

" All right everyone, give it your all. And Lorna don't let it blow up in our faces."

Nathan explained to the others as he started powering up

" Together!"

Nathan yelled as he and the others all fired their energy into the engine.

The four mutants and korvus put their all into jumping the ship.

' Rachel are we still linked?'

Lorna asked telepathically.

' Yeah, how are you holding up Lorna?'

Rachel asked the woman as she struggled to maintain her current power output.

' Getting shaky... Engine manifolds really want to burst open.'

Lorna replied.

' You can do it Lorna... You're stronger than anyone I know.'

Alex explained.

' It should be over any moment now. Just hang on a little bit longer.'

Nathan said to the others.

' Seriously? Don't tell me that.'

Lorna said to the man as she struggled to keep it together.

' What the hell is going on down there Alex?'

Warpath asked.

' We're doing our best... Just be ready to send the message when we hit open space.'

Alex said to the man.

" I don't have much left to give. Did you just get us killed Atom?"

Alex asked the man.

" Captain to you Summers and No. I didn't now shut it and focus, or we will die!"

Nathan said to the man.

" Wait something is happening!"

Nightcrawler yelled.

" We made the jump is everyone all right down there?"

Kurt asked.

Down in the engine room the engine finally exploded from the overload of energy and the X-men and Korvus were down bad.

" We're all right Kurt."

Nathan radioed to the man.

" We did it everyone."

Nathan said to the group. He then turned and walked over to Rachel and helped her to her feet.

" Are you okay, Rachel?"

Nathan asked the woman.

" Atom, we've got Corsair online the line he wishes to speak with you."

Nightcrawler said to the man.

" I hear you crawler. Go ahead Captain."

Nathan radioed.

" Glad to hear you're all right, brat, Now get everyone ready we're moving you guys onto the Starjammer. Corsair out."

Chris said to the man.

" Got. Come on Rachel. I got you."

Nathan said as he gently picked the woman up.

Nathan took his time carrying the woman over to the Starjammer.

" what's this? The bastard goes out on a mission and brings back a hottie. What kind of luck is that?"

One of the Jammers asked in disbelief.

" Her name's Rachel and trust me man. She's got bigger balls than any of you poozers!"

Nathan joked as he walked through the ship.

Nathan walked into the Med wing and gently placed the sleeping woman into one of the beds and covered her up.

" Hey pyzak, give her a run down and make sure she's all right. I'm going to report to Corsair."

Nathan said to the doctor.

" Yes, Captain."

The man said as he walked over to Rachel's bed side.

Nathan nodded and walked out of the med wing to see Corsair and Hepzibah waiting for him.

" Glad to see you made it back Nate. Give me a full rundown on what the hell happened with a simple search and destroy mission."

Chris asked the man.

" Oh, boy here we go. Alright this is what happened."

Nathan said to the man as he began going over the event that had happened in nearly full detail, of course choosing to leave out the parts with him and Rachel.

" I see, you should have killed them when you had the chance. But I can see why you didn't so all is forgiven for now. Come with me I need to inform you and the X-Men on what are next plan is."

Corsair said to the man as he turned to leave.

" Glad to see you again I am. Missed you I have young Nathan."

Hepzibah said as she hugged Nathan.

" Come on Hep."

Nathan grumbled.

" HAhahahaha!"

Corsair laughed at the man as Hepzibah hugged him tightly.

" We thank you for the help Corsair."

Kurt said as he and Warpath walked onto the ship only to stop when they saw the man laughing at Nathan's misfortune.

" Oh Nightcrawler, Warpath come on. Hepzibah let him go. It's business time."

Corsair said.

Hepzibah let go of Nathan and the man immediately fought for his breath.

" Come on Nathan catch up!"

Corsair yelled to the man.

" Shut up! You didn't just get violently strangled."

Nathan complained.

"Anyway Kurt. Raza and Ch'od should have your engines overhauled in a few hours. Apparently, they got pretty torn up from your improvisational power charge."

Corsair explained.

" Hahahaha! I couldn't think of anything else at the time. it would have taken me too long to push the ship back here."

Nathan explained.

" You're lucky you made that jump at all Nathan."

Corsair said to the man.

" It was luck that we needed, Corsair. Which is why we risked it."

Kurt said to the man.

" Well, Sikorsky and Pyzak say that Alex and the others are fine, they just need rest."

Corsair said to the man.

" That's good to hear. Now tell us what's happening? It looks like you're gearing up for war."

Warpath asked the man.

" We are... Word leaked out that Lilandra has been taken captive by chancellor Araki."

Corsair stated.

" WHAT?!"

Nathan yelled in shock

" Mein gott! Then we are too late."

Kurt said in shock.

" Not yet we aren't. Rumor has it Deathbird is back. And I refuse to let her take down Lilandra and turn this empire back into a nightmare."

Corsair explained.

" So, what's the plan?"

Warpath asked.

" We going to blow little birdies right out of the stars."

Hepzibah explained.

" You guys got that kind of firepower?"

Warpath asked.

" Damn right we do. It's called Captain Atom!"

Corsair exclaimed as Nathan's eyes lit up in anticipation.

" Which means, I get another royal rumble with Gladiator."

Nathan smirked in anticipation for the fight.

" Yes, you do. Just try not to get carried off the battlefield again."

Corsair said to the man.

" Hey, that fight ended in a draw."

Nathan argued back.

" But first let's go over the plan. Lilandra's being transported to the high council's armada, where she's to be tried for treason and executed. That's likely the same place they're holding Xavier. Our plan is to attack the weak point... The transport ship. We strike them in transit, get Lilandra out, and jump away before reinforcements arrive. But if they do, Nathan will handle them while we get ready to flee."

