the Speed Force.

Without hesitation, Peter's figure vanished into the void.

Meanwhile, the Flash, within the time-space corridor, was unaware that the entire world had collapsed at that moment.

A new world awaited him, ready to be reshaped by his hands. He was continuously running backward, seeking the optimal time point to completely rewrite this tragic world.

He didn't notice that a figure had appeared behind him at some point.

"The scene of a time-space corridor is completely different from traversing the universe..."

Peter observed the scenes flashing by, akin to a roundtable meeting, truly experiencing the different images of time reversal.

Although Peter possessed the ability to freely manipulate the river of time, it was his first time witnessing the time-reversal scene constructed by the Speed Force.

Nevertheless, he hadn't forgotten his mission. As the fragments of time around him crumbled, Peter began to collect the scattered Speed Force energy. With a simple extension of his right hand, streams of Speed Force energy converged rapidly into his palm.

In just a few moments, a dazzling Speed Force lightning had gathered in Peter's hand, continuously pulsing as if trying to break free from his control.

Yet, it was like the Monkey King in the Buddha's palm, no matter how much it flipped, it could never escape.

"Faster, I must go faster!"

Scenes flashed before the Flash's eyes and then vanished. It was his first time reversing such a long period. Coupled with the immense exertion of energy before forming the Speed Force corridor, his endurance thus far was incredible, sustained solely by his unwavering faith.

Now, he had to quickly find the crucial time point, then reverse time and reshape reality. Feeling some impatience, his steps became a bit erratic, but the time fragments flashing by accelerated.

In a short time, Peter had absorbed sufficient Speed Force energy.

"Finally, I've found it!"

Suddenly, the Flash shouted in excitement as he continued to run backward in time. Peter's attention was drawn to a scene before him. A large figure clad in silver armor, with two devil-like horns on his head, wielded a massive battle-ax.

In the image, this figure was using a special power to fuse three cubic boxes together. As the three cubes perfectly merged, an incredibly terrifying energy erupted. It opened a spatial passage to Apokolips.

"Mother Boxes from Apokolips?"

Peter recognized the three merging cubes as the Mother Boxes of Apokolips, created with the highest technology of Apokolips.

They possessed the power to decompose and reshape all matter, release immense energy, open portals to Apokolips, and send its coordinates.

Because of the Mother Boxes, the demon-like figure, Steppenwolf, had the opportunity to invade Earth. He collected the three Mother Boxes, merged them, and mobilized the army of Apokolips to invade Earth.

The Flash knew all of this even better than Peter because he had personally experienced it.

Without Steppenwolf, Darkseid would never have found their Earth. The army of Apokolips would not have invaded, nor would the Earth have become a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

"There is still hope for change!"

"As long as we collect the three Mother Boxes before Steppenwolf and use them to resurrect Superman, we can change the tragic future."

The Flash's eyes gleamed with excitement. At that moment, he had decided how to prevent the future tragedies.

As he felt this excitement, his physical strength was almost completely exhausted. His numb legs could no longer run, and he came to a slow stop.

Then, he was propelled out of the time-space corridor, falling into the reality of that time point.

As the Flash fell out of the time-space corridor, it completely collapsed. The scene before Peter's eyes changed, and he suddenly found himself above a bustling city.

"The darkest hour for humanity, the death of Superman!"

In the city's bustling streets, a large convoy was holding a funeral procession for a certain body. The atmosphere of mourning enveloped the entire city, even the entire world.


(End of Chapter)


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