
Martial God Asura Rebirth

This is a story of how a youngster got an opportunity to reincarnate into the world of Martial God Asura by an old man of unknown origins, albeit at a price. Who is this old man? Why was he given this opportunity? Why does he need him? Watch as he overcomes every obstacle thrown his way as he tries to get stronger and solve these mysteries only to peek into an even greater world. Unlike the original MC he is going to have an adventure of a lifetime. What is the identity of this boy? How is he going to affect this new world? The Nine Galaxy better watch out ‘cause a lightning storm is coming. FYI. I don’t own Chu Feng or any characters from Martial God Asura.

Ravindra_1996 · 漫画同人
71 Chs

Unique Destiny

Miaomiao's expression was filled with anger as she said,"I'll make sure the he pays for what he has done to lele."

I just shook my head and said,"Let them deal with it. It's not something you can involve yourself with."

Miaomiao slowly nodded and asked me,"So, what are you up to?"

I smiled and replied,"I became an elder of Hidden Dragon Martial Sect." I then went onto give a brief explanation about the Hidden Dragon Starfield. She was surprised that I took such a positions. I then explained about Zi Ling and she understood why I did that.

The next day, I left the Nine Soul Sacred Clan using the same teleportation formation that I came through. Miaomiao also had some urgent business to deal with, otherwise she would have accompanied me to Heaven Reaching Realm. She was also going to participate in this event.

Soon, I reached the Immortal Sea Sect and went to the residence where Bu Lingxue was located.

I found her cultivating and spiked my energy a bit. She immediately came out and relaxed when she saw me.

She asked me,"Are you done with you business?"

I nodded and said,"Let's depart after informing Senior Sea Immortal."

We informed Senior Sea Immortal of our departure. I also told her a brief version of the story so that she would understand the situation and be prepared for it. However, just as were about to depart, some disciples came into the core quarters informing that some friend of mine is outside calling for me.

My friend? I don't have any friend that knows my current location. I became vigilant and went out along with Bu Lingxue, Sea Immortal, the core disciples and elders of the immortal sea sect. When I told them that I wasn't expecting anyone, they immediately became suspicious.

As soon as we went out, I was surprised to see the black cloaked youth from Holy Light Clan's competition. Unlike his villainous countenance back in the dragon fighting stage, he seems to be a harmless young man.

When he saw me, he shouted,"Little brother Chu Feng, they were not believing me when I said that I was your friend. Quickly clear their suspicions."

My eyes twitched for a second. Who the f**k is your little brother? I don't even know your name.

I looked at him with a blank expression and said,"We don't see that close, right? I don't even know your name."

I was also trying to sense if there were any other presences in the surroundings. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't find anyone. Did he really come here alone? No way.

He kept smiling and said,"Come on, we became friends after our battle. I came here especially for you. I also have some news from your master Ox-Nose. Also, my name is Zhang Yingxiong."

My eyes widened a little and said,"I don't have times for games so, get to the point. What happened to my master? How did you know I was here?"

He continued smiling and answered,"Actually, my master and your master are close friends. If I wanted to find you, no matter where you go, I will be able to locate you."

Ah, so that was his master. His power is so strong that he was able to ignore the spatial isolation of rampaging storm clan's fighting ground. There is something wrong here. This person is clearly from the ancient clan from the aura but, this youth clearly is a modern era cultivator. His aura is evil but still not ancient. Damn, it's no use guessing it.

He narrowed his eyes and said,"However, if I remember, we seem to have a score to settle."

I laughed coldly and replied,"Do you have the capability to settle the score? Last time, I was merciful because of your master but this time, I won't be so nice."

The people from Immortal Sea Sect were watching our exchange silently.

He shrugged with a nonchalant expression and replied,"No, I don't have the strength to fight you head on. However, that doesn't mean I won't in the future. I am interested in a much more comprehensive battle."

He had this overconfident smile on his face as he took out a huge stone. The aura of this stone was extremely sacred. I remember sensing this kind of aura before a few times.

The Immemorial Hero's enclave had this kind of sacred aura. The soul house of Dark Black Monstrous God also possessed similar aura. It has a more sacred and stronger presence compared to even ancient aura.

An Immemorial artefact, there was no doubt about it. I don't know what exactly this stone is but, it's definitely from the Immemorial era.

Immemorial era what what preceded the ancient era. The martial cultivation was rumoured to have begun in this era. It was also when the strongest of the cultivators roamed the starry sky. It is more mysterious compared to the ancient era.

Any treasure from that period is special in some way. My Immemorial Hero's Sword is a good example. Even now, with my current martial exalted cultivation, I can only use it but not become it's complete master. The Battle God Halberd is another example. The sealed might that I sensed in it's trial still gives me goosebumps.

As for the Dark Black Monstrous God, I never felt so small in my life. Even with my current strength, I am just a speck of dust that it can kill while snoring in sleep. Just it's oppressive might could destroy an entire world.

When I looked at the stone before me, I felt a strong threatening aura shielding my observation.

The Sea Immortal shouted,"Immemorial Destiny Stone. It's really Immemorial Destiny Stone."

Bu Lingxue also had an expression of shock on her face. Looks like she knows about this stone as well.

The rest of us were curious about the origins of the stone.

She regained her composure and explained,"The Immemorial Destiny Stone is a treasure that is passed down from the Immemorial Era. It is also known as the most comprehensive talent measuring apparatus since the Immemorial Era. I have only read about this in some old records. But now, it's no doubt. The aura is definitely from the Immemorial Era."

