
Marvel login system (In Pause)

Arthur Morgan is an ordinary adult who ended up in the chaotic Marvel universe. He just wanted to be a discreet writer and make money from his books. It also has a 'cheat'. A daily login system. As the name suggests, whenever he logs in once a day he gains something from the system, ranging from skills to completely useless items. … One day, Arthur found a blonde girl passed out at the door of his house. "Why the hell is there a girl passed out on my doorstep!?" ---------------- If you want to read advanced chapters, take a look at my Patreon. patreon.com/Supreme_Dragon_God Any fanfics I work on in the future will be updated first there and then here on WN If you want to join the Discord server just use this link: https://discord.com/invite/GSddex8xhY

Supreme_Dragon_God · 漫画同人
73 Chs

CHAPTER 62: Could he be smarter than Howard?


Nick Fury received a message from Black Widow.

And he was completely shocked when he saw it.

Is he already dying? Why the hell would he leave Stark Industries to go on vacation?

But it's right to think about it, is that his life is probably coming to an end, so he thought he should spend more time with the people around him.


Nick Fury felt the moment was approaching.

Maybe when the time comes, he'll take this box of stuff left by Howard to find Tony.

"Agent Hill."

Maria Hill, who heard Nick Fury calling her from outside, immediately entered Nick Fury's office.

"Sir, what do you want from me?"

"If you're free now, see where Tony is heading."

"Yes sir."

Maria Hill immediately began operating her tablet, but soon her face was replaced by disappointment.

"I can't find his location sir, it seems JARVIS has blocked their network."

"It seems that after what happened last time, he is now on guard against us."

Nick Fury just nodded slightly.

As expected.

"It's okay, you can go down first."


Hill suddenly spoke, causing Nick Fury to look at her, "Agent Hill, if you have something to say, say it."

"I have a feeling Tony Stark may have found a new element."

"That's why he's so relaxed now."

After pondering for a while, Nick Fury calmly shook his head: "That should be impossible. Even if Howard has researched this kind of thing, there is nothing for him to use as a model."

"It's unlikely Tony can do it alone."

Nick Fury knew very well that Howard had researched this thing by studying the Tesseract.

And kept the lab notes at SHIELD.

During these years, the Tesseract was stored at SHIELD. How could Tony have researched it without the Tesseract?

Could he be even smarter than Howard?

In Nick Fury's heart, Howard is the smartest person in the world.

Now that Nick Fury himself has said this, then Hill definitely has no idea to continue persuading him.

Instead, she silently left the office.

After Hill left, Nick Fury smiled slightly: "Tony can research the same substance as the Tesseract?"

"What a dream..."


Under the table, after making a swallowing sound, Jean walked out happily.

Then she said with some resentment, "My mouth is sore."

Arthur smiled, "It's normal, otherwise why would you beg for mercy?

"Hmph, I'll go home first."

"Go ahead, my work is almost done."

I must say that Jean still has a way in that sense, she is truly a mature woman.

At this moment, the Red Queen's projection appeared beside Arthur, just when Arthur thought the Red Queen would ask some strange questions.

The Red Queen said: [Master, Tony Stark is here with Miss Virginia Potts.]

"Huh!? Both?"

Arthur felt a little strange, but quickly thought of the reason.

Probably because Tony came to thank him and at the same time he was eager for his milk tea.

This guy.

Arthur got up and went to the first floor, Tony had already opened the door and entered: "Hey, great writer."

Giving nicknames is what Tony does best.

Pepper looked at Arthur in disbelief, "Hello, Mr. Morgan."

"It's actually a bit abrupt. I didn't know Tony was visiting you, so I dressed a bit casually."

"It's okay, Tony and I are good friends."

Arthur replied with a smile.

Pepper is very formal, but it makes him a little uncomfortable.

"I'm sure you know why I'm here, Arthur."

Tony looked like he understood, Arthur gave him a speechless look: "Go to the fridge yourself."


