
Married To The Masked King

If only one could choose whom they marry, and if only one were not born into a royal family where marriage had to be for political gain. This was how Dalia was set to marry a man from a faraway land, a man rumored to be a monster who always wore a mask to cover his ugly face.

Zeera_Jay · 奇幻言情
74 Chs

Eyes on you

An exasperated sigh escaped Maximum's lips at the sight of her seated on the floor, her gaze fixed on her tied hands.

It was almost as if her presence caused him to relax, yet a certain anger flushed through him at the sight of her being tied like a dog.

He quickly shook off every spell she had cast on him and walked towards her. Perhaps it was her teeth sinking into his flesh that was causing these emotions to swirl inside of him.

He growled; demons do not have emotions. Damn it! Any demon that let his emotions out is a weakling.

He vowed never to be like that, aiming to be like Lucifer, who was devoid of any emotions. Hopefully, Ditun had not influenced him with his way of being kind and trying to set things right.

His dark eyes narrowed at the human girl. Now that he was here, he would dismiss all these foolish thoughts and teach her a lesson for biting his precious skin.