After pausing for a second, she continued,"The Immemorial Era is rumoured to be stronger than ancient era. So, the talents of that era are also vastly superior to our modern era geniuses. This stone is precisely a test to rank talents that are comparable to the ones back in that era. "

Zhang was standing there with a smug expression on his face. He nodded and replied,"You are correct Senior Immortal. It is indeed the Immemorial Destiny Stone."

Sea Immortal then continued,"It is said that if you can make the stone emit a single ray, your talent is exceptional. If two rays are emitted, then you are someone tied by destiny. If three rays are emitted, you will change the world."

I was intrigued by this stone. Then, hero went ahead and condensed a drop of his blood essence and used a formation which generated a spatial pathway exclusively for him. He stepped into it and entered the stone.

Suddenly, a blinding ray of light, white in colour, originated from the immemorial destiny stone and spread through the entire Dao Sea. It wasn't oppressive might, but the holiness of this light, that was unfathomable. This was the first ray which already signified a peak level talent.

The first ray finally subsided and everything went to normal. Then a blood red ray of light spread through the entire of Dao Sea changing the surroundings. The aura immediately changed in the vicinity as it became filled with thick killing intent. Millions of dead bodies lay on the ground around us. It represented an apocalyptic scene that would scare a normal expert.

This was the second ray. A lot of unrest developed among the disciples of the Immortal Sect. Some of them started freaking out.

I got irritated and shouted,"Quiet" which shocked everyone. I looked at them with a cold expression and continued, "It's just an illusion. Have some respect."

Some of them got angry by my shout while the others just snorted in disbelief. They immediately looked at Sea Immortal who also nodded and said,"It is an illusion. However, it's very comprehensive and doesn't depend on cultivation realm."

She is right. Even if my cultivation was peak martial exalted, I would have still succumbed to this illusion.

I turned back to the sky that was changing above. As if answering the prayers of the deceased, a brilliant golden ray of light came from the Nine heavens and crashed into the piles of blood.

This was the third and final ray. It means Zhang Yingxiong was someone with the potential to change the world. Even among the talents of the Immemorial era he would be on the top. Atleast according to the legends.

"Chu Feng, show these people who the real talent is." I heard Eggy say. I smiled and nodded.

As soon as the whole phenomenon subsided, Zhang Yingxiong came out with a confident smile on his face.

He looked at me and said,"If you are able to invoke 2 rays of light, I will give you the information. Are you up for the challenge?"

I chuckled lightly and said,"Sure, but first" I looked at lele and said,"Does your physical condition affect the result of this stone?"

He shook his head and said,"No, even if you are one step away from death, should you be qualified to invoke 3 rays of light, you will. One's physical condition is completely irrelevant to this stone."

I continued, "Also, This doesn't seem to be your first time entering the stone. Were you this relaxed when you came out?"

He shook his head and said,"No, you will be stressed and worn out the first time you try this."

I gave him a provocative smile and said,"Let me show you the difference between us."

I didn't say anything else and activated the formaiton and stepped in. My soul was under immense pressure. It was as if I was transparent to this stone. It was even weirder compared to that mysterious old man back in Thousand Flowers Palace. However, this pressure didn't phase me at all.

I could also see what others were seeing outside. The result was same as Zhang Yingxiong. I invoked 3 rays of light quickly.

However, after the third ray crashed the ground filled corpses and blood, a change occurred. The golden ray then started to cleanse the surrounding bloody land until the whole world turned golden. Now, millions of golden figures were kneeling on the ground and my corporeal body stood in the sky looking down on them. It was like a supreme overlord looking at the life forms kneeling in front of him with disdain.

This form greatly resembled me but my entire body was radiating golden light. Soon, the phenomenon disappeared and everything went to normal.

I was impressed with myself after watching the result but my mind was on something else. When the stone aura passed through me to analyse my soul, it stumbled upon the metal plate I received from my benefactor.

The amazing discovery was that the immemorial destiny stone's aura seems to be afraid of the aura that comes from the plate. The aura of the plate also seems to have disdain towards the immemorial destiny stone. It was fortunate that this plate was connected to my consciousness.

If not for my restraint, that plate would have turned this unfathomable destiny stone to nothing. That would have been an awkward and dangerous situation. Still, it was insane.

I could already sense multiple cracks in the world inside the stone. I quickly came out of the stone world.

I ignored the shocked expessions of the crowd. The sea immortal was looking at me with an unreadable expression. Bu Lingxue had a small smile on her face as she looked at me. Why is she being nicer to me? I feel that there is more to this than meets the eye.

I was brought back but Zhang Yingxiong who was happily smiling,"Looks like I underestimated you, Little brother Chu Feng."

I smiled lightly and looked at lele and said,"Lele, you should try it too. As this is not dependent on your physical state, it's allright."

She looked at her master who also urged her to go forward. She too entered the stone easily using the formation.

The other disciples were saying things like,

"Show them your talent Senior sister otherwise they will get a big head."

"Show them what the strongest talent in our galaxy can do."

As soon as she went in, the bright light came out and after a while, a red light came out. However, that was the end. There was no third ray. Still, it means that Wang Yuxian is someone chosen by destiny.

She came out exhausted and looked at her master with disappointment. She looked down and said,"Sorry, Master. I couldn't invoke all 3 rays."

Zhang Yingxiong shook his head and told her,"Miss Wang, being able to get 2 rays already signifies how monstrous your talent is. You don't have to feel disappointed."

She nodded but nonetheless sad. I then looked at Zhang and asked,"So, What's the news about my master?"

He nodded and said,"Even if you didn't meet the conditions, I would have still given you." I was handed a piece of formation paper. It was blank but I immediately got a lot of information regarding the Hidden Dragon Martial Sect. It also contained a secret entrance to the sect that I didn't know of.