
Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Becoming a wizard is something that Jerry must attain in order to survive in his new life, and that is living in the Marvel World. There would be a greater threat coming to earth, and he needs a way to prepare for that. Fortunately, he was given a System that allowed him to go to the Harry Potter Universe, where he got a letter that he would be enrolling in Hogwarts. Jerry needed to learn a lot of things from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and, perhaps prevent such incoming threats in the future with the knowledge and skills that he learned from there? Novel will be updated daily at 22:30 GMT+7 Discord Community Server: https://discord.gg/7weZqMdpTy You can read up to 40 chapters and beyond at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/pokapoka !

Poka_Poka · 漫画同人
815 Chs

Chapter 801 "Batman vs Catwoman"

"Jerry, Jerry, I found a lot of rats. Do you want to catch them?" Catwoman, returning to the hotel before Jerry, spotted him with her whip in hand and hurried over, still clad in her street attire, her excitement palpable.

While lacking Jerry's extraordinary mental powers, she had undergone a transformation thanks to the influence of the Egyptian cat god, enhancing her hearing and perceptual abilities significantly.

"Not only rats, but also a big bat. Let's not bother with them. Let's see what they're up to," Jerry replied calmly, leaping onto the table.

"Bat, huh? I guess I need to prepare thoroughly to welcome this one~" Catwoman mused while showing a cat-like expression, readying herself for the assault from the outside.

A week ago, Jerry might have been more cautious, but now, even a squadron armed with tanks and rocket launchers posed little threat to him.

Meanwhile, outside the hotel room, Gordon, along with a dozen officers, monitored the situation. He checked the mini display in his hand and relayed over the intercom, "Target No. 1 and No. 2 have returned. Shall we proceed?"

After strategizing with Batman the previous night, Gordon had deployed Gotham's finest officers, armed with special weaponry provided by the Dark Knight, to lie in wait for tonight's operation.

After confirming the room was empty via the drone feed, they stealthily installed surveillance equipment and awaited Jerry and Catwoman's return.

"Action!" With the go-ahead over the intercom, Gordon signaled his team to move quietly toward the room occupied by the feline duo.

"Ding Dong!" The doorbell chimed.

"Who's there?" Catwoman glanced at Jerry and approached the door with a smile.

"Room service. We've detected some safety hazards in your room's circuitry. We need to come in and repair it promptly. Apologies for the inconvenience," a female officer behind Gordon recited the rehearsed lines.

With a flick of his tail, Jerry unlocked the door, revealing a slight gap. "The door isn't closed. Come in," he invited.

Gordon's brow furrowed as he observed the scene on the miniature monitor in his hand. Despite his surprise at the automatic door opening, he signaled his team to initiate the attack.

He had hoped to strike the moment the door opened, but with the unexpected twist, it seemed they would have to resort to brute force, just as Batman had warned.

"Bam!" The door burst open with force, and a volley of objects resembling grenades landed precisely beside Jerry and Catwoman, filling the room with smoke.

"A smoke bomb?" Jerry paused, momentarily taken aback, before a shake of his head sent his beard swaying.

Upon closer inspection, he discerned that this wasn't an ordinary smoke bomb, but a concoction laced with catnip, Matatabi (silver vine), Tatarian honeysuckle, valerian root, and a hypnotic agent.

Each ingredient was selected to induce excitement and hallucinations in cats, a clear attempt to incapacitate them. Unbeknownst to Jerry, Bruce had been frequenting pet stores lately to experiment with the kitten Alfred had procured.

"Who would've thought the ploy I used against Mrs. Norris at Hogwarts would be turned against me today?" Reflecting on his days at Hogwarts, where he'd deployed similar tactics to evade detection by Mrs. Norris, Jerry shook his head, then whisked his tail, using wind magic to disperse the smoke out the window swiftly.

With his fortified feline physique, these substances would essentially have no impact on him, even in large quantities.

However, they still affected Catwoman to some extent, prompting Jerry to clear them away swiftly.

