
The battle is over! Who shall rule?

' Lilandra's fire burns bright and spreads fast. In less than an hour, the city center is choked with screaming crowds. I gotta hand it to the woman she is an amazing leader worthy of following. But some do not share my thoughts. Vulcan's mobs are rioting across the streets. And yet despite the danger she walks to the temple. Lilandra, we will protect you.'

Atom thought as he and the others surrounded Lilandra as she made her walk to the temple.

Atom then placed his hand on Hal's shoulder and nodded at the man.

Having understood the message Hal nodded and used his ring to create an invisible shield around Lilandra, to protect her from any would be assassins.

" This is a bad idea."

Havok suddenly spoke up and said as the group fended off rioters.

" To Consolidate my claim, I must go to the temple of Sharra and K'ythri and renew my oath. Then the council and the chiefs of staff can pledge allegiance to me at the high altar."

Lilandra explained to the man.

" We grasp the ritual significance, Lilandra. It's the walking across the concourse to get there part that Havok is having trouble with."

Lorna explained to the woman as she used her powers to keep people with Metal away from Lilandra.

" I'm not Vulcan Lorna. I need to show the people that I've returned, and that I'm one of them. I need to walk among them without fear."

Lilandra explained.

" Don't worry Lilandra. We'll keep you safe."

Hal said to the woman.

" This will not stand! You have woefully misread the willingness of the shi'ar to accept regime change in a time of war!"

Araki yelled.

" And you have woefully underestimated how much of my patience with you remains. Now shut up or you'll die for a second time."

Atom said to the man as he placed his hand on the chancellor's head.

" Rachel what's the situation?"

Atom asked his lover.

" My head's spinning. So many minds packed in tight. Protestors and supporters alike."

Rachel explained as she held her hands to her head.

" The majestrix will be perfectly safe under our protection."

Gladiator exclaimed.

" Have I misjudged the mood of the people, Kallark? Do they really love Vulcan?"

Lilandra asked seemingly confused by her people's thoughts.

" Of course, not Majestrix."

Gladiator replied. But the look on his face showed dismay.

However, as the group walked the area started filling with mist.

" What the hell is this? Mist... Out of nowhere?"

Lorna asked.

" I recognize this. Everyone prepare for battle it's the death commando's."

Atom exclaimed, he grabbed Araki and snapped his neck before shielding Lilandra.

He looked around for the would-be attackers and saw a spear heading straight for the group.


Hal yelled out.

And thankfully before the spear could kill Chancellor D'bek, Atom caught it in his hands

" Thank you Captain."

D'Bek said to the man who saved his life.

" Don't thank me yet."

Atom said as he crushed the spear in his hands.

" These are the bastards that killed my family!"

Rachel yelled.

She then took to the air and started attacking the commandos.

" Rachel, Get a Grip! Damnit, Hal go with Lilandra and the others and keep them safe."

Atom said to the man.

Hal nodded and formed a shield around Lilandra and the others and began flying them to the temple so that Lilandra could renew her oath.

" Gladiator, let's put these bastards down for good."

Atom exclaimed as he and Gladiator moved to confront the commando's

" Hypernova first! He plasma fires are dangerous!"

Gladiator yelled.

Atom nodded and followed the man. They arrived in front of the woman and slammed both of their fists into her chin, knocking her out of the fight first.

Gladiator then moved and attacked Warshot knocking him high into the air. However, he was left wide open and warskrull jumped to attack him, thankfully Atom, who was watching his back, blasted Warskrull in his face with the force of an atom bomb killing the man.

" Kallark! Gladiator! Traitor to the throne!"

Black cloak yelled as he blasted Gladiator in his chest.

As the those two men fended off the Commando's, Hal had been forced to engage Darkhawk.

" Keep moving I'll handle this guy!"

Hal yelled to Lorna and the others.

Lorna nodded and along with Korvus and Alex led Lilandra and B'Dek inside of the temple.

" No! I did not plan for this."

Darkhawk complained as he dodged fire from Hal's giant transformer

" Get some you bird fucker!"

Hal yelled as he continued firing on the man.

The Starjammers along with Gladiator and Hal Jordan battled the foes of Lilandra intensely suffering many cruel blows as a result. But even they could not prepare themselves for what was happening within Kree Space.

In Kree Space the Inhumans had come to a conclusion that the only way for them to finish this war was to utilize a weapon of great terror. The T-Bomb or better known as the terrigen bomb. A bomb that once detonated would cause the terrigen mists to spread throughout the galaxy and terraform everyone in it into Inhumans.

Crystal, Hal's wife, as well Ronan the Accuser confronted Medusa and the Inhumans asking them to reconsider, but it was already too late.

Unknown to medusa, however, was the price in which was needed for the bomb to work. The only way for the bomb to work would be for Black Bolt to use his voice to spread it out as far as he could. Which meant he needed to be there for the detonation. Upon hearing this news, Medusa began begging Black Bolt to return giving up her point of view on the bomb entirely over the life of her husband.

But Black Bolt did not back down he took his seat and with one last glance at the woman he loved more than anything else in the world, Black Bolt said goodbye.

Upon his word the machine began powering up, however before it could be used Vulcan tore through the ship holding the Inhuman king and confronted him battle.

Back on Shi'ar Atom and Gladiator continued their mighty battle with the death commando's doing their bests to keep civilian injuries to a minimum has caused them both to take ample damage.

" Ugh! Gladiator hold strong. We are all that keeps Lilandra safe."

Atom said to the man as he blasted Hypernova off of him.

Atom turned to see Gladiator who was being pinned down by Black Cloak suddenly freed as Black Cloaks head exploded.

Atom turned and looked at Rachel in terror.

"He was the one who killed my family."

Rachel said to the men as she started crying.

Atom ran to the woman and held her in his arms as she collapsed to the ground.

" He killed my family. Why don't I feel any better?"

Rachel asked as she cried into atom's chest.

" Because you aren't a killer, Rachel. I never meant for you to be the one to kill them. I was supposed to finish this. I'm so sorry, I couldn't protect you, my love."

Nathan said to the woman as she continued crying.

" It's okay, my love."

Atom carried the crying girl off the battlefield and too safety.

He placed Rachel, down safely on a nearby building and then turned to head back and help Gladiator finish the battle. However, before he took off Rachel grabbed his hand.

" Don't go."

Rachel said to the man.

Atom's heart shattered upon seeing the woman's defeated face.

Atom turned and wrapped his arms around the woman and held her as she cried.

" This battle is over, the only one who can stop this now is Lilandra. I pray she made it to the temple all right."

Atom said to no one.

He grabbed Rachel and picked her up to leave only to spot Lilandra back amongst the people carrying the majestor staff.

The riot among the people began to settle as the woman spoke. However, Atom's attention was brought away by the arrival of the other starjammers and Hal.

" What's going on?"

Nathan asked.

" I just got word from Crystal, Black Bolt and the Inhumans tried doing something stupid. Vulcan stopped them and Battled Black Bolt to the death. Both of them apparently died in an explosion."

Hal explained to the man.

" Which, means?"

Nathan started speaking.

" Which means it's over. The people only have Lilandra remaining. That's what she's down there telling them now."

Havok explained to the man.

" Which means, we have no other reason to be here. Call Ch'od and have him bring the Starjammer here. We're done."

Nathan explained to the group as he held Rachel, who had fallen asleep, in his arms. He and the others took one last look out at the burning city and realized that the Shi'ar may never recover from the destruction that Vulcan and his forces had brought to it.