

"Okay, okay, okay," Peter said while walking around the room.

"I get it, Magic is like some form of science which normal people are simply unaware of," Peter said, and Mordo nodded, confirming that's the case.

"You two are mutants, one who could hear the thoughts of other people and move stuff with her mind. The other can teleport and hide in shadows. That's... somewhat understandable. There are some crazy mutant powers out there," Peter said to Jean and Kurt before looking at me.

"But you? No, no, no, no. That doesn't make sense! It just doesn't! Like, like, your powers literally change reality to fit you better," Peter said while holding his head, trying to make sense of what I informed him about. He's such a nerd.

'You are one to talk.' Jean said mentally, and I felt betrayed.


Jean just pinched my waist as she giggled in my mind.

"It's almost like... like you are a God," Peter said, looking at me weirdly, and I completely agree with that statement.

"I am a God!"

[Lying has increased to 29.]

Traitor! Why is everyone betraying me!? Hmpf, just you wait, I will one day say that without my Lying skill increasing.

'Yes, because it will already be at max.' Jean giggled, and I felt like crying. I want to go home and curl in my bed.

My ability bullies me on a daily basis, and now Jean bullies me as well. This isn't fair!

I got a mental hug from her, which made me somewhat better.

[Telepathy increased to 24.]

"Since we are talking about my powers, I got a new option to create a Guild," I said, and Kurt's eyes lit up with expectation. Sorry, bud, but it's not what you are thinking.

"I can currently invite five people to the Guild, and everyone that joins will be able to communicate with the others with a chat. I can also use it to summon a member to me once a month."

Kurt looked ready to start crying. Don't you worry! In the future, I will be able to make incredible items to boost you!

"I want to invite all of you, but we also have to decide on a name for it."

"I will have to refuse, I have my duties as the current Master of the New York Sanctum," Mordo was the first to speak up. He then stood up. "I will leave you to continue your talk in private."

Another traitor! I'm sad he won't be joining, but happy that he left. Hopefully, he has forgotten about our lessons.

"I'm in," Kurt agreed to join.

"Me too," so did Jean. I was a bit afraid she won't join.


Shh, you.

Now she's pinching me again, and Peter and Kurt are looking at us strangely. If you don't stop, I won't massage you.

'Fine,' Jean said, and I counted that as my victory.

I then turned towards Peter, and he quickly blurted out. "I would love to!"

"I mean, uhh, umm, you do pay me for lessons after all, so I might as well join, right?" Peter said, apparently trying to raise his own Lying skill. You are nothing compared to a Master of the arts like me!

"Great! So we already have four members. I can still invite one more," I said.

"Four? Which is our fourth member?" Peter asked, and all three of them looked at me questioningly.

"Groot!" I said happily, causing Kurt to laugh.

"Groot?!" Peter asked in disbelief. After all, we did fight the big one together.

"Oh, he means his son," Kurt said while still laughing.

'WHAT?!' Jean asked with fury.

Oh, shit!

'Talk fast!' Jean was obviously angry, and I quickly sent her mental images of Baby Groot and how I got him.

'Ohh, he's such a cutie!' Now she was cooing at how cute he was. Crisis averted, thank the lord.

"So, what do you think we should name it? I was thinking something like Misfits since that's what we are," I said, but I was honestly thinking naming Will's Guild since it was my Guild!

'Not a chance,' Jean said.

Come on, it's my Guild!


"You are not wrong," Peter muttered, and Kurt nodded to him.

"However that would fit more for a team name, not a Guild. A Guild is a place where people gather together, so how about Misfits' Sanctuary," Peter said.

"But Misfits sounds like we are some kind of freaks. Yes, we are different, but we are not freaks! We are humans just like everyone else on the planet is. Naming it only Sanctuary might be better," Jean said.

Peter and Kurt nodded, agreeing with her. So, that left me to just create the Guild and name it. Sanctuary, a safe place protected from danger. Considering I was able to summon then when they are in danger, or when I need help, the name fitted nicely.

A wave of pride washed over me, coming from Jean. She was happy that the name she suggested was accepted.

With the name for the Guild selected, I said, "Invite Jean Grey to Sanctuary."

Jean flinched back as a screen appeared in front of her, asking her if she would like to accept.

[Jean Grey had agreed to join Sanctuary.]

An invitation was then sent to Peter and Kurt, who accepted as well.

I only needed to invite Groot now, but I will do it later. He was still a few days old, but I'm sure he is more than intelligent enough to accept.

"Open chat," Kurt said, and I then saw him mouthing something before a message appeared in front of everyone.

[Kurt Wagner: Does zis vork?]

Ha, Kurt had an accent even in the chat.

[Peter Parker: It does! This is awesome, but how does it work!?]

Peter was being Peter, trying to find out how the theory behind my ability.

With that taken care of, it was time to invite everyone on a Dungeon Dive! They all agreed since they wanted to see the Dungeons I was able to make.

Just as I was about to use Create ID, Mordo walked in.

"I still haven't..."

Oh, I didn't like where this was going. Quick, I need a distraction. I pulled out four books from my Inventory and shoved them in Mordo's hands.

"I was about to look for you. Take a look a those, two are on Pyrokinesis, and two are on Elektrokinesis. You should probably take pair to the Ancient One for her to look at them as well," I said to him.

Before Mordo can respond, I pulled the others to a Skeleton ID.

"Wait, I'm not ready for this! I only have my Web-Shooters with me!" Peter exclaimed.

"You don't need your suit. No one is going to see you here," I said.

"Oh, yeah. Right," Peter said with relief.

"There are three types of skeletons, archers, mages, and warriors. Mages use fire, ice, lightning, and poison magic. Be careful not to get hit by those. When enough skeletons are killed, the Boss will appear. He packs quite the punch, so try to stay away from him," I informed them before we began to destroy the mobs.

