
Martial God Asura - Fan Fiction.

Chu Feng soul was devoured by another one, originating from Earth. A World Traver, Armed by his cheats, He would rule the world.

Dangeroustoxin · 漫画同人
18 Chs

Chapter 6 - Tomb.

Ancient City near the wilderness.

The Ancient City was extremely archaic. According to legends, it had thousands of years of history. Every brick and title were very worn out as if it would collapse and shatter with a little bump.

The city was very lively, as news of the emergence of a Tomb was the talk of all the city, a lot of of experts were already gathering here.

"I heard that it's a Profound Realm Expert!"

"We still need to wait for the official announcement!"

Within the excitement and the anticipation that engulfed the city, a handsome young man in a casual wear was strolling around the city, with a rather different goal.

sending his spirit formation outside of his body, he was finally able to detect an undulation aura of spirit power.

Moving towards the the direction, he soon discovered an old man lying nearby. The old man state was disastrous. His clothes were in a mess and full of patches, while in front of him were a pile of books.

Chu Feng eyes were actually attracted to the broken cloth bag beside the old man, as the 'compass' must be there.

The old man had a swindler air, no matter how you look at him, but he choose to believe in the plot.

Following the original way of doing things, he bought every book for a spiritual bead, and he was rewarded a world compass from the old man.

"Smelly Chu Feng! you really lucked it out! you may not know, but he is really not lying." said Eggy with joyful tone. She was very happy for him.

Chu Feng smiled a little as he saw the old man running away, as if he was afraid he would call him back.

Returning back to the Inn, he lay down on his room, as he started playing with the compass.

"Chu Feng, what are you planning?!", asked Eggy suddenly.

"What do you mean, My Eggy Queen?", replied Chu Feng.

"Smelly Chu Feng, stop calling me Eggy!! and stop playing with me, you clearly knew about the old man, and the appearance of the tomb, and I can see that you aren't just moving blindly. You seem to have some big plan!", said Eggy with affirmation.

"You are really scary, My Eggy, but that's a secret. I may tell you later, but I won't mind share something with you. Have you ever heard of The 4 Divine beasts story?", asked Chu Feng.

Eggy was clearly discontented, but still, said.

"I did not."

"You see, this Nine Continent seems to have another similar genius to me, but the great part is that genius actually left a big inheritance and wealth behind him, long time ago", added Chu Feng.

"What? do you mean?!", asked Eggy agitated.

Chu Feng took away his attire, as he showed her the map of the graveyard bone.

"Isn't this what that old man that help you broke the seal did?", asked Eggy in surprise.

"Yes, If I'm not mistaken, one the four entrance of the legacy is under my school. That old man must have need to get some help from me because I have spirit formation power.", said Chu Feng.

"But why are you sure it's four entrances?!", asked Eggy.

"Well, if you heard about the story of this genius, plus the names of some mountain ranges in this azure dragon province you will understand.

He was born into the Qing family. On the day that the boy was born, golden, colorful light engulfed the entire sky. Four enormous beasts surged and roared mid-air and they shook the entire continent.

When he was 13, he was Heaven Realm, at 15, he was already a Martial Lord! According to legends, he knew that he didn't have much time left so before death, which by the way I find hilarious, so he created a tomb for himself.

The tomb ran through half of the Azure Province and he set up 4 entrances. The names of the 4 entrances are called Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise", said Chu Feng.

"You are right, a genius like this won't die easily.", said Eggy with confidence, and soon her face grow excited.

"According to this legend, I can already deduce that it must be an emperor tomb! Chu Feng, you lucked it out again!!", said Eggy while dancing in joy.

A day later, Chu Feng strolled the city again, and finally found his target.

A beggar was being trashed by 2 muscular folks, but the funny part was the fact that he was still eating his bun without care in the world.

"Stop!", said Chu Feng as he approached them.

Seeing Chu Feng extraordinary air, they finally stopped, as they look at him in confusion.

Chu Feng payed for the buns, and he took the beggar with him, back to the inn.

Chu Feng was excited. Having this Burning Heaven maniac in his side, means a big cheat in this backyard level map. He can easily amass resources from the tombs, so that he could level up asap.

"Chu Feng, are you interested in this beggar?", asked Eggy with a teasing tone.

"Eggy, this guy must be connected to my parents. I think I've seen him before when I was still a baby.", said Chu Feng.

Eggy turned silent for a moment, as she started analyzing the beggar more carefully, only to gasp in surprise.