Tony immediately ran over, grabbed two cups without hesitation, and gave one cup to Pepper.

After Pepper drank, she nodded in satisfaction.

"That's the flavor."

"I didn't expect Mr. Morgan to be so good not only in literature but also in cooking."

"A lot of people say that."

"You are not humble at all."

Tony reclamou.

"Just like you."

The two argued with each other, making Pepper unable to contain her smile. Tony doesn't have many friends.

Looks like this is another good friend.

"Arthur, are any friends of yours visiting?"

On the second floor, Jean looked down.

When Jean saw their faces, he recognized them immediately.

Tony Stark and his assistant Virginia Potts.

But Tony didn't recognize Jean up there and just looked at Arthur in surprise.

It's like saying, or your child can play.

Tony has seen countless women, but this is the first time he has seen Jean.

That unique charm.

But Pepper recognized her at a glance.

She presented the party list last time, how could she not know it?

At the same time, she was also very surprised, because Arthur is so skilled. He met Jean at that party last time.

And now she's already in his house.

And the other part is still a Mutant.

Pepper would certainly be even more surprised if she knew Jean's status at Xavier Institution.

"Hello, Miss Jean Grey."

"Do you know her?"

Tony looked at Pepper in surprise. After Pepper's explanation, he admired Arthur even more.

This guy ate a mutant!

He's amazing!

The two women wisely went to the other side and left the two men.

"Arthur, I really want to thank you this time.

"I've already researched the new element, I believe I can replace the palladium nucleus in two days."

Tony pointed to his chest.

Arthur smiled slightly: "It's okay, I also got a lot of things from you, besides, these things were originally left for you by Howard."

"That said, but I didn't notice, did I?"

Tony raised his cup of milk tea and made a toasting gesture to express his gratitude.

"But the strangest thing is, since the old man left something like this, why didn't he give any hints?"

Tony couldn't understand why.

Arthur definitely wouldn't say it was Nick Fury's plan, and Tony would understand that kind of thing when he thought about it more deeply.

Not much needs to be said.

The topics men talk about are nothing more than careers and women.

Mainly two successful men.

"By the way, there will be a street car race in Morocco in two days. If you are interested, come and take part."

Arthur wanted to refuse initially, but agreed when he thought there would be a good show to watch.

[A/N: We all know what's going to happen.]

"Looks like you can drag race too."

"I know a little."

"Then we have to run together."

Soon Tony left, taking four or five cups of milk tea.

Arthur wondered if Tony would get fat if he continued like this.

After saying goodbye to Tony, Jean smiled and said, "It seems like you and Tony Stark have a very good relationship."

"Yes, but I have a better relationship with you."

Arthur put his arms around Jean's waist and said with a smile, "Enough talk."

"Don't think you can escape now."


"I was wrong!!!!!!"

In the room, the sound of moaning rang out again.



Back in his office, Norman looked at the scenery not far away, his eyes were deep, as if he was thinking about something.

Soon a high-level Oscorp executive walked in.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?"

"Is this hospital under your management?"

Norman casually tossed a business card.

Seeing the hospital information above, the man immediately said, "I'll manage it, boss."

"The police recently admitted a patient named Peter Parker, do you know about this?"


"Since our hospital has always cooperated with the police, I know there are patients admitted, but I don't know the name of the other party."

"Go and do a blood test on him tonight."

"And send his blood to my lab."

Although he didn't know what Norman wanted that young man's blood for, he could only obey his boss's orders.

"Yes, I will do that immediately."

After the man left, Norman went to the coat rack and put on a white coat.

Then he entered the elevator...


In the hospital.

Several police officers guarding the door of the ward saw a nurse approaching and immediately asked the guards, "What are you doing here?"

"A blood test to see if there are any after-effects."

For this reason, they did not stop her.

Furthermore, everyone is aware of Peter's situation. Although the consequences are serious, generally speaking, no one will come to assassinate him.

They just took a quick look at the things in the nurse's car and let her in.

