
Marvel Infinite Personality

-Reminder- English is not my first language so if you want perfect grammar this is not for you. ••• -Summary- "...Who the hell is that?"    Raymond, "I am Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons!" ••• -Info- Author: Gongzihai Raw Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/read.aspx?tid=84653&sid=8564 ••• -Risk- Racism: 0 Nationality: 0 ••• -Disclaimer- I owned nothing and the cover art.

VinCi · 漫画同人
8 Chs


"Just that is the feeling of switching sub-personalities..." Raising his arms and looking at himself who has regained control of his body, Raymond has a preliminary perception of the so-called sub-personal switch in his mind.

In the switch of sub-personality, although he will temporarily lose control of the body, the consciousness is still present in the body, will not appear similar to the coma past condition, and vision and hearing are not affected, he can still clearly understand the situation in the outside world.

During this period, he could communicate with the secondary personality and could switch back.

In addition, he found that the sub-personality was a kind of like two sides of the same existence, a feeling that is complicated to explain. If you have to describe it, it is probably him with different experiences.

This differs from both the concept of a pure doppelgänger and a direct 100% copy of a soul with the complete memory of Koru over, but a strange mode of combining roughly understanding the concept of sub-personality switching, Raymond's thoughts flared up again.

"Koru combat power, even in the world of the One Piece compare to Marvel world is very ordinary, a random pirate qualified to step into the Grand Line can KO him, placed in this world of Marvel where even the gods of creation are real is even less..."

"However, compared to those street heroes and villains, but not necessarily inferior to them, as long as I do not die, I can handle it"

"I just don't know if there is a limit to switching sub-personalities, or how long I can do it?" Raymond wrapped his arms around his chest, rubbing his chin with one hand, secretly pondering.

Compared to the world of One Piece, the world of Marvel is undoubtedly a high magic world and is a high mess of the kind.

But for ordinary people, especially for ordinary people living on Earth, this world is still relatively safe, at least much safer than the long-term chaos of the world of Pirates.

After all, the sky is falling there is a tall top, and in the vast majority of cases are the 'righteous side' dominant, the ordinary people do not have to protect the night.

Having a Koru-level sub-personality is already enough to give Raymond a certain sense of security.

Of course, the premise is not to run into the sick David, otherwise, not to mention just a Koru sub-personality, is to give him a four emperor sub-personality is not necessarily good.

After determining the general situation after switching the sub-personality, Raymond soon understood that there is a very critical issue, switching the sub-personality of this state in the end there is no limit.

"Next, let's test it further -"

After deciding, Raymond once again opened the sub-personality switching mode.


In Washington, the Triskelion has always been an extremely mysterious place to the vast majority of people, and even the residents are not sure what's going on here.

Because this place has long been designated by the government as a restricted military zone, it is difficult for ordinary people to even get close to it.

Only a few people know that this place is not strictly a restricted military zone at all, and it is not under the jurisdiction of the North American military, it belongs to a semi-official organization that is spread all over the world - S.H.I.E.L.D.!

The Triskelion is the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even if the North American government and military want to come here, they have to declare in advance to do so; the concept is probably similar to the United Nations headquarters, which is also in North America.

Of course, the relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the North American government has always been very cordial.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is not under the direct jurisdiction of the North American government, it is governed by the World Security Council, which is composed of representatives of several superpowers plus some mainstream countries.

North America as a superpower in the first chair, in the World Security Council also has a pivotal position.

Therefore, if unnecessary, S.H.I.E.L.D. is unwilling to clash head-on with the North American government.


At this moment, in the director's office on the top floor of the Triskelion building, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick Fury, the famous director of the Shield, is frowning and asking.

"Are you sure who did it?"

"Not completely sure yet, but based on the speculation of the existing traces, it is most likely the 'Rising Tide Organization'." The person who answered him was Agent Coulson, a rank eight agent, and one of his most valued men.

"That's the civilian hacker group that's been tracking us?" Deputy Director Hill, who was standing at the side and also listening to the report, looked a little surprised.


Coulson first nodded, and then mused, "As far as I understand, this Rising Tide organization has been dedicated to exposing secrets that governments want to hide, just like Assange did."

"But this recent period they will be the focus on us, and quite a sense of not stopping until the goal is achieved, which does not fit their previous style."

Fury, a finger gently tapping the desktop thoughtfully asked: "You suspect this time, there is the black hand behind them?"

"The possibility is not small." Coulson said, "like the rising tide organization such as uncovering the hacker organization, they do not care who the target is, there are too many targets for them to choose... like this time suddenly stare at us, is likely to increase their own exposure risk, which is not wise. "

"So in my judgment, it is likely that someone approached them and entrusted them to break our database, only this can explain their sudden shift."

"What do you think?" Fury looked at Hill again.

"I'm the same as Coulson's judgment. I'm afraid this time it's not that simple." Hill shrugged.

Fury nodded slightly, then continued as Colson asked, "What data is likely to have been leaked, verified clearly?"

"Clarify in terrific scene transmitted to the director of your terminal."

"Hmm? In this way? Let me see."

Fury pressed one hand on the desk, directly activated the electronic screen on the desk, and began to quickly scan up.

In a short while, he roughly read the content of the information, looked up, and said, "I already understand the situation tracking the rising tide organization I will give you, you can move as many people as you need to find them after not rushing to do, remember to report to me in time. "

"Yes. Sir!"

Colson expressed his understanding and then left first.

When Colson left the office, Hill, who was standing on the side, asked, "What happened again, leave Colson to talk?"

"Am I such a bad actor?" Fury looked stunned.

"You tell me," Hill smirked.

"Ahem... Well, let's not talk about the acting thing and get down to business." To cover up his embarrassment, Director Fury coughed dryly twice and then said with a straight face.

"I suspect their target is the 'Tahiti Project'!"

"What, the 'Tahiti Project'? Are you sure?" Hill could not help but look moved. "But I seem to remember that you have deleted the 'Tahiti Project' from the database, haven't you?"

"I have indeed deleted the specific content of the plan, but there are always some traces that cannot be hidden, such as the personnel movement records during that period, and the budget flow,"

Fury's face is very serious. "Although the data included in this leak is large, there is no clear evidence to prove that the other party's target must be the 'Tahiti Project'."

"But with my experience and intuition, I believe they are coming for this."

Hearing Fury say so, Hill also said in a deep voice, "Can make you make such a judgment, showing that this possibility is indeed not small, and, the other party can know the existence of the 'Tahiti Project'... "

Hill said here did not go on, because this topic is a little heavy, and she believes that Fury can not understand her meaning. There is no need to put the words so blunt.