"Heavens! he is a martial king!", said Eggy in shock. not because of his cultivation, but because this martial king was clearly traumatized due to something, and it must have connected to Chu Feng ancestry.

Chu Feng slowly touch the sun logo on the man forehead, and a terrifying power suddenly appeared from inside him, threatening to explode Chu Feng.

"What are you doing?", said a majestic voice, as his aura kept growing stronger, as it deter Chu Feng more and more

But he wasn't frustrated, he was more excited.

"How dare you attack me?! did you forget your mission?!", said Chu Feng with a strong tone.

"Mission?", said the man in confusion, however, after seeing Chu Feng face, he was in daze for some seconds as he was able to find some slight similarity with that 'Death God'.

He shivered in fright, as he started stuttering losing all his majesty.

"It's you?!! Don't kill me please, please, please!", the man fall to the ground as he kept wailing like a little boy.

Chu Feng and Eggy were amazed. To think a martial king will turn to this state. It's clearly spoke volume how scary his father was. Even Eggy could feel the same.

"My Eggy, I guess your revenge will be very hard to achieve.", said Chu Feng.

Eggy gulped in nervousness. "This Queen is not afraid of anyone!!", as she shouted in fury.

Chu Feng gazed at the scared man, and his smile grow wider.


Vermilion Bird City.

Su Clan Mansion.

"Little Mei, have you gone mad?! why did you leave the alliance?!", asked Su Rou with a shocked expression on her face. She was very busy lately, that she just lately heard about the incident.

"Big Sister, you knew about the core court forbidding alliances?", asked Su Mei.

Su Rou sat on the ground, while sighing in defeat.

"Little Mei, you know very well, that I don't care about the alliance. What I care about is a genius to rope in. You shouldn't have quit and made yourself enemy with them.", said Sou Rou.

"Genius? please Big Sister, are you joking? plus I already found a peerless genius, he even has spirit power!", said Su Mei with stars on her eyes, as she remembered the heroic stance of Chu Feng when he saved her, and also promise to take her with him.

She felt like dreaming.

Su Rou was shocked seeing her sister love-struck state.

'The short-tempered Su Mei is actually in love?!'

"Who is this person?", asked Su Rou.

"It's a secret Big Sister. I promise him that I will keep it for him.", said Su Mei like an obedient wife, and she was actually very firm, no matter what Sou Rou did.

Su Rou however could tell that this mysterious genius must be the one that change her sister to this degree.

Sighing, she left Su Mei room. She needed to investigate the in and outs of this matter.

Ghost Horn Forest, Vermillion Bird Tomb Entrance.

Following Eggy instructions, he was easily able to open the entrance. Through this journey, Eggy Cultivation base grow to the 8th spirit realm, which obviously refreshed her.

She was just like any other cultivator that just started cultivation.

Chu Feng easily destroyed his mother-in-law ghost with his abundant and skillful spirit formation, giving Eggy another chance to dig in on source power.

Soon, Eggy cultivation grow up to the Origin Level, surpassing her master. She felt very proud of herself, and she even started provoking him, no longer having that sweet and weak Eggy.

"It's your time now!", said Chu Feng as he activated Huangfu Haoyue.

Huangfu Haoyue created a golden spirit formation 'Throne', and Chu Feng sat above it, as they headed forward the lake, and with a mere thought, every Evil Spirit hiding in the surroundings turned to corpses.

"Source Energy!!", the elated sound of Eggy could be heard, as she could feel the abundant source power all around.

Chu Feng made Huangfu Haoyue stop, as he started refining the beads. There were a lot of of Profound beats and even heaven beads.

As his Divine Lightning Beasts kept munching and munching, suddenly, he felt an unprecedented change was currently happening to his Dantian.

Golden Lightning Beast left the group. Bringing its dazzling golden lightning, it abruptly dashed out of the Dantian and bore headfirst into Chu Feng's heart.

An indescribably strong feeling spread out from Chu Feng's blood. Just then, Chu Feng's blood was no longer a normal person's blood. It was blood that was filled with golden lightning.

Feeling the Origin Power inside his body, Chu Feng could feel mightiness. He suddenly activated his ability, and his eyes turned golden with lightning flickering amidst them. The crazy part was a pair of golden wings, that made him look like a a war-angel. Something that was clearly different from other Heavenly bloodlines.

Chu Feng sat in the ground, as he could feel his cultivation still rising.

2nd Level


Only to stop at 7th Level.

The golden lightning wings gave him +2 cultivation stages + (4) Heaven defying power.

