
Martial Ruler Of Supreme Devas

The world is filled with good but more than that there exists evil. The strong rules over the weak and that’s how this world works which goes with the principle of ‘Survival Of The Fittest’. Everyone has to pave their own way in order to become an immortal or a DEVA. However reaching that rank takes a millennium for ordinary people. “I will become the ruler of the SUPREME DEVAS!”, that is what Ryuu Fon says. Will he be able to conquer them and get his revenge? Join me in this amazing adventure where martial arts and cultivation is everything without which you are considered a TRASH!

1st_Manga_KING · 武侠
20 Chs

The Magical Herb

Immediately after saying that he opened the door and rushed towards the nearest forest which had many herbs in it from where his mother used to collect herbs daily in order to sell and earn an extra income.

"That herb will definitely be there.."

Ryuu rushed as if his life depended on it. It seemed as if it was truly a magical herb that was quite rarely found.

"That herb is only useful at the beginning stages... there is no use if one has started cultivation."

Ryuu was muttering to himself. He kept on running with all his might and finally reached the forest that was a bit ahead.

This forest had many beasts and that was why it was considered to be dangerous but many cultivators had already hunted down many of them due to which only a few were left.

That was why one could safely collect herbs or anything else he wanted. He would be safe unless he wandered the deeper parts of the forest. Needless to say, only the strongest beasts had survived and now thrived within the deeper parts.

"Huff huff, it should be somewhere around here...", he looked here and thereafter entering the forest.

"No matter what, I need to find it at all costs!"

The herb was a bit special only for beginners. It would increase their soul power base which would enable one to cultivate and increase soul power easily.

"Uhh... Am I already exhausted by running only this much!?"

His current body was completely untrained and different from the previous one which is why he was feeling uncomfortable.

He started running inside the forest in order to search for the herb.

"If I'm not wrong, that herb grows near rivers, lakes or ponds...", so he immediately started searching for water bodies and while doing that without his realization he had already entered the deep parts of the forest.

"Where...? There is supposed to be a river in the forest but where...?", he was already panicked because he had left the house without informing his mother. Also, this was his second time entering the forest including the past life.

He had stumbled upon this forest and the river by chance while trying to escape from the Assassins that targetted the village.

On top of that, he was worried about the herb since he didn't want it to be taken by someone else.

He continued his search when suddenly he heard the sound of the flowing river.

"This...", he immediately rushed towards the direction from where he was hearing the sound and stumbled upon the so-called river which he had been searching.

"Yes! Finally.... now all I need to look for is that herb...", he turned his head towards his left only to be stunned.

"T-the herbs...", as mentioned earlier the herb was useful only during the beginning stages. It would be a complete waste at the later phase.

That was why the beasts who were already advanced or lived for too long would feed on the herbs as if it was their food.

And that was the case that was happening right now. There was a beast that was feeding on some blue-colored herbs which were shinning continuously.

"Damn, I'm just a normal human right now without any forged body, if that beast even tries to attack me then I will be as good as dead!"

There was a small Ox or Bull like beast which was completely brown. It had long horns and seemed as if it was at least a Lower Martial Level.

In this world the beasts didn't cultivate in fact there was no necessity for them to cultivate. Their powers would automatically increase with their life span.

Therefore they were categorized depending on the human classification system too.

However, there were a bit different additions to those systems for the beasts.

They were classified as - Lower Martial, Mid Martial, High Martial, Supreme Martial, War Lord, Divine, ASURA, and DEVA.

But the sub realms under which they fell were named with stars - 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 star,s and finally 5 stars.

So the beast right now in front of him was a 2 star Lower Martial beast in order to defeat which a Silver Tier Lower Martial Cultivator was required. How was he able to estimate the strength of the bull?

It was quite simple when any best becomes stronger or advances to any realm, it shows significant changes in its body with varied features, unlike humans who have a constant body proportion.

But Ryuu hadn't even entered the basic realm so he was completely defenseless and powerless in front of it.

He turned his gazes here and there in order to find a method that could help him escape from the beast and get the herb too at the same time when he suddenly found a yellow-colored herb growing nearby.

"Isn't that..."

"Yes! I guess my luck is damn good today...", he immediately rushed towards the yellow herb while trying to make as many limited movements as possible.

He immediately plucked the herb while covering his mouth and nose so that he doesn't smell it.

He then crushed the herb from which a yellow sticky substance started to flow. He applied that on a piece of rock that was quite pointy. He did the same with another 2-3 stones which seemed rather pointy and sharp.

"With this... I guess I can stop it...", he immediately aimed and threw the stones towards the beast.


'Drip Drip'

The body of the best was definitely stronger than any normal beast since it was already in the Lower Martial realm. Therefore, just a piece of pointy rocks couldn't possibly pierce it at least Ryuu in his normal state couldn't do it.

He knew this well and thus aimed at the eye of the bull. Needless to say, his aim was perfect and it hit the mark.


The beast roared at the top of his voice and then looked towards Ryuu who was within his sight.

Its right eye was already destroyed because of Ryuu hitting it with a stone so it could see Ryuu using only one of its eyes which was quite advantageous for Ryuu.


It immediately rushed with its horns at the front towards Ryuu in order to hit him and kill him when suddenly its speed started to drop.

By the time it reached Ryuu who was sitting on a large rock, it could barely walk and suddenly fell down.

"Good, the poison worked perfectly."

What Ryuu had used was a paralytic poison which was enough to stop many nervous from functioning. If it came in contact with the blood it would eventually spread over the body and stop the heart within 10 seconds, that was the case with humans but for beasts, it would take 30-40 seconds in order to kill them. Of course, for stronger beasts, it would take longer.

"Looks like the Lady Luck is on my side."

He immediately rushed and gathered many herbs and hid it under his shirt after washing them thoroughly in the river water.

Then he brought another pointy stone and started to cut the bull-like beast.

"There it is...", there was a crystal core inside the beast which was shining with yellow light.

"Oh my God! My luck... I can't believe it. I got a yellow grade core from this beast!?"

Immediately after saying that he put the core in a pouch that he had carried. Then he cut some parts of the bull and took them in order to prepare food tonight.

"That was a fruitful harvest.", saying that he left the forest soon.

Immediately after he left, two people came rushing towards the river only to find the bull dead.

"Ha? Who the heck killed it!?", one of them who had white hair and fair complexion asked this out of anger.

"Hmm... it was poisoned and killed...", said the other one who had black hair and a fair complexion as well.

"Weird, Who is that knowledgable about poisons in this small tiny town?", asked the white-haired guy.

"Interesting... we should report this to Master.", said the black-haired guy after nodding his head.

Immediately after they said this, they vanished from the sight.

"Mom... Look what I've got here!", said Ryuu.

To be continued...