
Marvel's Shinobi

Jason, a hot blooded young man who was fortunate enough to stumble upon a second chance at life. Living as someone he dreamed of, a Shinobi! "Haha, Fire ability? Take my Majestic Flame Destroyer! " "Oh please, Psychic? Taste my Tsukuyomi!! " "Heh, Big muscles you got there. Try my Taijutsu, Inner Gates!!"

DreAm_b0At · 漫画同人
42 Chs

30. Setting Off

Adam walked through the sewers and reached Frank's hideout.

Seeing him enter Frank paused for a second and said, "A lot of eyes are on you now."

Adam shrugged, "Doesn't matter. As long as they don't piss me off they can do whatever they want."

Frank nodded. He took out a file and placed it infront of Adam.

Opening it Adam found a ton of information about Costa Family, their hideouts, personnel involved and a lot more.

Adam whistled, "Whoa, that's a lot of inside info."

Frank said indifferently, "S.H.I.E.L.D is never shot of information."

Adam nodded, "Since you got everything prepared, let's go."

Frank led him to a car loaded with guns. He got into the driver seat, Adam also got in and looked at the back seat filled with guns and ammo.

He paused for a second, "Frank, I know it's none of my business but what are you gonna do after this."

Frank stopped what he was doing, after a long pause he said, "I will think about it after I see their heads roll."

Adam said no more. The engine roared as they sped off.


Frank stopped the car far away from an estate. Adam could make out several guards at the gate, surveillance was all over the place as well.

Grabbing a folder from the backseat Frank handed it to Adam, "I want all of them alive."

Adam opened the folder and saw dozens of pictures. He was guessing these were the ones who killed Frank's family.

"Walk in when the gate opens."

Adam left a few words and disappeared.

Frank watched as his figure merged into the darkness.

The security was very tight, guards patrolled the area every minute. Under the dark night a figure jumped over the high walls.

Adam snuck behind a patrolling guard and snapped his neck. The dog beside him cowered and whimpered when it saw his blood red eyes.

Rushing through the dark he took care of the other men patrolling the area. Soon he reached the gate, this one was tricky. The guard was inside a secured room.

He sneaked through the shadows and knocked on the glass wall. The guard inside was startled, he touched his gun and peered out through the window.

The last thing he saw was a pair of blood red pupils. His eyes glazed over, he stood up and opened the door.

Adam walked in and snapped his neck. Looking at a wall full of security footage Adam whistled. That's a lot of surveillance.

He disabled the camera and opened the gate to the estate.

Frank fully armed and loaded walked in. His face was devoid of any expression except a thick murderous intent that spilled out.

"I have taken care of outer perimeter guards. But I am sure there are better one inside.", Adam said non-chalantly.

Frank asked, "Can you get in without anyone noticing?"

Adam nodded, "It's troublesome but doable."

He disappeared after saying that. Frank also used the cover of the night to get closer to the manor in the distance.

Adam saw surveillance equipment solely focusing on the manor from every direction. He circled the place and found a small blind spot. A window was open on the second floor.

He slowly crawled up. Making sure no one was inside he went in.

If I can locate the main surveillance room then the rest will be easy.

Just as he was thinking what to do a guard walked by. Adam grabbed him by his throat and put him in an illusion. The guard spilled out everything, Adam got the layout of the manor as well as the location of the main surveillance room.

Snapping the guard's neck he used transformation jutsu and turned himself into that guard and walked out. He quickly went towards the main surveillance room.

Reaching the room he knocked three times lightly and two times swiftly with a two second pause.

The door was opened, inside were four men, two stood guard while the other two monitored everything inside the manor.

"Hm, Jacob, why are you here? Shouldn't you be patrolling the second floor?"

One of the men asked.

Adam who was now dressed as Jacob said, "Most of that floor is not accessed by anyone so what's the use checking it so tightly. And I am tired, it's been three days since we went on high alert. Nothing happened."

The men shared the same opinion. They relaxed and lowered their weapon. Adam's eyes flashed. In a swift motion he slashed all of their throats.

Just as he finished a crackling sound came through the walkie talkie he grabbed from the guards, he picked it up, changed his voice and said, "Position 1 all secure."

Checking the surveillance he marked the location of eveey guard and went out.

Soon the manor was filled with a heavy scent of death. Adam was like a snake as he moved around the manor, slowly reaping lives.

Five minutes later.

Snapping a man's neck he went forward and opened the front door.

Frank walked in, "Where are they?"

Adam led him to the surveillance room, "They are underground. Everyone you want alive is down in that room or along the way."

Frank nodded and walked out. Adam tagged along.

He spread out his chakra, normally he doesn't use this jutsu since it consumes a lot of chakra.

Should I get the Uzumaki bloodline, they are good sensors.

Soon both of them reached the stairs. Adam took the lead, he merged with the shadow and went forward.

Every men that stood in his path was killed or disabled.

His chakra picked up a lot of activity infront. He picked up pace. Very quickly a large metallic door appeared before him.

A second later Frank also joined him, "This needs a retina scan and a six figure to unlock."

Adam shook his head, "That's too much work. Please step aside."

He went forward and touched the ground.

Doton! Mighty Shift!

The earth trembled. The large door along with the sturdy walls started to sink down. The walls were started to break apart.

Adam placed his hand on the walls.

Doton! Rising Earth!

Stone pillars rose from the ground and held the crumbling walls.

Frank was shocked.

Adam gestured at Frank, "After you."