
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · 漫画同人
456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 348: Human union

"I have read a lot of books when I was evading the hunt. One of the books I remember is very deep. It comes from the trilogy of "Once Upon a Time on Earth" by the Chinese writer Liu Cixin."

"In the first "Three-Body" of the "Once Upon a Time" trilogy, the Trisolaran Stars sent Sophons to block all the progress of human basic science in order to lock down the technology of the people on earth. When the Hundred Years Trisolaran Fleet attacked, there was nothing to fight back."

Dr. Banner said thoughtfully.

"This approach is strategically correct. What's interesting is that we are now on the opposite side of the book "Three-Body". Our basic science is advancing in great strides. It's like the teacher deliberately vented to students. The problem is the same, our calculation and derivation process is extremely smooth. I really doubt that someone is pushing us forward?"

Dr. Banner looked worried.

"Who is doing this, and what is his purpose?"

Basic science is something related to the development of science and technology as a whole, for the earth.

A breakthrough in basic science at certain important nodes will often lead to a qualitative leap in the entire industry.

Dr. Banner is currently unable to provide evidence that someone is actually making a ghost on the earth, and scientific progress is always a good thing. Therefore, he did not mobilize all the resources of the Excalibur Bureau to investigate this matter thoroughly. He also hoped that he was too concerned.

So with regard to the great progress in basic science, Dr. Banner just started some small-scale investigations on his own.

Zodhis thought about Dr. Banner's suspicion, but Marvel had too many incidents, and he didn't know which incident the current one corresponds to.

More importantly, his own universe has been affected by other parallel universes because of him, and he doesn't know what kind of changes are happening.

It is possible to mutate to the extent that those Marvel editors do not even recognize it.


Earth, United Nations headquarters.

Now the United Nations Headquarters has gradually begun to transition to the Earth Federation Headquarters.

More and more countries have believed that the Earth Federation should not be a small game between several big countries, but an organization that includes more countries, and even said that it should replace the United Nations.

And this idea became even more clamor after the appearance of various aliens, including Zergs.

After all, Zergs are also invading aliens, and they have caused great trouble to the earth. They are hidden among human beings. Humans can only distinguish and find Zergs by relying on the detection device developed by Umbrella Company.

The five permanent countries are aware that this world is no longer an era where a few powerful countries can be described as unique. Now the earth is facing a greater impact.

The Saiyan crisis has not yet been resolved (Zord: I have forgotten this.), the behind-the-scenes man behind the Zeta Rising is also eyeing, and the monster civilization is also the behind-the-scenes man from the Zeta Rising.

Zodhis can hear sounds from anywhere in the world, including places where there is no medium to transmit sound. After all, Superman's super hearing is hearing without medium and distance, which is very outrageous and metaphysical.

It's just that he doesn't usually open it because it's too annoying.

"Humans unite... well, do you want to make a subspace out?"

Zodhis pondered that human beings became a human empire, and then he became a great emperor, and then he created the four subspace vendors to act as opponents. When the people on earth can take over the subspace four vendors, the enemies of the universe will be too. Not worth mentioning.

However, the closer Zordhis is to the multiverse level, the more he realizes the horror of this level.

For example, the four vendors in the subspace may be able to lock the Marvel world from the names he has repeatedly pronounced, and then invade.

If it is really done like this, maybe the subspace will become a real subspace, and the four hawkers will also become the real four hawkers.

Even if they are limited by Marvel's dimensional limitations, they cannot actually descend into the real dimension, but the erosion and corruption of the subspace alone is deadly enough. By then, I am afraid that this universe will become a Marvel corrupted universe.

Just as famous as that zombie universe.

Human union is also a good thing. At the very least, resource utilization will not be so wasteful.

For example, the resources that middle-class children in the United States spend from birth to graduation from college are likely to be something that a family of three in many poor countries cannot earn for a lifetime.

This can be reflected in all aspects, visible and invisible places.

The per capita electricity consumption of developed countries led by the United States is three to seven times that of developing countries and ten to twenty times that of poor countries.

In terms of food intake, the proportion of beef, eggs, milk, cheese and other foods consumed by the middle class in European and American countries is very high.

And every four kilograms of grain can be converted into one kilogram of beef, five kilograms of grain can produce one kilogram of pork, and 2.5 kilograms of grain can be exchanged for one kilogram of chicken.

The average annual consumption of all kinds of meat in the United States is as high as 175 kilograms, and the United States is not considered the country with the highest meat intake in the world.

The food consumed by a person in developed countries may be enough for a family in developing countries and poor countries.

Although eating in European and American restaurants, especially high-end restaurants, seldom leaves a lot of food wastage, the bulk of the waste in Europe and the United States is actually in the kitchen.

A good steak is pre-processed before serving in order to pursue taste and aesthetics.

Including knife plastic surgery, shaving off the unsightly leftovers and excess fat, the attached fascia and part of the leftover meat.

These meats will be directly thrown away ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and many vegetables are processed in the same way.

Asparagus used in European cuisine uses only the tip and tenderest part, and 60% of the edible part of the whole asparagus is directly discarded.

There is also the fruit in the restaurant. For the sake of good-looking, only the most suitable part is used for cutting.

Ensure that the taste and texture of a plate of fruits are consistent, because only a small part of each fruit is selected. Some fruits are wasted as much as 50%.

There is also a lot of waste when making chocolate products and syrups in dessert shops, and not every store will recycle chocolate.

Because they are afraid that the mixed use of the previous chocolate and the newly blended chocolate will have a taste inconsistency, in order to maintain the brand, some stores are willing to dump the extra chocolate or those that need to be recycled.

Where these diners cannot see, the amount of food waste in developed countries is too alarming.

The food wasted in a year in a dozen Western European countries, such as Britain, France, Germany, and Oho, with a small population, can satisfy the entire annual food rations of the billions of people in Africa.