Jean absolutely crushed the skeletons with her Telekinesis, they stood no chance against her. She was something else alright. Not only beautiful but also very strong.

'Thank you, Will,' Jean said, happy I was praising her.

Peter was also having an easy time. He was fast and strong, easily able to beat the skeletons with his punches and kicks. He was also extremely flexible with his only downside being that he didn't know any specific fighting style. That could easily be fixed, and maybe I can even give him a lesson or two.

Kurt, however, was having a hard time. He wasn't as strong as Peter, nor did he have the same firepower as Jean and I. Helping him out with a fighting style wasn't going to help him as much as it would Peter. He needed something more.

I could think of a few things, but all of them will take some time. The only thing I can do for him now was to give him a weapon. I took out the sword I had enchanted and shoved it in his arms.

"Here, use this for now," I said. I knew that the skeletons were resistant to piercing damage, but it was better than nothing.

"I can't use a veapon!" Kurt said.

"Then learn how to do it!" I said while sending torrents of fire at the skeletons.

"I can't just learn it by svinging it a few times like some cheater that I know of!"

"I already told you, Kurt. With hard work, you can learn anything!" I felt his glare on my back. I think he was trying to imitate Scott.

Jean laughed in my head as she crushed skeletons left and right.

The Skeleton King shortly appeared, and it turned into the easiest Boss fight I've ever had. Jean literally held him in place with his hands spread apart, allowing me to just shoot him with torrents of fire.

I received much less XP than normal, but we also cleared the Dungeon way faster than I normally do.

[Acquired $1 500.]

[Acquired Skeleton King's Necklace.]

[Acquired Magic Skill Book: Pyrokinesis.]

FUCK!!! Stingy boss! Where is my Cryokinesis book! Or any other for that matter!

"Zis felt like the Danger Room but on steroids," Kurt said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It was a room in Xavier's mansion that was filled with traps projectile firing devices, and mechanical dangers intended to challenge us and make us improve," Jean explained.

"So, do you want to do this a few more times?" I asked them.

"Sure, it was a nice stress relief," Jean said.

"Yeah, that was fun! I can work on my fighting skills against those boneheads," Peter said.

Only Kurt grumbled something under his breath.

"Don't worry, bro! I promise to help you later on by making you lots of stuff!" I said to Kurt.

"Fine," he replied, and we started it again.

We finished the Dungeon even faster this time since they already knew what to expect.

[Acquired $1500.]

[Acquired Skeleton King's Bow.]

[Acquired Magical Skill Book: Elektrokinesis.]


I really hate this Boss. Where is my Cryokinesis book?

[You have leveled up to 54.]

At least I easily level from him, and I immediately placed 2 stat points into Intelligence.

[Skill, Advanced Magic, has been created due to Intelligence passing 200.]

[Skill, Advanced Mana Control, has been created due to Intelligence passing 200.]

Yes! Thank you! Thank you! You didn't let me down!

[Advanced Magic(Passive) Lvl. Max: An ability born in those who possess magical powers that are stronger than others. Increases Magic Damage by 30%. Increases Magic Defence by 30%. Increases total MP by 20%.]

[Advanced Mana Control(Passive) Lvl. Max: A skill that the user to easily control Mana. Mana-based skills cost 30% less. Magic related abilities increase 50% faster.]

Well, it's safe to say I'm a magical powerhouse! Now I just need to focus on my physical stats and raise them over 100 to become a physical powerhouse as well!


Oops, sorry.

We did the Dungeon a few more times before they started getting bored. Unlike me, they didn't level and become stronger from just fighting, what a bunch of plebs.

'I'm sorry? I think I didn't hear that correctly?' Jean said.

Obviously, I didn't mean you. You are anything but ordinary.


Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.



I think I will just stay quiet from now on.

Since we cleared the Dungeon together, I gave $1000 to all of them. That was more than enough for teenagers like us, and they were all happy with that.

Another important thing that happened was that I passed level 55, and I was now able to equip the Bow and Arrow of Apollon. My stats were even higher with the Artifact-level weapon, and I had an incredibly strong attack that I can use one a day.

Before we left, Jean asked. 'Will, I was thinking we can maybe go on a date tomorrow. Just the two of us.'

Sure, I'd love to spend more time with you. Jean gave me a kiss as we left with Kurt towards home.

On the way, I asked him. "So... how do you go on a date?"

[Name: William Williamson

Mutant Power: The Gamer

Level: 56 Next Level: 23%

Title: Sorcerer; Champion of the Phoenix]

[HP: 1,783

MP: 12,767]

[Strength: 51 + 54.06 (Martial Arts bonus)

Vitality: 52 + 55.12(Martial Arts bonus)

Dexterity: 56 + 59.36(Martial Arts bonus) + 200(Bow and Arrow of Apollon)

Intelligence: 201 + 225.12(Meditation bonus) + 25(Enchanted Earring bonus) + 25(Skeleton King's Necklace) + 100 (Bow and Arrow of Apollon)

Wisdom: 101 + 113.12(Meditation bonus) + 25(Enchanted Earring bonus) + 25(Skeleton King's Necklace)

Luck: 31]

[Stat Points: 13

Cash: $56 243]


Mana Strengthening(Active) Lvl. 79/100 (+1)

Pyrokinesis (Active) Lvl. 73/100 (+4)

Telepathy(Active) Lvl. 26/100 (+3)

Lying(Passive) Lvl. 29/50 (+1)

Advanced Magic(Passive)*

Advanced Mana Control(Passive)*]

I had to rest my eyes for a day, and I wanted to clean the aquariums of my critters. One more chapter will be uploaded a bit later.

fallingstarcreators' thoughts