Chu Feng was already heaven defying, as he could trash people one realm above him without even using any other techniques, but now with the heaven defying power. He grow up to equal a monster that could fight near two realm above him.

With his current Origin Realm cultivation, he could easily trash any Profound Realm, and even Heaven Realm Experts.

Eggy who saw the change and felt the pressure he was given, was clearly taken back.

"Strong!! Aren't you even more scary than Asura Spirits?!", asked Eggy in shock. She of course also surmounted Profound Realm and was a Heaven Realm Expert now. The corpses of the Evil spirits that kept becoming stronger were quite the nourishment for her.

Eggy can fight 8 stages and even a realm if she goes all out, but here he is, her master basic heaven defying power was already equal to her, plus his 'divine ability', he just grow more scary.

"Hey, you, what are you waiting for?! continue slaying those Evil Spirits!!", Eggy felt frustrated; the only way to surpass him, was having a realm above him, only at that time, could she fight him. Sadly for her Huangfu Haoyue can't see nor hear her.

All around the journey, Eggy continue devouring source power like her life depend on it, while Chu Feng refined ponds of Spirit Formation Essences, natural and queer oddities, along with cultivation treasures that was found in the way.

And soon enough, his cultivation surmounted The Origin Realm, and was already at The Profound Realm.

The same process repeated again, as the lightning beasts moved towards his heart, and an indescribable feeling engulfed Chu Feng Again, the only difference was the lightning color.

His Cultivation continue rising, and It Stopped at 6th Level of Profound Realm.

A pair of blue lightning wings protruded from his back, just slightly above the golden lightnings. This time his heaven defying power still the same, but he gained +4 cultivation stages, strangely though, his cultivation stopped at Half-step Heaven Realm.

Even His Soul power was already thick enough to link to the second level, Grey one.

Following that, no matter how much Eggy and Chu Feng devoured energy and resources, their cultivation won't budge.

But they were still not deep in the Tomb, so they were full of hope.

However soon enough, A Vermilion Bird, appeared in front of them. Chu Feng knowing the story stopped the rampaging Huangfu Haoyue.

"What are you doing?! hurry up and catch that bird. If I'm not wrong it must be a peerless secret technique!!", said Eggy hurriedly.

"I don't know, I feel strange seeing it. Let's watch it for a little bit.", said Chu Feng. He won't fall for such a trap.


Soon, mellifluous cry rang out immediately, as the fake bird disappear like an illusion, following that a strand of red light simultaneously shot out of the illusion.

The strand of light became an enormous creature which appeared towering above Chu Feng.

It was the Vermilion Bird, Revival Technique.

"You brat, you're indeed quite extraordinary. Although the junk resources Qingxuantian left behind aren't anything good, it's not as if normal people can refine them. You have some big potential." The Vermilion Bird Revival Technique gazed at Chu Feng with its beautiful eyes, and nodded with quite some satisfaction.

"But if you wanted to delve deeper, you need to do it by your own efforts, and even if you wanted to cheat you way deeper, Martial King can't help you gaining the true treasure of this tomb.", added The Vermilion Bird Revival Technique.

Chu Feng was really tempted to continue, but as he already have his own treasury, he choose to follow its advice, ignoring the annoying Eggy that kept asking for delving deeper.

"I'll follow you advice Senior.", said Chu Feng.

"Great!", said The Vermilion Bird refreshingly.

"Listen to me Brat. You gaining my approval is just a part of the inheritance. You need to get your hands on the other three secret techniques. Each of of them are located in the other remaining three entrance. The moment you get our full approval, it would be the time for you to take your righteous and deserved full inheritance.So work hard, and don't disappoint me!", said The Vermilion bird, as it entered Chu Feng body, and with it the knowledge about the revival technique was gained.

"You smelly Chu Feng! you are very lucky! If I'm not wrong, this is not just some half-arsed evil tomb as I thought when we entered this place, it must be an genuine Emperor Tomb, the legends are true. If you are able to gain approval, then you will surely step on the sky with a single leap!"; said Eggy with an excited tone.

After all, it was only a day, and she was already 7th level Heaven Realm Expert.

Chu Feng smiled, as he sat on the ground, and with a thought, he was linked with the grey color spirit formation, stepping on the Grey Cloak boundary, and he was even at the peak, as his spirit power was very copious and plentiful, to even try to link with the Blue spirit formation.

But, he wasn't in a hurry, because he had a full proof method to cultivate the blue cloak boundary with ease and with no failures.