Catwoman, influenced by the power of the Egyptian cat god, shares many traits with felines. Smoke infused with substances like catnip would also provoke intense excitement in her body.

Observing Batman's specialized smoke bomb being neutralized in an astonishing manner, Gordon decisively instructed the police to storm the room. "Everyone, rush inside! Don't give them a chance to escape!"

He then brandished a peculiar weapon, not firing bullets but modified electric net guns provided by Batman.

These nets could discharge potent electric shocks, ideal for ensnaring and incapacitating agile targets like cats.

"Quite the preparation," Jerry remarked, unfazed. Without evading, he flicked his tail once more, causing the electric nets to reverse direction and ensnare each policeman, including Gordon.

In an instant, a surge of electricity coursed through the room, rendering the officers incapacitated on the spot. 

As the room's window shattered, a meticulously prepared figure clad in black leaped through, launching directly at Jerry, who had momentarily let his guard down after casting a spell.

"I hope this is enough of a welcoming gift!" A beam of blue magical light streaked toward the intruder.

Despite the black figure's skin sparking with electric energy, it remained undeterred, continuing its charge toward Jerry.

"How intriguing, they've incorporated special anti-static measures into their attire to neutralize my magical energy," Jerry remarked, his curiosity piqued as he observed Batman's resilience to his transfiguration spell.

Before he could devise another tactic, a whip suddenly snaked around Batman's waist, yanking him forcefully backward.

"This one seems rather formidable. Allow me to handle him!" declared Catwoman, her excitement heightened after inhaling a trace of the smoke. As Batman barged into the room, she swiftly deployed her small whip.

"Ah, a showdown between Batman and Catwoman. This promises to be entertaining!" Jerry remarked, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he conjured a pot of popcorn, settled onto the floor, and eagerly observed the skirmish unfolding on the bed.

Catwoman, imbued with the transformative power of Bastet, possessed physical prowess surpassing that of the average human.

Her agility and reflexes, honed by this divine infusion, lent her a formidable edge in combat.

However, her expertise lay not in martial arts but in the realm of aesthetics, as she had once been a designer for a cosmetics brand.

Consequently, her fighting style was instinctual, lacking the structured training of a seasoned warrior.

"You need more than this if you want to take me down!" Batman retorted while guarding from one of Catwoman's attacks.

"Well, how can I prepare myself against a bat?" Catwoman asked in an alluring tone, dragging her question with the intention of making it a tease.

Batman, despite lacking the enhanced abilities of his feline counterpart, compensated with peak human physicality and master-level combat skills.

His strategic use of gadgets and tools further augmented his prowess, making him a formidable adversary. Thus, the clash between them unfolded as a balanced contest of skill and tenacity.

Observing the bout from his vantage point, Jerry, munching on popcorn with feline nonchalance, couldn't help but recall their intertwined history. "Aren't these two quite the pair?" he mused silently, intrigued by the dynamics of their conflict.

As the skirmish persisted, Bruce, recognizing Catwoman's resilience and the vigilant gaze of her feline companion, realized that their initial plan had faltered.

Yet, he remained undeterred, seamlessly transitioning to the next phase of their strategy. Exploiting the momentary lapse, he guided the duo toward the predetermined battleground, intent on executing their arrest.

Given the confined quarters of the hotel room, Bruce's arsenal of clandestine weaponry was limited in utility. Nevertheless, his tactical acumen and resourcefulness would undoubtedly compensate for any perceived constraints, ensuring the success of their mission.

Indeed, while the realm of imagination may paint a beautiful picture, reality often proves more complex.

Batman's meticulous planning and innovative enhancements to his suit, which could absorb and neutralize energy, showcased his ingenuity and foresight. Yet, despite his strategic prowess, the extent of Jerry's arcane knowledge remained an enigma.

Unbeknownst to Batman, Jerry's repertoire of esoteric spells and mystical abilities far surpassed his expectations.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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