The nurse left after taking the blood and was seen by George, who returned.

"Why is this nurse here?"

"She came to do a blood test on Peter Parker, we checked and everything is fine."

George nodded and didn't care much: "You guys can go back, the shift has changed."


An hour later...


In a secret laboratory.

Norman looked at the two tubes of blood that had just been delivered, smiled slightly, and began his own experiments.

In your laboratory, there are several living organisms.

There were even people in tubes.

After analyzing Peter's blood, Norman smiled happily.

"As expected."

"Howard Stark, soon the super soldiers I will develop will surpass your Captain America."

"Wait and see..."

"I, Norman Osborn, will surpass you!"

After Norman left the lab satisfied, he got in his car and drove home.

At home, Harry was already waiting for him.

Seeing Norman return, Harry immediately used a scolding tone: "Why didn't you give Peter and Dr. Connors more time?"

"If you had given a little more time, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."

"That wouldn't have happened to Peter."

Faced with his son's question, Norman calmly said, "Harry, I'm not the sole owner of Oscorp."

"I bought them a lot of time, that was a board decision."


"A lot of times I just can't help myself."

"You're lying!"

Norman frowned, "Take Harry back to his room and don't let him leave without my permission."

"Wait until he calms down."

The old butler stepped forward to help Harry, and Harry shook off his hand: "Let go of me, I can walk by myself.

Looking at his rebellious son, Norman could only sigh helplessly.

"Harry, I'm doing this for the future of Oscorp."

"You'll understand later."

Afterwards, the old butler came down from upstairs: "Master, he is just worried about his friends."

"I hope you don't blame him."

"I see, have the maids come give me a massage."

"Yes sir."


In addition to logging in daily, Arthur plays with Jean and Gwen at the mansion.

Gwen went to school and Jean was at home.

Jean goes to teach at the Xavier Institute and Arthur stays at home with Gwen.

When the two were out, Arthur took advantage of the sun to increase his Skills.

His life was getting better and better.

He also didn't get any real improvements to logins, all he got was 'interesting' stuff.

This also made Arthur think about when to use these accessories.

But before using it.

He needs a three-person battle first...


Tony's beach house.

Tony looked at the renovated lab and the new Ark reactor in the middle of the lab that had completed several tests.

The triangular module in the middle represents stability.

It also represents vital signs that start from the beginning and gradually stabilize.

Tony took the second generation Ark reactor off his chest and placed the new one against his chest.

The moment he put it on, he felt a powerful energy emanating from his chest.

All symptoms of palladium poisoning in the surrounding area were immediately relieved.

"This feeling is really great!"

Tony said without exaggeration.

Who doesn't like that feeling of being reborn?

"JARVIS, is everything ready?"

[Ready, sir.]

Tony was using the brand new Mark 6, and took to the sky instantly.

More power means more speed.

Better maneuverability.


Tony was very excited.


On the other side.

Arthur saw this scene through the Red Queen, because of his relationship with Tony, Tony developed a new Ark reactor well in advance.

This made Arthur very curious about what would happen if that person saw that Tony no longer had palladium poisoning and already had the improved Ark reactor tomorrow.

Yes, the race in Morocco was tomorrow.

As Arthur was still watching, two women's voices came from outside.

The two came back from shopping.

Arthur turned off the red projection and looked at the two women who entered: "Which one of you will be free tomorrow?

As soon as these words came out, both of their faces turned red at the same time.

They thought Arthur would do something bad again tomorrow.

Arthur was speechless.

Is he that kind of person?

Arthur continued explaining: "Tomorrow I'm going to Morocco to take part in a street race, Tony invited me."

"Whoever is free will accompany me. If both of you are free, then you two will come with me."

"I can go, there's no class tomorrow!"

Gwen was the first to raise her hand.

Jean also smiled: "I don't have to teach any classes tomorrow, so I can also go with you."

"Okay, then it's settled."

(End of chapter)

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