
Marvel: Meditation System

Transmigrated as Grant Ward in prison. Follow as Grant Ward causes chaos in the MCU I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ]

Alcoholic_Panda · 漫画同人
137 Chs

Daniel Whitehall

For those of you that want to read ahead go to my pat reon, your support would really mean a lot

www.patr eon. com/alcoholic_panda

On my patr eon for Tier 1 (4.5 Euro) you get 5 chapters for Meditation system, 3 chapters for MHA:Code, and Ch 1 and 2 for about 9 other fic's not posted anywhere else.

Tier 2 is a work in progress. 10 for MS and 6 for MHA: Code. everything after ch2 on the 9 fic's

Meditation system isn't fully ready, because of the randomizer i have had to change the plot a lot, I have the most trouble with that fic, it will be up and running soon


I open a portal and appear 18km in the air to intercept an private jet. I have to say, Whitehall's reaction was quite fast, as soon as he heard the news about the high level base, he immediately boarded a plain to get away,

He even set up some dummy's of him on a train and on a ship. I ruled the ship out right away, the ocean is full of water that i can use to make ice, him going there is pure suicide.

I'm guessing he is in the air, it would be the 'hardest' location for me to fight in, by just using my Ice. I use a spell to check if he is inside, and bingo. He is surrounded by his goons.

Well at least in their perspective. the only powers i have shown them is my Ice. So they assume that i will be weak high up in the air, i don't know why though, they might be above cloud level but there is still Polar stratospheric clouds, they are between 20 and 30 km above the ground. And ironically are mostly composed of ice particles.

For a leader of a criminal organization he is quite dumb. But I won't be using my ice powers here, there is a perfectly good jet here, why would i want to damage it, it should get me a good amount of points. The helicopter was 400p but this is a modified Jet of a Hydra Head. This should at least get me 1000p to 1700p.

I open a portal right at the pilot cabin and quickly grab their heads. I learned a lot about mental manipulation from the Mind Stone. I take control of the pilots and order them to keep flying. I stay in the cabin for a few more minutes to make sure they cant undo the spell. I really want this plane to stay in one piece, and i won't let them crash it.

I exit the cabin and people immediately start shooting at me. I use a variation of the Eldritch Shield, this is another custom modification I made. This Shield absorbs kinetic energy? from projectiles making them harmless.

I will be using Eldritch magic for quick precise movements without damaging the plain.


Tendrils with small scythes on the end form.

I use them to quickly dismember the hydra goons.

Whitehall is going to the back of the jet, while more goons will try and shoot me as soon as i enter. They quickly join their fallen comrades in hell.

Only Whitehall is left, i enter the last room in the Jet only to find Whitehall sitting on his chair without a care in the world

He gives me a smile "Please take a seat, I'm very interested in meeting you. The man that caused such losses to us."

I pull my hood down and say with a smile

"Nice to meet you Herr Werner Reinhardt"

He just smiled and switched to his German accent" So you know who I am.. Herr Ward.. You are a very strange man. I'm quite curious..How did you aquire such power in such a short period of time?"

"I had a lucky encounter.. In a way.

Why didn't you try to run away? There are parachutes in the hallway you could have taken one and jumped off"

He just smiled and poured himself another drink "Please do not insult me Herr Ward. You managed to get here almost 20 km in the air, surely you can catch us if we were just slowly falling down to the earth. No I'm certain that I will die here, but before I do, I want some the questions I have to be finally answered.

I have spent 44 years in prison, when i got out i used the organs of a Woman who had the ability to slow down or halt her aging process.

I have dedicated a lifetime in search for more power and for new discovery's. You who I'm quite sure was an ordinary human a year ago can now preform extraordinary feats. I just want to know how you did it before you kill me."

He isn't afraid of dying, he accepted the fact that he was about to die here, and already moved on, he just wants to confirm some of his theories and maybe learn something new for the last time before he dies.

I smirk "Very Well. I'll tell you how i acquired my current powers. I'm also curious of your opinion" he is mad scientist. but a smart mad scientist

"Tell me Herr Reinhardt, do you believe in the existence of Gods?"

"Interesting.. you said Gods.. Plural.. so they do exist" his eyes light up at the possibility

"Correct. There are multiple beings that we call gods, I only met one, and know of a few more, the one i met was a weak or lower class god. I got most of my powers from them, they give me tasks and reward me when i complete them. I have also studied magic, something that almost all humans are capable of, but are not aware that it exists"

"Fascinating, such a shame i didn't have the opportunity to study such a wonderous thing. Tell me do the concepts of Heaven and Hell exist?"

"Heh. Worried about your afterlife?" i laugh

He didn't deny it at all "Of course as a Head of Hydra and as a man of science i have done many terrible things. I assume that my afterlife will not be pleasant"

" I don't exactly know if they exist, you will have to find that out for yourself, but since Gods are real, its safe to assume that the chances are quite high that they do exist"

"I see. Well then if there is a Hell then I'll be meeting you there, after all you have committed many crimes yourself. Auf Wiedersehen Herr Ward,*

"Same to you Herr Reinhardt" I lift my hand and a 'Para-scythe' just decapitate him, giving him a somewhat painless death

Word Count 1016

A/N (Herr. means Mr.)

*(Goodbye, Mr. Ward)