Corsair explained to everyone.

"And get navigational logs with locations of council armada. So, we know where next we hit them."

Hepzibah exclaimed.

" I like your style cat lady."

Warpath stated.

" Her name is Hepzibah, use it."

Nathan glared at the man and said.

" Aw, defend you have. Little Nathan."

Hepzibah said as she hugged the man again.

" Hel...p Mistakes were made."

Nathan choked out.

" And that will give us our best chance of rescuing the professor and Darwin, tracking the imperial council."

Kurt explained.

" It will Kurt... And Lilandra will be the key to saving them. She hasn't been herself since their marriage was annulled, but if the council made a move on her... It must mean that they can't control her anymore. And that means she's dangerous to them."

Corsair explained to the man.

" Especially if she know they have Charles."

Kurt spoke.

" Yes... But why would he risk coming back? I don't understand it. He knew it meant death if he was captured."

Corsair asked.

" Uhm, captain there was something I forgot to mention earlier."

Nathan said to the man.

" What is it Nathan?"

Corsair asked.

" Dad."

Alex suddenly called out to the man as he walked into the room.

" ALEX! You shouldn't be out of the sick bay yet."

Corsair said to the man as he stumbled into the room.

" No, Dad... We have to talk... In private."

Alex said to the man.

" All right, everyone dismissed. Come on Alex let's talk."

Corsair said to the people before turning to his son.

" All right, I'm gonna go check on Rachel then."

Nathan said before walking out of the room and back towards the med wing.

Nathan walked into the room as Rachel started to awaken from her sleep.

" Hey, sleepy head. How are you feeling?"

Nathan asked as he sat next to Rachel's bed.

" I feel like lead. Thank you for carrying me to bed."

Rachel said to the man.

" Of course, Ray."

Nathan said as he held the woman's hand softly.

The two sat in silence until they were startled by the sound of equipment dropping.

Nathan and Rachel turned to see two children hiding in the back.

" Nazih, Bella, Come on out."

Nathan said to the two children.

' Nazih, and Bella? Who are they?"

Rachel wondered.

She looked in the same direction as Nathan and was surprised to see two small children. One young boy with black hair, purple skin, and four arms. And a young girl with red hair and green skin with three eyes.

" Come on, don't be afraid. She's a friend of mine. She won't hurt you."

Nathan said to the children.

They slowly stepped out into the light.

" Come here!"

Nathan yelled out as he scooped the kids up into his arms and swung them both around.

" Hahaha! Big brother Nathan faster! Faster!"

The young boy yelled as he flopped around excitedly.

" Rachel meet Nazih and Bella."

Nathan said as he placed the two kids down on Rachels bed.

" Hello Nazih. Hello Bella."

Rachel said to the two kids.

" Hello ma'am."

Bella said to the woman shyly.

" What's up big sis Ray!"

Nazih exclaimed energetically.

" What are you guys doing on a ship like this?"

Rachel asked.

" We were held by bad men. But Big bro Nathan came in and took them out. Like Bam and Bam!"

Nazih explained excitedly.

' Aw, that's adorable.'

Rachel thought as she watched the boy excitedly recount their rescue.

" Are you big Brothers Girlfriend?"

Bella asked shyly.

" Okay... I think it's time to let Rachel rest. Run along kids."

Nathan said to the two children.

" Aw, but Big Brother you said we'd play when you got done with work before and then you left and we never got to play."

Nazih complained.

" All right, Nazih I'll tell you what, you and Bella go and play with the other kids for a bit and when I get from my next mission we'll play together."

Nathan said to the boy

" Promise?"

Nazih asked.

" Of course, Nazih. Now come here and give me a big ole Hug!"

Nathan said as he scooped the boy up into his arms and squeezed him.

Rachel looked up at the man playing with the two children and smiled in adoration at the man.

' So much strength. So much power and yet he still treats everyone around him like family. If only Vulcan was like that.'

Rachel thought to herself.


The two kids yelled as they ran out of the room.


Nathan yelled to the two as he waved at the kids.

" Sorry about that Ray, they get a little lonely sometimes. Even I can't be there for them all of the time."

Nathan said as he took a seat beside Rachel once again.

" No problem, I actually enjoyed their company. They seem to really like you though."

Rachel said to the man with a smile on her face.

" I'm basically all they got. They don't have families. Me, Ch'od, Hepzibah, and Corsair are the only ones who actually spend relative time with the kids. And most of the time Corsair is about training. That's no kind of life for kids. That's why we're fighting so the kids don't have to. And that's why I'll never stop fighting."

Nathan explained to the woman not realizing her eyes were locked on him intensely.

" Hey, come here."

Rachel said to the man as she gestured for him to come closer with her finger.

Nathan looked at her in confusion before doing as she asked. He pulled his chair closer to the woman and leaned over the bed towards her.

Rachel smiled and kissed the man on his lips passionately. She rubbed her tongue along his lips asking the man to open it for her. Nathan parted his lips and allowed Rachel inside. Nathan returned the gesture fighting Rachel's tongue and sliding his own inside of her mouth causing Rachel to moan in pleasure.

After a minute of swapping spit with one another, the two mutants separated wth both of them panting hard.

" Well, that was unexpected."

Nathan huffed out.

" Full of surprises Nathan. Full of Surprises."

Rachel grinned.

" You taste amazing, Ray."

Nathan said to the woman.

" Ready for a second serving?"

Rachel asked.

" Hell yeah."

Nathan said to the woman as he leaned back in.