MM. 280
"Kak Dewa, you like Seruni, right?" Alita covered her mouth while laughing.
"You don't say?" Dewa looked back to Alita, who was also looking at him, and it made Alita have to look away as far as possible.
"It's true that I'm in love, Alita."
"Then what will you do to Sis Elis?"
"Elis and I were just friends. We've been friends since the beginning. Elis knew that I like Seruni. She even encouraged me to be with Seruni," Dewa smiled.
"Unfortunately, Seruni only thinks of you as an older brother."
Dewa smiled bitterly. "I love Seruni for quite a long time, but it's just so sad that she always reject me."
Both of them rushed out of the cafeteria to their cubicles.