

The opponent this time was a member of the flame halls. The avatar came forward and greeted her, and she replied politely.

" I am Loraine from the Flame halls." The judge came forward and announced the beginning of the competition. The re[presentations were looking at the stage with apprehension. The avatar was another one of the dark horses which appeared in the tournament and the audience was apprehensive regarding his performance against a genius of the flame hall.

Long Tao managed to improve his efficiency at handling hell energy, but he never managed to understand how the denizens of this world were able to formulate similar laws to the ones at Qi continent while having such a diverse set of energies within their bodies.

He wanted to understand the core difference between Qi and nether energy in general. A realization like that would improve his comprehension of both kinds of energies and even help him drastically boost his strength at any level.